Jul 23, 2024
Mo Jian Lu Jiangchuan’s sword collided with each other and made a loud noise. Then Mo Jian left his hind leg and rushed out of the encirclement with the anti-seismic force of Lu Jiangchuan’s blow

"It’s not so easy to catch me. I’ll see you later." Don’t ruin yourself and run away without looking back.
But at this time, Mo Yan felt that the figure in front of him flashed and Xu Ren had stopped him.
"You want to die!" Mo Zhen didn’t expect Xu Ren to be so difficult, but he managed to win a chance. Why would he give up so easily? So he waved his sword and launched a fierce attack on Xu Ren.
Chapter two hundred and ninety Several questions
The brothers of Xuanji Xianmen, who depend on themselves, won’t pester themselves any more. I didn’t expect Xu Ren to stop him.
This makes Mo Yan very angry and particularly anxious. He doesn’t want to continue to delay here. The longer it takes, the worse it will be for him.
Swish swish swish-
Don’t ruin his sword. This time, he no longer has the slightest reservation. He tried his best to launch waves of attacks on Xu Ren.
Xu Ren also brandished a sword to meet them. He also dared not despise Mo’s wounds.
Two people keep fighting with each other in two swords. You retreat, I enter, you enter and I retreat, and it’s hard to tell the difference for a while.
At the moment, whether it’s Xu Ren or Mo’s wounds, the in the mind is very anxious. Xu Ren fears those monsters summoned by Mo’s wounds, while Mo’s wounds don’t want to be played by both of them when there are too many waves here.
Xu Ren’s hind legs are more than ten feet away, so is Mo’s wounds.
"The ego knows that your strength is not bad, but if you spend so much time, you will lose both sides. It’s not difficult to stop." Don’t ruin your eye movements and sliver.
"Then you pick me up first. This wave of attacks" Xu Ren said, "Round the Xinghai sword in his hand and chop it down towards Mo’s wounds."
Mo Yan refused to show weakness and could not show weakness, so two people met in half of the attack.
This time, Xu Ren’s hind legs are farther away, but Mo Yan’s situation is even worse
Because he Xu Ren confrontation moment I don’t know from where a very cold directly into his body.
Which moment Mo Zhen Ji Ling shivered and his body couldn’t help falling back more than ten feet.
"What on earth did you do?" Don’t look dignified, but after carefully examining a body, he found that there was no hope.
"I didn’t do anything, but look at you shivering. Are you scared to pee your pants?" Xu Ren satisfiedly say with smile
"Looking for death!" Don’t ruin the hand bell gave a wave and then the original pounced on Li Ling and Zhang Yiyang. The monster beast directly turned around and jumped towards Xu Ren.
Xu Ren don’t the two monster beast continue to fight directly led the two monster beast from the coil.
Xu Ren led away two monster beasts, so Li Ling and Zhang Yiyang had no rivals in an instant, so two people attacked Mo Yan with swords.
Mo Yan’s eyes are red, and now his situation can be said to be a narrow escape. If he doesn’t get away and escape, I’m afraid this life will be ruined in this mysterious land of Xuanji.
However, Mo Yan wants to get out as soon as possible, but Li Ling and Zhang Yiyang don’t allow two people to carry them out. None of them can stand Mo Yan, but two people at the same time have no chance of winning.
Seeing that it was really anxious to escape from Wang Mo’s wounds, he saw that a huge shadow of two bells suddenly appeared outside his eyes, and the two bells staggered and made great fluctuations.
For a moment, the earth shook, and the dust was everywhere in the distance.
"It’s the beast tide. This guy can actually control the beast tide." Li Ling is familiar with that kind of movement, because not long ago, she Xu Renhe just experienced some peaks and peaks.
The word beast tide not only made Li Ling feel heavy, but also shocked others.
It’s a pity that they didn’t want to turn around and run for their lives at once.
Xu Ren has been chasing his two monster beast to the direction of the beast tide and then eyeing a direction and ran away without looking back.
Xu Ren is still concerned about the ferocity of the beast tide, but he is also full of curiosity, both about the beast tide body and about the two bronze bells in Mo’s hands.
Relying on two bells to drive a monster beast, even several monster beasts, can be understood by Xu Ren, but at the same time, driving so many monster beasts and causing the beast tide, Xu Ren still feels incredible, and even the celestial beast fairy gate in the wild dynasty may not be able to do it. If there is such a magical power in the celestial beast fairy gate, I am afraid there will be no three dynasties in the north, and there will be one celestial beast fairy gate left.
Of course, although Xu Ren was full of curiosity at the moment, he couldn’t go to Mo’s wounds and questioned them. Because of the outbreak of animal tide, Mo’s wounds had already disappeared.
In order to avoid the beast tide, Xu Ren ran far away, and he also saw a bloody picture, that is, Zhou Tianhai, a brother from Xuanji Xianmen, was swallowed up by the beast tide.
Xu Ren was shocked that Zhou Tianhai’s strength should not be submerged in the tide of beasts. Xu Ren felt that there must be another reason for this. Because of what the reason was, Xu Ren also couldn’t understand it, but it can be concluded that it must have disappeared.
Since it can be called beast tide, the number of monster beasts must be at least 10,000. At the same time, it is besieged by tens of thousands of monster beasts, let alone Long Bangdi, and even the three immortals can’t hold it.
Zhou Tianhai, the first in the Dragon List, is likely to have died in the tide of beasts.
It’s so-called for Xu Ren. Anyway, he doesn’t like this arrogant and jealous Longbangdi, but it’s a great loss for Xuanji Xianmen. Don’t say it’s Xuanji Longbangdi. Even Tianbangdi is the painstaking efforts of Xuanji School.
On the one hand, Xu Ren released his spirit, and on the other hand, he also wanted to see if he could find the culprit who triggered the second beast tide in the chaotic situation.
Xu Ren wants to find Mo’s wounds, not because of greed, but because this guy is so ruthless that he has provoked the tide of beasts and put everyone in crisis. Among those in crisis, there are Chen Xuanfeng and Li Ling who make him feel very good.
Xu Ren didn’t give up and really let him find some clues.
By this time, even if it is possible to find Mo Yan, Xu Ren is ready to try.
It’s hard work pays off. After many twists and turns, Xu Ren really found Mo’s wounds.
At this time, Mo’s wounds are gone. When he first saw the scenery, he wanted to move the tide of animals before, which also caused him a very serious injury.
"Xu Ren, it’s you again. You are really the ghost." After seeing Xu Ren again, Mo’s face became extremely ugly and soon changed from ugly to ferocious.
"Don’t be so excited. I don’t think you are hurt. I just don’t know if you can drive the monster beast now." Xu Ren smiled, but his eyes were full of sarcasm.
"Of course, I still have the means to drive the monster beast. Now that you come alone, the score is to die."
"I’m really afraid of smoking that, but I look at you horizontally and vertically like a semi-cripple. I don’t quite believe that you can still use the means to drive the monster beast, otherwise you can show me a show and let me take a closer look." Xu Ren is still smirked. Since he caught Mo Yi, he can’t let him go easily.
"Xu Ren, you will have Xuanji Xianmen, and I will fight for a larger foe. There are many treasures here that I want you to stop. I can give you all the treasures here." Although Mo Yan hates Xu Renke, he soon found out the status quo. It is not appropriate to show it at this time. Xu Ren said harshly.
"You’ve changed so fast that I can’t adapt. What treasures do you have?" Xu Ren also don’t try so hard, anyway, in front of the mo wounds look hurt not clear and that kind of injury is not like a fake.
"It’s all my collection over the years. I will give it to you if you promise not to be difficult for me." Mo Yi tried to keep a low profile. After all, the situation is against him.
"I’m afraid this is a bit difficult, and you know that you just churned out the beast tide and almost killed me, but my mind is small and I hold a grudge the most. If you just let it go, you always feel that I still suffer." Xu Ren didn’t listen to Zha mouth way.
"Then you must make me fight for a larger foe?" Don’t ruin sound became gloomy again.
"This fish must have died from the unbreakable network. The fish said that it doesn’t seem to count." Xu Ren already has plans for this mo Yan, and he will never let it go easily
"Are you too confident to really think that I will give in easily?" Don’t ruin his face rain or shine. He really doesn’t want to fight with Xu Ren.
"Self-confidence also needs strength. If you really want to save your life, you can answer me a few questions." Xu Ren said, taking a step forward slightly.
"What do you want to ask?" Don’t frown into a big pimple.
"Real is simple. Are you from the Wild Dynasty, the Beast Fairy Gate? Did Yunhai Xianmen arrange for you to go in and visit me? " Xu Ren asked rudely.

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Jul 21, 2024
But in the future, I won’t experience such a painful where will you go.

There are many steps in life, and many decisions, once put into practice, may seem to be wrong now, but they will become right in the future. Maybe they are right now, but they will become big mistakes in the future. It is often like a knife and a knife. Even if a person is proud of his life, he is likely to be frustrated. On the other hand, he has been frustrated many times, but when the opportunity comes, he will seize the metropolis and rise rapidly in Wan Li.
Shi Ping certainly won’t know about these upcoming events.
He is a man, not a god.
The rain is still fine.
There are thousands of ripples in the ground, and the ground is trying to expand the scope, trying to circle the whole water surface and rule itself, but it is calculated by others in the process of expansion, and it is also calculated by others.
Shi Ping hit the gate and walked out casually, looking relaxed and natural, just like usual. The cold rain hit him, and he didn’t feel any discomfort. It seemed to him that every string of rain beads was a little pearl.
At present, it is still a lonely and silent strip.
Like a white belt, the rain washes and pulls it into the vast distance.
Will someone wait on him in such cold weather?
Liu Tian saw his one eye next to him, and there was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, apparently mocking him for not seeing things.
Shi Ping unawares he smiles to say
"You don’t believe it? Ok! Watch my horse call them out. "
So he did "scream"
He likes facts to speak.
Liu Tian has never heard this name before.
At the same time, it is unforgettable!
Because Shi Ping first "called" himself!
He slapped his back!
There is black light hovering and flashing in the palm!
It’s a knife
Liu Tian didn’t react because he felt the new chill seeping through his clothes, and the clothes were cool and attached to his back, and then he turned from cold to hot, and suddenly he felt relieved after the solution.
Then I felt the pain slowly.
It was not until Shi Ping put his left palm flat in front of him that Liu Tiancai knew that he had cut off a piece of his own meat with a pale face.
And he never looked at himself like that and didn’t want to explain his meaning at all.
Because the eyes gave him the answer.
That’s a piece of dark meat.
How can human flesh be black?
Blood spattered on the wound, and the clothes were soaked, but Liu Tian felt a chill coming out of his back and didn’t feel pain.
Shi Ping looked at the mysterious black meat in his hand, twitching on his own, and said faintly, "Who can give you this kind of chronic toxicity that can save your body and kill people?"
Liu Tian watched Shi Ping’s palm inhale deeply for a long time before he said decisively, "How did you know I was poisoned?"
As soon as Shi Ping basked in the sun, he suddenly clenched his fist! The group wrapped in poisonous meat was crushed to a pulp, and Shi Ping threw it casually. The vague flesh and blood flew out and fell into the puddle of the long street. A black liquid slowly seeped out with the water flowing. At this time, Shi Ping looked at Liu Tiandao. "When I saw you, I found that Ge’s pupil was narrowed and the skin had tiny blood vessel rupture and bruises. The most important thing is that your hand often twitched involuntarily even when it was still. This is the sign of this strong biochemical toxicity!"
Speaking of which, Shi Ping smiled faintly.
"I can tell this kind of thing so accurately because I used to kill people with it."
As Shi Pinghua, there are three figures with mournful cries from the waterway in the middle of the street, and their faces are all festering, and the three people fight back and scratch their faces as if their hands and faces have a deep hatred!
Liu Tian looked at the group after being thrown by Shi Ping, which had been soaked in the rain and turned white. The rotten meat looked at the roll-down pain call sign. After all, the three people didn’t say it with horror.
Shi Ping light way
"Isn’t the capital stronger? How to send some losers to make a fool of themselves? "
This sentence is not said by a field person.
As soon as this sentence is finished, two changes have taken place at the same time
One is to the three people face.
At the same time, they turned into dead faces. Shi Ping knew that these three people had ended their lives without looking at them, but they looked at Shi Ping with bitter eyes as if a spell had summoned him before they died.
Second, the rain suddenly became heavy, and four figures appeared slowly in the fog, as if the four men had forced the rain to come over.
Of these four people, Shi Ping knows two.
Von burton
But it wasn’t those two who spoke.
That kind of dull and strange sound is not made by them.
Shi Pingdi paid attention to the other two tall figures.
Strange shiny armor, tall and strong body, cold without any emotion, strange eyes, triangular mask, unlike human blunt language
Shi Ping took a long breath after seeing these two men. "If I didn’t guess wrong, you two are the warriors around King Mata who also have the royal surnames of Maka and Mam!"
Then paused and listless way
"I hope I guess wrong."
Of course, he hopes to guess wrong, because these two Atlanteans are among the best fighting skills in the family, and besides, they are eyeing Feng Bulton’s unfathomable strength. Even if Vamont were changed, turtle Sanshiro would have fled.
Of course, it’s one thing to want to escape, and it’s another thing not to escape. At this time, the distance is close. Shi Ping noticed that the armor of these two men was covered with a crack as fine as a spider web. This is a symbol of their battle-hardened land.
Feng Bulton’s eyes suddenly showed a vicious color when he took off a fluoroscopy instrument. He licked his lips like a poisonous snake and vomited a letter. "Wameng is the four of us who were beaten together. If two departments had not given their lives to save each other, they would have been buried in the capital Shi Ping. It is foolish of you to walk into a trap without taking your own person and four knives."
Then Maca of Atlantis also showed compassion in his eyes and looked at Shi Ping sincerely. "I really hope you guess the identity of the two of us wrong."
Then he also paused and said, "It’s a pity that you didn’t guess wrong."
Shi Ping stopped talking and kept hanging his head and looking at his feet. Because he was surprisingly pale and bowed his head at this time, it was hard to give people a strange feeling even if he smiled elegantly.
Rain is like hair.
It’s gray
But among the four people, the longest contact stone usually follows Shi Ping, and the four of them have formed a siege and have gradually gathered.
The longest time, Von Bulton suddenly felt that it was a rainy day, a dark rainy day, a gloomy rainy day!

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Jul 14, 2024
Gu Qingshan smiled and was particularly satisfied with this breakthrough.

-this is the master’s practice of Tao in those days. The benefits brought by practicing breakthrough according to this method are not comparable to those brought by ordinary achievement methods.
When he finished observing, he threw his fist at the sword and said, "Thank you for guarding."
"You’re welcome. You have proved to me that you are a qualified swordsman in the battle. I think you are qualified to hold me." The sword sound is heavy as a mountain.
The sword flew towards him.
Gu Qingshan shook hands with his sword.
The sword hummed and sighed and continued, "Shine is about to fall and you haven’t grown up. I can’t watch this happen."
"The disaster is near at hand, and I will lift the power seal and fight with you."
As soon as the voice fell, I saw several lines of indicators jumping out of the ares interface.
"Please pay attention to the special story."
"Please pay attention to the special story."
"Please pay attention to the special story."
The disappearance of three indicators was followed by a striking Chinese character.
"The sword has awakened"
"Say that you have been recognized by the sword in your past battles, and it is determined that you will fight together."
"The sword weighs 16.37 million Jin and has the self-bearing capacity of the spirit avatar."
"This sword is a sacrifice to the magic soldiers of heaven and earth in ancient mythology, which can communicate with the gods."
"Tong realized that the sky was about to fall and the world was about to collapse, but now the sword suddenly woke up and its attitude would have a subtle influence on everything."
Several lines of indicator Gu Qingshan disappeared immediately after reading it.
Then a streamer flashed across the center of the interface of Ares to form several lines of bloody Chinese characters.
"Detected that the player has inspired a special story"
"Current conditions meet the starting principle"
"start fate"
Didn’t fate begin?
Gu Qingshan looked immediately.
"Decisive Battle of Destiny () has been revised"
"Break the shackles of fate, change the world, go to player Gu Qingshan and enter fate"
"Describe the interweaving and gathering of the world and personal destiny, and you have won the recognition of the sword, and everything in your destiny will change with it."
"The goal is to keep the SHEN WOO world as it is in the future."
"You got a new reward for your participation in the war."
"Reward 2 sealed ball (one-time consumption)"
"The sealed ball system has left you the last thing in your life. When you need it, it will be returned to you completely (please note that once it is consumed once, it must be made immediately or it will disappear completely)"
"This is a very difficult and dangerous battle to ensure that players will not fall prematurely. Reward 1 for the name of God of War. 2 The sealed ball has been released before."
"If it fails, the reward will be withdrawn. 1. Reward 2. Players will not be allowed to upgrade for three years."
Gu Qingshan was shocked and inexplicable.
Now it has been truly recognized by the sword. The interface of Ares no longer allows him to explore the truth of the world, but allows him to try to keep the SHEN WOO world as it is.
It’s been released, and it will change suddenly, so it never happened.
Even generations have no such thing.
This is probably the reason for the sword.
It is said that this sword belongs to the magic weapon.
He has never seen such a peerless weapon before.
Chapter two hundred and fifty-six Called soul painting shadow
Gu Qingshan held the sword and said it again.
Since there is a saying that "the sky is about to fall and the world is about to collapse", what can be seen from the written system?
The SHEN WOO world is bound to change greatly.
Once the sealed ball is hit, it must be made or it will disappear completely.
It’s hard to guess what this thing is.
Gu Qingshan couldn’t help but ask, "What is in this sealed ball?"

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Jul 12, 2024
"Me? I don’t know where I am! But I can be sure that I will stay in the mainland forever! " Lin Fengnai said!

"What? Are you a road idiot? " Green fire is really a face of surprise asked eyes a little unbelievable.
Hear green fire windson eyes really peep out one silk embarrassed nai nodded his head.
Beirut and green fire couldn’t help showing deep nai in Linfen’s eyes when they saw this picture. They didn’t think that windson turned out to be a road idiot.
"Well, in that case, windson, leave the mainland for the deep and remote blue mansion as soon as possible," said Beirut Nai.
It seems that Beirut should let Beibei refine the main deity quickly after getting it, otherwise Beirut always feels very uneasy.
Windson eyes that show serious look mouth said "beirut adult real I don’t think let beibei refining the main deity so quickly! We all know that the more difficult it is to integrate the complex into dzogchen, the more difficult it will become. "
Green fire also couldn’t help nodding for this green fire really have a deep understanding.
Hear windson Beirut eyes really show thinking look, as windson said, if you want to make Beibei stronger, then it’s best to let Beibei become a strong man in dzogchen and then refine the main deity.
When the actual windson three people all know that Beibei becomes the Lord God, it has no influence on the light master.
"Well, in that case, you still have the Lord God Green Wind. Wait until Beibei becomes a strong man in dzogchen before letting Beibei become the Lord God!"
Windson nodded and stopped saying what dark sen became calm again.
Night mainland windson is flying fast in the life of metal.
Aside, the Lord is still in a coma. Windson also feels a little tricky, but the reality of Windson is that there is no good way.
Wind elements condense around metal life, which makes the flying speed of metal life reach the limit. Many robbers feel the speed of metal life and dare not shoot.
Everyone knows that there are strong people in metal life at this speed. These robbers are still quite clever.
Windson closed his eyes and simulated this battle again and again in the sea of soul. Windson realized that the color was really deeper in his heart.
Fighting again and again makes Lin Feng’s soul force weaken rapidly, but it really has no effect on Lin Feng’s strength.
This kind of soul sea simulation combat method can really help Lin Fengbai find himself a lot of shortcomings and let Lin Fengbai slay the Lord God himself this time out of luck.
What windson know if their strength is weak or they finally have the slightest hesitation that windson certainly can’t live.
What’s more, even the Lord, who is stronger than Lin Feng, was seriously injured. Lin Feng couldn’t believe that if he was the first to treat the Lord God, he would be like this.
It can be said that this time fighting windson accounts for a lot of cheap, of course, this is also inseparable from windson’s strength
If Lin Feng’s strength is similar to Paul’s, Lin Feng may have already died, but fortunately, Lin Feng’s strength is not weak.
Eyes flashed filar silk firm look windson can feel another kind of complex and found the fusion point, so windson can fuse six kinds of laws.
Now windson has realized that the more difficult it is to merge the complex laws behind.
Windson feels that the median god can really integrate six kinds of complex at most. If you want to integrate his laws, you must break through the god in place.
The wind is like this, and the middle god is the biggest fusion of four or five kinds! If you can become dzogchen without reaching the position of God, then there will not be so few dzogchen.
"water! Water! Water! " A faint scent
If windson is not a strong god, then windson can’t hear windson turning his head and looking at the Lord.
With a wave of his hand, drops of water fall into the Lord. Although Lin Feng is a strong wind, it is still possible to force the water element to merge.
The water drops entered the Lord’s mouth, and the tonic slowly disappeared, and the breath became gentle. Unfortunately, the Lord did not wake up.
Looking at the Lord and no movement, Lin Feng couldn’t help frowning. When will the Lord wake up?
But windson does have to take the Lord windson seems to know that if you leave the mainland forever, I’m afraid you will be the only one left.
After all, the three strong cities in the mainland have died, and even if there are some lucky strong people, they may not know it.
Now the Lord has become the only hope for Lin Feng to leave the mainland forever. If Lin Feng goes to find it alone, then Lin Feng doesn’t know how long it will take.
"Hey? Is there ideal city ahead? " Windson eyes flashed a smile.
Black sand castle suddenly closed, and several strong men surrounded windson around it.
Windson looked around at the strong eyes with a cool black sword does appear directly in the hands of windson powerful momentum!
"Black Sand Castle still wants to kill and rob goods?" Windson hands black sword swept his front.
Around the strong did not have the slightest movement, eyes flashing with cold color, and they were unmoved by windson’s words.
Gently take a step around the strong body momentum suddenly send out as if warning windson don’t move at will.
Windson eyes peep out one silk doubt look dignified look around the strong eyes alert.
Looking down at your arms, I couldn’t help showing a look of nai in Lin Feng’s eyes. It seems that the reason for all this is the Lord!
A group of people came quickly towards Lin Feng, and their eyes were deeply anxious. When they saw Lin Feng holding the Lord in his arms, Lin Feng was keen to find that their eyes were deeply shocked.
"I’m in charge here, and you are?" A middle-aged man walked out of the crowd and asked
"What about Lin Feng?" Windson coldly replied that for a group of people in front of him, Windson didn’t know what their purpose was, but he was disgusted with them.
"What is the person in your arms and you?" Middle-aged man asked again
"He? There is nothing with me! " Windson replied with an impatient look in his eyes.
Middle-aged male eyes peep out one silk surprised color couldn’t help saying "no? So you still hold our young lady? "
People around you look at Lin Feng’s eyes and reveal a deep exploration color. They want to know exactly where Lin Feng is. They want to know what will happen to Miss Lin Feng’s arms!

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Jul 11, 2024
Gu Qingshan drilled a look.

He first took two pieces of Fu Lingli, which inspired the whisking and threw them out.
The two characters fall on the sharp corners of magic dragon respectively, emitting a slight light.
This is a higher rune on the side of practice. Gu Qingshan felt that there was a strong seal in it when he swept away the spirit.
Followed by seven witchcraft forbidden mantra was Gu Qingshan throw out magic dragon that big face.
Suddenly magic dragon face many strange patterns.
Then there are many decorative seal treasures-generally speaking, seal treasures are made small and exquisite, which is very convenient for quick wearing (yin).
Gu Qingshan wanted to think, then manipulated the psychic force to tie magic dragon’s hair into a knot and live each decoration separately.
Later, there were too many decorations, and magic dragon’s hair was limited, which was not enough.
Lin debuts.
"Come on, I’ve bought so many seal treasures."
Gu Qingshan shook his head and said, "Safe and wonderful."
He looked at magic dragon’s long black beard-
Good. That’s not bad
The remaining seal jewelry flew over and intertwined with magic dragon’s beard.
Gu Qingshan took a fancy to it
There’s one last thing left to seal the treasure.
This is the one with the strongest forbidden power among all the sealed treasures.
It exudes a bright green awn, which seems to be woven from the green leaves of thorns and ancient trees.
Gu Qingshan threw this emerald hat out to buckle the magic faucet.
After all this, Gu Qingshan said, "You’re done. Do you see if this head is sealed?"
"Let me see."
Lin looked at magic dragon’s head and sighed silently.
I was worried that I would wake up with him if things changed.
I didn’t expect him to be so cruel …
-See magic dragon’s face painted with flowers and whistles, with two pieces of paper (ofuda) on the sharp corner, hair covered with all kinds of small ornaments and wearing a green leaf woven hat.
Even if the powerful abyss monster has only one head left, the situation can make the secret method very limited.
At the moment, magic dragon’s head is covered with many seals. Don’t want to release any more power.
How did that horror monster, which has grown and swept through 900 million layer of the world, end up in this field?
Lin shook her head and said
"It probably has no power."
"That’s good."

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Jul 9, 2024
At this time, the farmland was busy, and Hou Jun took several Qinbing fields to patrol and kept asking the people.

A young boy with a beard and face walked over and asked an old man, "Can the old man be busy?"
The old man shook his head and said, "Alas, there are too few men to plow at home now."
At the end of Sui Dynasty, there were not many Hanzhong and Bashu, and there was still a shortage of men. The young man was surprised at this moment when the old man explained to everyone why it turned out that the great Sui Dynasty had also made a lot of efforts to enlist in Hanzhong, Liaoning Province, but many men did not come back when they entered Korea, and they did not know whether they were killed or captured.
The young man pondered that he was pacing with his hand on his back. At this moment, a soldier of about thirty years old said something to the young man, and he nodded his head to show white.
The boy squatted and looked at the hard soil that had just been renovated. He reached for a piece of palm and gently pinched the soil. It was very hard and it took some effort to crush the soil. The boy looked at it and shook his head and asked, "What kind of field is this?" How much food can you produce? "
The old man said, "This is a medium-sized field that can produce 150 kilograms."
Teenagers shake their heads. Generally, medium-sized fields can produce about 200 kilograms, while Hanzhong can produce 156 certificates. The grain output here is lower than other places. In a few years, they crouched down and looked at the furrow. He found that the furrow was one and a half fingers deep. He moved some soil, only to find that the soil was softer and seemed to have better soil quality.
If the plough can be deeper, the yield may be higher. In addition, the existing fertilizer can also be improved. The teenager thinks that the grain yield may be as high as 200.
The boy turned his head and asked the old man to sigh again. He brought the plow and explained that it turned out to be a straight-shaft and long-shaft plow. This kind of plow is not flexible enough to turn around when plowing land, and the plowshare is a thin sheet of iron, which means that the plow can’t be inserted deeper to turn over the soil and loosen the soil.
Moreover, the teenager also found a problem, that is, there was no plow mirror, which was widely used in the middle of the Western Han Dynasty, but this kind of technical thing was inseparable from craftsmen. It was unexpected that there was no plow mirror at this time, which made the teenager shake his head.
The teenager called a Han, who was the supervisor. When he heard the teenager telling him to come over, he respectfully listened to his expression, which puzzled the old man. Isn’t that the strong man with a dark face the head?
The boy picked up a sharp stone and painted something from time to time. The official nodded from time to time and asked the boy from time to time, but he smiled and explained, which made the old man even more puzzled. He judged from the boy’s voice from time to time that the boy seemed to have done farm work and knew a lot about farm tools.
After listening to the teenager, the official said, "It is not difficult to build, but the key is iron deficiency."
The problem that officials say is that if it is to be built on a large scale and the plough mirror also makes iron, the consumption will still be very large, but iron is produced in the middle of the mountain, but it is not easy to refine a variety of associated mines like Bashu
At this time, later generations of Panzhihua are still barren hills, not to mention the southern region. At this time, the teenager remembered Zhuya County (Hainan Island) in Yangzhou, where there are extremely high-quality iron mines that must be mined in the future.
The teenager got up and thought for half a ring, but he still made up his mind. "Try to make 5,000 sets at least. Who dares not cooperate with you and ask him to come to me!" At this time, it is the spring ploughing season, so we must hurry, otherwise it will affect the grain output greatly and the future plan.
At this moment, the official replied, and the boy walked forward again without noticing that it was already dark.
Daxing city has fallen into darkness, and from time to time some soldiers patrol the streets and search for suspicious people
Suddenly, more than a dozen men in black walked out of the Dugu Mansion. As they walked furtively, they looked around warily. After they were about half a mile away, more than a dozen people in Dugu Mansion came out in batches and walked warily towards the city gate. This situation lasted for nearly half an hour, with 17 waves of people totaling about 300.
This group of people know Sui Jun’s marching route very well. They successfully avoided Sui Jun’s patrol whistle and gradually approached the south gate.
At this time, a watchman knocked on the gong from time to time with a gong in his hand. Knock! Hey! " It’s almost ugly in Yinyi slow three. In the early hours of the morning, when people are sleepy, many Sui Jun patrol back and forth in twos and threes with a yawn from time to time.
One of the men in black put his head out and watched him carefully. He saw the soldiers on the wall looking out of the city and couldn’t help grinning. He waved and the men in black ran short towards the city gate.
When the Sui soldiers turned their heads, they immediately fell motionless. When Sui Jun turned around again, they got up and ran towards the gate.
After half an hour, this group of people finally arrived at the gate, and dozens of people ambushed on both sides at any time to intercept Sui soldiers.
Outside the city, Li Jiancheng and Li Shimin stared at the front closely, waiting for the information. At this time, it was almost five, and it was closer to Yinshi. Li Jiancheng stared at the front, thoughtful, and Li Shimin was a little uneasy. He was already impatient and couldn’t wait to enter the city at once.
Suddenly, the fire at the gate of the city burst into flames and soon came to fight. Li Shimin drank a lot and went to Sui Jun with Yinshan, Liu Hongji and others to kill him. Suddenly, he was caught off guard by men in black.
When the emergency gong sounded, Sui Jun came one after another. They lit torches and besieged men in black with superior forces.
However, at this moment, Tang Jun came and they set up a ladder to climb the city wall. At the same time, some Tang Jun cooperated with the men in black to hit the city gate and dozens of Tang Jun entered the south gate of the Sui army in the city, forming a stalemate.
Yin Shi Shi received a report that he immediately led Qinbing to the south gate. However, at this time, Tang Jun’s general trend has become that Li Shimin has hacked and killed dozens of people in the crowd, and he has fought his way out and is heading for the north. At this time, Li Shimin has killed seven people, and his blood armor has been dyed red, but he is still fighting hard to vent his anger.
Yin Shishi frowned. At this time, there was a shout of killing in all his doors, and in an instant, both the East Gate and the West Gate were lit with torches, which surprised him. At this time, he realized that this was a response.
He wondered in his heart where he had killed Gu Lan, Han Shao and others. But he didn’t think much about it at this time. He rushed to the imperial city to prepare for the high walls of the imperial city to continue to resist.
As Tang Jun occupied all the doors, they gradually occupied the advantage and gradually divided and surrounded Sui Jun, forming an annihilation situation. Some Sui soldiers chose to surrender, while others continued to resist, but there was nothing left. Sui Jun was doomed. When it was just dawn, Tang Jun had occupied Daxing City except the imperial city. The next step was to point to the imperial city to capture Yang You.
Chapter 135 Yang You died []
It’s still a little cold in the morning, and Tang gaozu’s tent is pacing anxiously, and his footsteps are ringing all the time.
Despite the help of Dugu Huai-en, Li Yuan still feels uneasy without taking Daxing City. Who knows what will happen in a moment? When he was anxious, Li Xiuning heated a pot of warm casein and brought it in. "Dad, have something to warm up." Drinking some hot casein in the morning will warm you up a lot.
Li Xiuning said, putting the dish on the table, taking out a bowl and pouring the casein into it. Tang gaozu also felt a little thirsty. He sat down and put the bowl to his mouth, hesitated and sighed, "Can you build a big Xingcheng?"
Li Xiuning smiled. She can understand her father’s feeling of being swayed by considerations of gain and loss. She is also very nervous and can’t sleep. But she can comfort her father in judo. "Dad, since Dugu Huai’ en helps us to take Daxing City, it is not difficult!"
Tang gaozu nodded and took the cream and was about to drink it when a soldier hurried to the door and said, "Report to Tang Gongyou Military Intelligence!"
Tang gaozu was a little excited. At that time, his hand-slippery cream spilled all over the floor, and many of them got wet. His clothes turned white, but he did not wait for the soldier to come in and hurried out, saying, "If?"
As soon as the soldier raised his fist, he said, "The Duke of Tang and the Duke of Longxi have taken Daxing City and are now besieging the imperial city!"
Tang gaozu was so excited that he clapped his hands and even said, "Well done!" He strolled for two steps and added, "San Niang will accompany Dad to visit the city!"
Li Xiuning frowned and said, "Dad, the city has not been pacified yet, and I’m afraid there are thieves who are uneasy."
According to the news, Yang You is still in the city. This time, he will finally be caught. This time, he will take revenge on his three mothers! Son-in-law revenge! Thinking of this, Tang gaozu couldn’t hold back any longer. "Is it that Yang You’s children can hurt Dad’s own destiny?"
Outside the imperial city, the Tang army is storming the city. Because the Yin Shi division deployed the most elite and loyal troops to the imperial city, it is also easier for Sui Jun to defend than Daxing City because of the structure of the imperial city. Even if the troops are dominant, Tang Jun can’t take the imperial city for a while
Chai Shao continued to storm Xuanwu Gate, but he was bombarded by boulders from Sui Jun, and at least four or five people were injured. Nearly a hundred people were killed or injured in just one incense burner, which made Tang Jun’s momentum suffer a serious blow, and for a while he was also skillful.
While Li Shimin, the Suzaku Gate, was riding a horse, thinking in his heart, such as taking the imperial city, he gradually approached the imperial city unconsciously.
At this time, the Imperial City Yin Shishi was personally supervising the army. He kept shouting that his voice was hoarse, but on one side it was the generation of Wang Yang. Seeing that he was pale and bandaged, it seemed that the arrow injury was still not good.
Li Shimin suddenly narrowed his eyes. He stared at Yang You with anger. If his eyes can kill people, Li Shimin has killed Yang You seven times.
Yang You coughed constantly, and Yin Shishi’s eyes were full of anxiety. He helped Yang You up and said, "The temple Tang Jun has been killed here, and the morale of the three armies needs you to inspire the imperial city to hold it!"
He watched Yang You’s eyes flashing with brilliance and a glimmer of hope.
Yang You straightened up and his voice was hoarse and trembling. "The men fought for the big sui! I promise to kill all the soldiers in Tang Jun and raise the four-level bounty to 120! " Yang You’s voice was not loud, but the soldiers were shocked when they heard it. Although it was extremely dangerous at this time, they all knew that the confidant would die and they would defend the imperial city protection hall to the death.
The soldiers handed the news, and everyone was excited and desperately killed. Tang Jun stormed for two hours, and the imperial city still stood.
Five hundred paces outside the imperial city, Tang gaozu has arrived. At this time, he watched the situation of the imperial city from a high platform. He knew that if the imperial city was strong, Sui Jun would not be able to hold the imperial city for a while.
Pei Ji, Tang Jian and others commented on him from time to time.
"Tang Gong Sui Jun left the imperial city, even if he didn’t attack it for a few days, the food in the imperial city would be insufficient, and there would be no fight!" Encourage Pei Ji.
Tang Jian is ha ha a smile "Xuanzhen I can take the imperial city today"
Pei Ji shook his head. He didn’t believe what Tang Jian said. After all, it is impossible from the current momentum unless the sun rises in the west.
Two hundred paces away from the imperial city of Li Shimin, he looked at Tang Jun coldly, and thought about the plan in his heart. At this moment, a soldier came forward and whispered something. Li Shimin was so happy that he jumped on his horse and said, "Take me!"
The two men walked in tandem towards one place. They bypassed several houses and stopped in front of a house. The soldier knock knock, a boy in cloth, knocked on the door and made a lot of calls. Li Shimin said, "Little Yin Yuyi has seen Dunhuang Gong."
Li Shimin unknowingly frowned at him warily and asked, "Are you human?"
Yin Yuyi suddenly smiled. He took out a book from his arms and handed it to Li Shimin Li Shimin. When he saw that the book was full of strange symbols, he frowned and asked, "What is this?"
"Just some numbers," Yin Yuyi replied.
"Numbers? Never seen it! " Li Shimin stared at him intensely and said, "Who are you?"
Yin Yuyi smiled at Li Shimin and said, "I am a pawn in the Royal Guards of Daiwangdian!"
"Hey!" Li Shimin heard the words and suddenly pulled out the horizontal knife. He sneered, "Do you want to try the horizontal knife in my hand?"
The soldier who brought Li Shimin suddenly shivered. He heard the young man say that he had something to tell and saw the young man again. Did he think it was a big Sui man? If Dunhuang is in public danger, is he still alive?
Yin Yuyi smiled in the face of the horizontal knife. He showed that his age did not match his calmness. He slowly shook his head and said, "I have heard that Dunhuang Gong is young but knowledgeable. I didn’t expect to get a false reputation at first sight today!"
Li Shimin changed his face and shouted, "Don’t you want to live?"
Yin Yuyi laughed and laughed, which made Li Shimin couldn’t help but split him with a knife. He blushed and looked at the unscrupulous Yin Yuyi. Listening to more and more laughter, he finally couldn’t help it anymore. He split the knife with great strength. The wind rang. This laughing teenager must have blood spattered on the spot, but despite the laughter, Yin Yuyi was as smart as eyes in the back of his head and hid from Li Shimin’s attack.
Li Shimin was even more angry in his heart. He wanted to chop out Yin Yuyi with a knife but stopped to say, "Dunhuang Gong and I have a great contribution here. If you don’t take it, I will give it to Longxi Gong."
Li Shimin stopped. He looked at the boy and asked, "Why did you betray Yang You?"
Yin Yuyi sighed, "Because of brothers."
"Brother?" Li Shimin is more confused.
Yin Yuyi shook her head and said, "I had a brother who lived with me, but he was killed by a knife because he couldn’t stand the training. Since then, I have been telling myself that I can’t be slaughtered until I get stronger."
Li Shimin waved to the soldier and asked, "Then why did you vote for me?"
Yin Yuyi smiled and said, "If Tang Gong proclaimed himself Longxi Gong, he would be the heir to the empire in the future. He may not be able to look at a pawn like me, but Dunhuang Gong is different."
Li Shimin’s eyes burst into a wonderful person. This sentence has a deep meaning! He couldn’t help but put his hand on the horizontal knife again.
Yin Yuyi laughed, "Duke Dunhuang, are you a person who is willing to be mediocre and lonely? If that’s the case, you can cut it with a knife. If I frown, it’s not a hero! "

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Jul 6, 2024
Soul-eating iron is a piece they finally got, all of which are full of blood and plundered from all the fighting, so people will be unwilling to hand it over.

Seeing that everyone hesitated, Xiao Yu stamped his feet and went out with a great pressure, and suddenly some people were scared out of their wits.
"Don’t kill me, I am willing to hand it over!"
These people were completely terrified by Xiao Yu, and they took out the soul-eating iron and handed it over.
There are some people who still hesitate Xiao Yu’s eyes are cold, and a shock word tactic force has already gone out directly. They heard the thump thump rumbling and the blood exploded. Those people didn’t even come to scream, so they directly destroyed the soul-eating iron pieces and flew out to be grasped by Xiao Yu.
More than ten people died in the blink of an eye, and the rest were more horrified than whining. One after another, they handed over the soul-eating iron and never dared to hesitate again.
"Don’t cry until you see the coffin."
Xiao Yu cold hum a will all these soul-eating iron away.
Everyone was frightened and shivering in the cave, looking forward to the early end of the storm outside so as to leave the cave early.
In the face of this red-haired demon king, everyone has a feeling of facing death at any time. This breath is too depressing!
At this moment
There is a vast and gloomy canyon in Jiuquan. There is a weak enchantment in this canyon. The enchantment is not very bright, and the beautiful scenery is vast and the dark Jiuquan is completely different.
There is a thatched cottage in the depths of this boundary, which is very simple, and all kinds of facilities are old and look similar to ordinary farmhouses. A chessboard is placed on the eaves of this thatched cottage.
There was a middle-aged man sitting in front of the chessboard, dressed in a gray robe, holding a white chess in his hand, thinking slightly and hesitating.
"Should this step be taken directly or step by step? If it is troublesome, it will be a heavy game. If everything is done step by step, the future will be hazy, but if I win, it will make my control break through again."
"Which one should I choose?"
Middle-aged male eyes flashing low to himself.
At this time, he suddenly broke in front of him. A god king appeared with a broken body. Not far away, he knelt down and said, "See Master."
Chapter seven hundred and ninety-three Game
"Get up."
Middle-aged male flat light said
"yes, master"
The god king said
It is a great shame for Xu Gongyuan, a god with a face of ups and downs, to be defeated by Xiao Yu without saying a word. If he can’t get rid of the shame, the whole generation will live in Xiao Yu’s shadow.
The middle-aged man looked up at Xu Gong and said flatly, "Shaobo, do you know you will fail?"
Xu Gong hung his head and said bitterly, "I don’t know my brother’s necromancer failed for the first time. Not only did the necromancer fail, but all my means were infected. I have never met my brother before, but I really don’t know how to defeat that man."
He doesn’t even know this time at the moment, and he has a little fear of Xiao Yu, which stems from the feeling that the unknown is hard to overcome. After all, the scene he encountered earlier is really incredible.
He was the master of the ancient hades, and practiced the famous necromancy in the universe. It is reasonable to say that once he was born, the enemies of the world should be able to compete.
But who can restrain his necromancy?
Not only did he restrain his necromancer’s physical body and magical power field, but he was directly crushed and his head was cut off, and he could still move!
This simply subverts common sense and makes him feel deeply frustrated.
"Look up!"
The middle-aged man stared at Xu Gong and said slowly, "Failure is not terrible. The terrible thing is that you have lost a strong heart. This world is full of wizards. You should know that Wang Ti does not represent everything. The greatest achievement is the individual. In ancient times, there have been physical resistance to Wang Ti. It is also a good thing for you to have this failure, so that you can converge and truly understand the world."
"But “`"
Xu Gong raised his head and his face changed, and it was difficult to get out of the shadow of Xiao Yu’s scene.
After all, if you don’t understand all this, you may still fail if you meet Xiao Yu for the second time!
The middle-aged man suddenly smiled and said, "It’s not you who failed this time, but the person who just has the means to restrain you. If he loses this means, he will die the necromancer."
"What means are there to restrain me?"
Xu Gong hurriedly asked.
"heaven’s right hand"
Middle-aged man smiled and said, "Heaven clan doesn’t belong to this world, but it has forcibly ruled the universe and Jiuquan. As a result, it has been cursed for so many years. Their clan has died, but it has left a strong bearing and blood. Except for the top ten Wang Ti, it is a pity that Huang Tianzhang destroyed all the heaven limbs in the universe. Now I’m afraid the whole universe can’t find out a few heaven limbs, and that young man happens to have a heaven right hand."
"Heaven’s right hand?"
Xu Gong lost his way.
"Heaven’s right hand is full of vitality, which has innate restraint on your physique and Juexue." The middle-aged man smiled slightly.
"What should I do if I meet this person again?" Xu Gong asked.
"In case I have an ancient character here and meet him, you need to sacrifice this ancient character to heaven, and your right hand will naturally be sealed." The middle-aged man laughed. "When you kill that man, you will bring me the body."
He took out a black jade charm, except for some primitive simplicity, which looked ordinary. With a flick of his hand, the jade charm flew to Xu Gong.
Xu Gong hurriedly took the jade operator and bowed down to praise him.
Middle-aged man suddenly dignified way, "remember not to be careless about his physique. You are one of the top ten Wang Ti."
"He is also one of the top ten Wang Ti?"
Xu Gong was shocked.
The middle-aged man’s face sank and said, "That was a mistake when the teacher was in a hurry, and someone deliberately interfered with the causal change, which made me have an illusion. Therefore, he was solved by that person. However, he solved the first seal. When he entered the King of God, the curse would reappear, and I want to take a look at what people interfered with the causal change to help the statue of Wang Ti out of trouble."
Xu Gong was filled with shock. It is unbelievable that someone can interfere with the cause and effect and deceive his master. This is simply impossible.
For as long as he can remember, his master can do everything, and his wisdom can control the changes of the universe. Although he has not been away for hundreds of years, all kinds of things that happen in the universe and Jiuquan are an exception, and everything will be reflected by his master.
It can be said that asking his master to be willing to destroy the universe is just waving his hand.
But now someone can interfere with his master plan, which makes him have the illusion that it is even more terrible than being defeated by Xu Gong.
The middle-aged man suddenly smiled and said, "Sifangyu’s Taoist number Zhitongyu Putian knows everything changes all the time. Millions of people can know the trace of the teacher, but now they have been disturbed. The causal teacher has also developed a little interest in the man in the dark. diamond cut diamond also has something to learn. Well, you can go and fight against the pool, which will make you reshape your body. After three years of good closure, you will meet that person again, and he will directly die at your hands."
"It’s a master"
Xu Gong convergence heart shocked respectfully back.
The bodhi old zu, the king of God, also retired from this place with Xu Gong honestly.
The middle-aged man stared at the chessboard and smiled with a low voice. "I know that this move can neither be done step by step nor reinvented, but it is necessary to find another way!"
He stretched out his hand and pressed the white chess on the whole chessboard. Suddenly, a burst of light gave off a strange and unpredictable breath. It seemed that there was a great trajectory in the form that spread out, which affected the whole Jiuquan and the universe.
Deep in the universe, the purple star field
QR1, an old Taoist temple
An old man is bending down to hoe the field, his dark skin is wrinkled, and he looks like he is seventy years old. At this moment, he suddenly stops to look up at the sky, and there is a purple light in his eyes. He smiles and says, "This trick is still coming, and you should climb again."
"It’s a master"
The psychic Zhang Qiluo appeared in front of the old road and leaned down slightly to disappear.
Sophisticated chuckled, "It seems that the black hand is going to hold back your desire to interfere with all sentient beings, and how can all the changes be as you intended? The tyrant is physically sophisticated, so this later generation of sentient beings will have a good fight with you."
Chapter seven hundred and ninety-four Plunder
Everything changes with the change of the sun and the moon, and the stars move around. For all beings in the universe, everything is as usual.
No one, whether it is a high God King or a tiny ant mortal, has noticed that a trace of strange trajectory has penetrated into everyone’s destiny.

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Jul 3, 2024
Suddenly, Yan Huang said that the dragons had formed an alliance. It’s not too impossible to listen!

Elves, the first race, immediately laughed and laughed.
"This Chinese people are crazy! Actually said and dragon concluded a covenant "
"No matter how severe the Chinese emperor alliance is, the supreme power of the Covenant is also the two races of orcs and semi-dragons."
"It’s so funny that the Terran can avoid the Elf War and even tell such a lie."
After a brief ridicule, the contempt of all ethnic groups followed.
Su Yu asked, "I think the dragon people are also."
After a short silence, a spirit of respect for the environment slowly began to speak, and the sound from the side was far and near, which made the forces of all ethnic groups change their faces.
This venerable man is very strong!
"yanhuang has indeed signed a Covenant with the dragon."
Dragon did come to a statue of god read the dragon honour person hesitated after a light tea said
This understatement is like a stone. There are ripples in the ancient well and the lake.
Even the dragon is so detached and allied with the Chinese people!
How dare the Elves send troops to China?
I’m afraid that the Chinese Elves who dare not send troops in the near future will become a star joke!
"Su Yu, you have taken so much nectar and jade, and there is no nectar and jade to protect the source. If there is no source to protect it, the nectar and jade will dissipate its power and be equivalent to waste treasure."
The dragon admitted to letting the number of practitioners open their mouths.
Elves always look bad. After a short embarrassment, they quickly changed their positions.
Since you can’t play hardball with Chinese people, you can outwit them!
Elves always bite their teeth and tell Su Yu about the nectar.
More than a dozen ethnic groups have lost their opinions, and the Elves always say what they agree with.
The thought of an opponent and a dragon didn’t dare to offend Su Yu again.
Su Yu’s eyes were like torches, and she glanced at a group of alien eyes proudly. "It’s not impossible for aliens to get nectar and jade. Anyway, I will dissipate my strength after holding it soon."
"I want you to arrange for me at the same level to play a life-and-death game, and no matter who wins, I can win a nectar."
Su Yusen is cold. What he wants to do most now is to kill people!
A victory can win a nectar!
Su Yu, the owner of the human world, naturally has the source of the human world.
The nectar is brewed by the human world and naturally will not dissipate its power.
But it is a good choice if we can use this opportunity to weaken the forces of all ethnic groups!
Holding the true imperial sword, Su Yu is vain and half-black, and the sword refers to the Elves.
Fight the Terran Su Yu?
Even Su Yu, the top saint, has the same hand as chopping Chinese cabbage. Ordinary saints can’t deliver food in the past!
The aliens shook their heads and even the Elves had to wave their hands quickly after hearing it.
"Why don’t we exchange Lingbao and your soon-to-be-scattered nectar for someone else?"
Elves a listen to Su Yu discuss some drums in my heart.
Su Yu even the top saints can do it. No matter how many saints they go, they will die!
"Change? Sichuan withered today disturb me to climb to the top into a holy family species remember "
"I will definitely pay a return visit when I am busy with my business!"
Su Yu light said cold tone is full of chill.
Many aliens gasped when they saw this.
Su Yu, the Terran, actually threatened the Elves to be old!
91 Chapter 91 Either fight! Or get out!
"Su Yu, don’t insult others too much!"
Elves always feel humbled when they hear Su Yu’s words!
"insult? Do you deserve it? "
Su Yu sneered at a cold and said, "The nectar is my Du Jie’s income, and you will get a family. You’d better make an abacus."
The old face of Elves is latosolic red, and some of them are choked by Su Yu.
It’s bullying to come to the Elves. I didn’t expect the Elves to be weaker when the tables turn!
"Cut the crap and take the nectar to fight!"
Su Yu’s black eyes are haughty and unruly, scanning a crowd of powerful ethnic groups.
"Damn it, if you go on like this, the nectar will disappear."
"Terran Su Yu can’t be active no matter how powerful she is."
"But isn’t it because of the nectar and jade that Su Yu can be the enemy at the same level?"
"Old clan, please send me to battle!"
How can all ethnic groups hold back at present when nectar and jade are so precious?
Saints of all ethnic groups have gone to war according to their impatient requests.
The old people of all ethnic groups watched the nectar in front of their eyes, but they couldn’t help but feel wronged.
Do they want to take nectar or not?
But Su Yu is not an ordinary saint. He is the first saint in the whole Xinghai for tens of thousands of years!
Su Yu’s existing combat power alone can already be compared with the top saints!
Fight Su Yu. Only if Gu Tianjiao breaks the saint can Su Yu win the first world war!
"Brother Lin came to these ten nectars, and you saved Sun Wu’s gratitude."
"Anyway, the back will dissipate. Can you?"
Su Yu took out ten nectars and handed them to Lin Qianyi when all ethnic groups hesitated to arrange people to play.

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Jun 30, 2024
This makes goofy wonder whether his crossing led to the invasion of another dimension!

"Carrie, please describe the alien invasion to Dad again …" Goofy said nervously.
Carrie nodded. "Actually, it’s not that scary. It’s just that the world behind me seems to be broken, just like the real world reflected by a broken mirror. Every fragment is a small reflection of a complete world … and then the scope is getting bigger and bigger, and every fragment gap is gradually expanding …"
"Later, I found that the reflection in those fragments is not our world, but another world. It seems that there are no high-rise buildings in that world, but caves and gullies … There are many figures there, which is somewhat similar to ours …"
"Then I heard the world whine, whine, whine and scream, and it was particularly harsh. Then a big black hand reached out and photographed it directly in front of me!"
"I was shocked at that time, but I soon lost my fear. I thought that since you dared to scare me, I would call you back!"
"Then I’ll fight and fight and fight … and I’ll call back the big black hand … and I’ll dispel the loss of the other dimension …"
Carrie said that Goofy broke out in a cold sweat, and this dimension was worn out by him!
Thanks to Carrie guarding the place where the other dimension appeared, the invasion of the other dimension was beaten back. Wouldn’t it be finished if the other dimension invaded new york from other places?
But once again, flying through the experience card didn’t cause another dimension invasion! Is this thing still possible to trigger?
Or is it all because he thinks too much about crossing when the other dimension invades?
Goofy feels that his IQ may not be enough, so it is necessary to hire a helper, and it is impossible for him to fall asleep until this matter is clarified.
So Goofy arranged for Carrie to wash and sleep before saying hello to Skye.
"Skye, I have to go to see Mr. Richards on business. Please keep an eye on Carrie tonight."
Skye hurriedly asked earnestly, "What’s the matter, Officer Goofy? Do you need my help? "
"It’s nothing small" goofy smiled and shook his head.
"Well, pay attention to Ann." Skye nodded and sent Goofy out of the house.
I drove to the Reed Richards Baxter Building in the night sky. Although it was close to early morning, Reed obviously didn’t want to rest.
As soon as Goofy stepped up the ladder, he met Reed Kensuke, Susan’s invisible girl, who was so sleepy that she couldn’t keep her eyes open.
"Oh goofy officer, why didn’t you say you were coming today? I was just about to go home to sleep. What do you want with Reed? "
"Is there a small matter to discuss with Reid?" Goofy asked with a smile
"Of course, he just came back from Taitai an hour ago. He went to the dark asterisk to copy the materials of Kerry Empire. It seems that he has gained a lot this time. The whole people are very excited … I think he must be unable to sleep tonight. You two can just stay up and talk …"
Susan road
"Why don’t you sit down, Officer Goofy? I’ll prepare two cups of coffee for you two."
Goofy nodded his thanks. "Thanks Susan."
Then Goofy walked straight to Reed’s office.
Susan said yes. Now the staff is really excited. Through the glass door of the office, I saw Reed jumping in the office for a while, knocking on the keyboard to check the information, and then jumping up and running to the experimental table to observe the sample …
Look at him. He doesn’t look like a man who has been working for more than ten hours. Instead, he looks like a child who has beaten a bear with chicken blood.
"Hey Reid, are you on drugs?"
Goofy pushed the door and went in and asked with a smile
"oh! Fly high! "
Reed looked back to see goofy sincerely laughed
"Of course not. I’m not that kind of person, but I’m really excited now. I’m excited!"
"But you don’t emphasize that I can see it," Goofy said in distress situation. "It seems that the study of dark asterisks is very successful?"
"Of course, it was very successful. The dark asterisk has a very detailed overview of the historical development and scientific and technological research of Kerry Empire … I can learn about Kerry by studying the dark asterisk …" Reed said with a smile.
Then Susan came in with two cups of coffee and handed them to Goofy and Reed.
"You two talk first, and I’ll go first. I’m sleepy. Good night, you two workaholics."
Then Susan left the lab without looking back.
Reid is still very excited. He said excitedly, "The Cree people are very developed in science and technology. This is a magnificent empire! I think we can learn a lot from Kerry Humanities. The earth needs to learn too much … "
"For goofy Kerry empire is not a planet, they ruled a star! Kerry people have multiplied their grandchildren to one star and all the planets, which makes them have powerful resources … "
"In addition, although these planets look independent from each other, they are highly unified. They are not divided into different countries like the earth. They accept unified rule-this is also a big reason why Kerry is strong. Stability and harmony ensure that they can continue to expand outward. They don’t spend all their energy fighting …"
"And the most amazing thing is … Goofy. Do you know what the most amazing thing is?"
Reed asked Goofy with great joy like a child.
Goofy is so speechless that he wants to vomit-isn’t it the most amazing thing? Mr. magic! ! !
But he didn’t want to sweep Li Dexing and asked, "What’s the most amazing thing?"
Reed said excitedly, "The most amazing thing is that the ruling class of Kerry Empire is not the government, and it is not the government or the emperor to maintain the operation of Kerry Empire. It is a huge and advanced artificial intelligence …"
"His name is Gao Zhihui. This is a ruling tool without supervisor’s color. It is responsible for ensuring the safe, efficient and orderly operation of the Cree society … This is really amazing, isn’t it?"
Chapter 465 The ancient mage appeared
In fact, Reid described Goofy as very familiar with Kerry, the universe empire, and even more familiar with Goofy, the supreme master of Kerry.
So goofy can’t fully understand Reid’s shock and excitement. His mind is full of alien invasion.
However, before Goofy could interrupt Reed, another woman’s voice suddenly came from the window of the laboratory.
"I’m sorry I overheard your conversation, but I think these may be confidential to you. I’d better say hello to you until I continue to hear what he shouldn’t hear …"
Goofy and Reid are both stunned when they hear this sound. Goofy asks curiously, "Hey? Reed, there are other women besides Susan in your lab? Does Susan know about this? "
"Don’t talk nonsense. I don’t remember his woman in the lab …" Reed said nervously. "But what does this sound familiar?"

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Jun 30, 2024
"Hee hee"

After saying this for a moment, Xu Anjin waved his hand and "went away."
Xu Anqi gave her a grumpily look behind her and then said, "Please go, sir."
In long summer, when everyone is doing their own thing, life will not change because of the arrival of summer. The alternation of seasons is just a concept of the times. For a long time, people have found the coordinates in their own lives, that is, merchants, vendors, craftsmen, proud or frustrated students … * * * They sleep at this time, and their lives are late.
It’s too late to go through some things step by step.
Wait until some news to hsu family dinner has Xu Xuanduan glass listening to people report face somewhat satisfied smile.
It’s enough to do this.
Cao Gongying was coming out of the restaurant at this time with a hiccup, and the steward was talking to him.
Today, at noon and at night, it’s also a big harvest to treat people out. Cao’s family is an ink merchant, but communication can’t be limited. There are some contacts in all walks of life in this circle, so it’s not difficult to raise money. This kind of thing was originally used to accept others’ kindness today, and then it will be compensated back when there is an opportunity. People are like this
"The effect is better than the original imagination … Er Gui, I didn’t deliberately remember how much silver you could raise by listening carefully?"
"Back to the master in addition to some questionable eyes can determine to have more than two hundred …"
Cao Gongying’s face was somewhat surprised when he heard this. "So much?" Then a little thought will come in vain. This is the merchants’ optimism about Cao Cao’s Xu Mo formula. If it can be obtained by Cao Cao, the return will be great. Many merchants lend money to Cao Cao as an investment.
"Oh, that’s easy …" Cao Gongying smiled and walked to the water’s edge at this time. He was slightly taller in the night wind, and the wine had great stamina. At this time, he felt a little tipsy.
Cao Gongying looked at the running water and then revealed a smile.
It’s finally come to this step.
Later, God withdrew his head and rushed to the side to be in charge and said, "It’s enough for you to handle the money early in the morning, and I will see the result."
When Cao Gongying was proud of what he had done, something almost brewed when he decided to deal with the Hsu family finally slowly showed his fangs.
Some news is that Cao Gongying was getting ready to sleep when Haishi arrived at Cao’s home.
"Master, it’s a big deal."
Tell the steward of Ergui to knock at the door outside. Cao Gongying knocked on the door. "What’s the matter?"
"Yan’s adult has raised the price over there …"
"Huh?" Cao Gongying frowned and then loosened "Don’t worry, you speak slowly …"
"Just now I wanted to hand over some things to big sleep as soon as possible, but, but …" Er Gui said with some huff and puff for a long time, "but the price has doubled over there."
Cao Gongying sounds calm.
"It is said that it is because some ink merchants don’t know where to get the news in the daytime … they are willing to pay a higher price to buy those ink parties … but Yan’s adult still reads some mutual feelings. It is that the ink party has temporarily reserved twenty-two thousand silver for Cao Cao, so even if others pay a higher price, they will give it to Cao Cao."
Cao Gongying’s eyes twitched slightly when he heard this, and then he quickly recovered calm. This strict courtesy was up for grabs … It seems to be the Italian Cao family, but the actual price of those ink parties, that is, at most, 22,000 silver, may be even higher, but not many people in Huizhou government ink merchants can afford this price.
I felt some strength in my heart, but Cao Gongying then pulled himself together and slowly sat down in a chair and lost in thought.
In the silent night outside, some night bugs cried. After a long time, Cao Gongying came to her senses and said, "Things haven’t given up at this point. You go and get the car ready. I’m going out."
Chapter 42 Fang (2)
The night is deep, the stars become brighter and brighter, and then these lights fade away. In the darkest time before Lebanon, the brightest star can be seen in the east, and Xuan Yue has gradually disappeared at the end of the west.
This day is coming again.
After a night of brewing, everything has matured or reached a certain point to talk about.
These people all have their own consciousness, feeling right, feeling wrong, feeling successful and feeling unable to succeed. The decisions made before the official arrival all indicate a possibility, but there is a real result after all.
Cao Gongying’s chair sat down and stretched out his hand and pounded his leg back. The servant girl around him held a cup of tea. He took a sip of it and then put it aside. He told Er Gui to take charge and waited.
Cao Gongying took a few sips of tea to cheer himself up and smiled wryly. "This time, my face has been pulled by the department …" He said and put a few pieces of tea in his mouth and chewed it. "But I finally got something. You can’t delay it."
Almost in one day, more than 15,000 taels of silver and 5,200 taels of Cao Caoyuan were raised to ensure that the Mexican side would get it. But on the other hand, the human exchange was also insufficient. It was already late at night when Cao Gongying went out for the second time. He dragged his friends to get up and talked about it in the middle of the night. Cao Caoyuan also promised many benefits, such as getting things done in the morning and almost collapsing.
This time, the Cao family accumulated strength for many years, and it broke out in a short time. Things have been changed to the extreme. Others may not be as good as Cao Gongying. Although it is disgraceful to look at the Xu family, on the whole, Cao Gongying has been very flexible and stable in these years, so some people are willing to lend him money. Even if this move against the Xu family doesn’t look very good, it is his choice after weighing.
Cao Jia needs to break through this critical period of Huizhou ink industry metabolism. Since Cao Jie can’t blend in, it is natural to choose another new road according to otherness.
"This time, you remember that raising silver is expensive … although everyone says that it is ok to pay back the interest when the time comes, things can’t be done." Cao Gongying smiled. "The key moment can really help these people to come and go with me. Cao Cao doesn’t take advantage of this. You remember clearly that the interest will be calculated. After all, Cao Cao’s favor can’t be owed casually … hehe"
"If it had been less serious … the Hsu family died and people were ridiculed in public … well, I’m afraid it’s not the case now." Cao Gongying leaned against the back of the chair behind him and narrowed his eyes slightly. "But the Hsu family did too much … but in the end, it was blamed on Cao Jiatou." He thought here and smiled "Ah".
"But who knows? The tables have turned … after all …" He didn’t say anything here.
Things have been done, just waiting for the fermentation. When the time comes, what is right and wrong in the hands of the Mexican side has always been decided by the position. It seems that Cao Gongying has done these things from the perspective of Cao Cao. Although it is unfair to the Xu family, it is only tit for tat. He has no psychological burden anyway.
"There are two expensive people who compete with my Cao family … you go to understand them and then report to me that these people are not two-faced … then Cao family will have an attitude."
The original 12 thousand can bring twice as much things. Although these things are a kind of risk, Cao Gongying is not unacceptable here, but he will definitely not be in a good mood
Er Gui nodded and then went back out. Cao Jia raised more than ten pieces of silver. This is because the Mexican side didn’t get it. If the Mexican side was so optimistic about the Cao family, it might be more. Therefore, there is no need to worry too much about the money needed for the subsequent business turnover. Of course, it is necessary to divide the people who came first and then came to the snow to give charcoal. Those who later added flowers to the Cao family’s attitude are naturally different.
He shook his head and smiled when he thought about these things. If he did this well himself, the status of Cao Cao would also rise.
Later, some of his Cao family’s more sturdy servants accompanied Yan Zhili’s mansion in the southeast of the city.
After all, it’s a lot of money, some are silver tickets, some are land contract conversion, and the amount of gold and silver is not much. It’s troublesome that silver is packed in several boxes, so he used to be uneasy alone
The sun shines on the road, and some trees facing the morning sun are covered with green leaves. The wind swings slightly, and you are in a good mood and talking to people around you.
People can vaguely guess what to do. After all, many actions of the Cao family are directed at the Xu family. At this time, the expression on the face of the steward is also more cautious.
Although beat about the bush a few words called two expensive steward also didn’t reveal too much wind, but everyone knows that even those things have the result.
I feel very good thinking like this.
"Liu Guanchang"
"Ha ha Wang touts"
Specific handover Yan Fu is responsible for these things in a slant hall. It is a matter of strict courtesy that Wilson touts this kind of thing, after all, so Liu Ergui will naturally not complain about the identity of Wilson touts.
"Mr. Wang’s money has been raised …" Er Gui said as he commanded his family to carry a few boxes in and set up his mouth and said, "You go and wait outside." After that, he turned around and rushed to Wilson Arch to hand over "Mr. Twenty-two thousand agreed to check one."
Wilson nodded with a smile and didn’t really check it according to the words.
"Twenty-two thousand you Cao Cao can take it out in such a short time, which is not bad. It’s not necessary to strictly believe you."
Two expensive shout shout nodded and compliment a few words.
This seemingly significant transaction took place this mor after long summer.
Chapter 421 Fang (3)
"There are fifty pieces of Mohist … Hsu family …" Wilson smiled and handed a pile of paper to Er Gui and then patted him on the shoulder. "Do a good job. The county adults are watching."
"That’s it, that’s it." Er Gui nodded with joy. "My Cao family will not let Yan’s adult down."
After the end of the base transaction, there are only a few simple conversations. Although it is a conversation, Wilson’s identity is touts, and there is nothing to talk about. He spoke a few words in a polite way, and then the other party sent Yan’s family to move a few boxes of money and things away, and Er Gui would leave.
The Mexican side was put away by him, feeling that the future of Cao Cao was in her arms.
The second day after long summer, the bustling streets were crowded with people, and the surface boats in the distance called Er Gui to be in charge. After playing there, I smiled. After all, these lively Caos were also involved. He was in Caos, so these good things could eventually fall on his head.
I was thinking about these people who followed me and whispered, "Is that Xu Xuan over there?"
Two expensive smell speech back god eyes toward a distance in the past, there is a door called Xu Xuansheng belongs to the hsu family ink shop is talking with a shopkeeper, also don’t know what to say, laughing at each other seems to have no sense of urgency at the last moment.
Talking over there seems to be noticed here. Seeing him Xu Xuan tilting his head and seeing Ergui and his party seems to be slightly leng leng, but then the color naturally nodded at him. After all, everyone is a middleman in the ink industry, even if they are not familiar with each other, but they are always seen.
Two expensive lightly back to a gift and then don’t back away.

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