Jul 24, 2024
Alisabar can clearly feel the sharpness mixed with rough touch. The mouth is like slowly tearing her own flesh and blood. Her six arms and bones are abruptly chewed up, and the touch is also clearer from the resonance of the flesh and blood in her ear.

She screamed and struggled, only to find that she could resist and stare at the worm in despair and fear to tear out her intestines and swallow them section by section.
The body of the Chapter 173 Nail pulling ()
Alisabar wished that the first bite of the worm was his own head.
Unfortunately, not.
Insects eat from her six arms, fingers and toes in a very ghostly way, and eat her little by little with rhythm.
Until she left a head, she could still see the worm’s mouthparts full of blood and slurry, which would crush her face …
Then she’ revived’!
Shuang Yi once again appeared in front of the hungry swarm intact.
"Will you surrender?"
"vote! I surrender! " Demons are mostly psychopaths, and their desire to kill and destroy is one of the most striking characteristics of the Burning Legion demons.
Not many people know that the evil demon advertised by mortals is not as determined as expected.
After being eaten by an illusion for a dozen times, Alisabar collapsed.
She shouted surrender at the first moment.
"Good, you’re bent, but you’re not ready. You need a second lesson. This time it’s up to you, not me." Illusion Duke declared.
Then Alisabar was tortured by the visions of various demon bosses.
From Sargeras to Kilgardan, to Archimonde, to the legion, various demon races are famous bosses, such as Claudios, the leader of the Fear Lord.
Dead or not, it’s just taking turns.
From whip and wax triangle horse to various legions through soul torture and then to the unique torture of each legion leader
Those feelings are all real, because this is the tactile sensation obtained by Duke’s experiment from the captive demon body when he attacked Outland, among which Chivard, the captive from the Dark Temple, happened to be there.
The unified elves connect the demon nervous system from the demon neck and spine, and accurately receive the data of life and soul from all parts of the body.
Sorting and classifying, carefully evaluating the intensity and irritation, and finally reproducing the nerve signal representing the pain organism, the soul senses the illusion attack.
Then Duke also took Ereda’s double memories.
These two demons have done a lot of bad things in the past 25 thousand years, and they have been tortured by Kilgardan in the past 10 thousand years because of Du Mou’s ancient war.
When Duke copied their painful memories, Alisabar really felt that eggs were always torturing her.
Demons never scold or fight back, my dear. She is in great pain and has long forgotten that Duke cast illusions on her because the boss of the Burning Legion abused her in her memory.
Accumulation is hatred for the Burning Legion.
It is no exaggeration to say that this is Azeroth’s unique limited illusion. Duke can torture Alisabar in one million ways if he wants.
In this extreme terror of mind and body, the hate queen Alisabar has deteriorated.
In the prison, Ereda looked at Duke’s phantom and pressed her forehead. Lisa Barr first twitched like epilepsy, then her facial expression eased, and then she was extremely tense again. At the most exaggerated moment, the six-armed female demon was incontinent and bleeding from seven holes.
It’s a pity that Duke has a "shadow healing" leng, and shadow energy has repaired her body.
Duque did experiments to see if he could dominate a real virtual Lord in a more perfect way of mind control.
This is not the bad warlock’s way of forcibly dominating the devil’s spirit over his will, but more vicious brainwashing.
They dare not say anything for fear that Duke’s tactics will turn to them.
If it is simply brainwashing Duke, one second is enough, but there is a great chance that it will burn Alisabar’s brain and destroy her soul.
Soduk experimentally adjusted the output power of the unified phantom rhythmically.
Finally, ten minutes later
Alisabar’s whole body collapsed to the ground, which was quite indecent. Her face was dirty and the ground was covered with mud.
When she got up convulsively, Duke asked her, "Answer me, female demon, who do you hate most?"
The Chivard leader replied without thinking, "Kilgardan!"
That gnashing of teeth looks like Kilgardan turned her ten thousand times and killed her ten thousand times.
For a moment, she made a tingle.
Duke injected another illusion into her so that she could relive her own illusion from the third-person vision.
She felt her soul freeze for a moment because of absolute fear.
What’s terrible about the Big Three of Burning Legion is that they have the power to destroy a planet at will. I didn’t expect this native demigod to have a completely different power from the Big Three. It’s a special skill to really play with memory and torture the soul.

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Jul 17, 2024
"This ….. I don’t think so. First of all, I want to say that although we humans are now in the East Side, there are some difficulties every year, but after all, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack with our backs against the East Side Mountains, and our number has not grown to the point where the East Side cannot bear it. This is our own condition and external! Now all the aliens have fixed sites. If we ask for land, they may agree against their will at this time, but there will be no problems in the future. Besides, the land outside can be connected to many aliens in Otawa. Once there is a problem, we are also caught between Scylla and Charybdis, and we will talk about the site as soon as we come, which makes those aliens feel that we are too greedy. I think it is better to let the aliens give us a better place than to appear in this discussion. "Wang Ming knows all human wishes, but Wang Ming shook his head and explained.

Wang Ming’s coming to the East City is now said to be the most suitable for human development, otherwise it will be difficult to have such friction with the alien life after going out, and the alien must be in the same breath. At that time, it will be more difficult for human beings to gain a foothold in the alien life.
"Wang Ming that we will give up this opportunity in vain? You know, although we can live in the East Side, our position is really embarrassing. "Bath is still unwilling to talk, but Lenghui obviously doesn’t mean to stop Bath from talking. It seems that they all want to expand the land in this discussion.
"Well ~ ~! Tell you what! I really don’t suggest that we move to other countries, but we can expand our natural Elves. As far as I know, our conflicts between humans and other countries have also made great efforts to maintain the barrier forest. It is precisely because they hold the barrier forest that our judgment on fierce beasts and tides has also compressed our life.
Why don’t we do this? Now that we have merged with the alien race, there is no need to protect the natural elves, so we can dismantle the barrier forest so that the height of the extreme east mountain can be overlooked for a long time, so that we can judge the fierce beast tide a lot earlier. Another thing is to let the natural elves give us an area in the extreme east, and then we can build several diversion castles, so that the fierce beast tide will greatly reduce its power and we will have more profitable land for the natural elves! They can also save a lot of human resources.
It’s easier to get along with the natural Eldar. If we are closer to them, there should still be no problem. How can you be satisfied with this? "Wang Ming looked at bath and others asked.
Wang Ming, it seems that the natural Elves are good, and they are all businessmen, and they are too slick to be deceived by human cunning, and they can further solve the problem of insufficient hands of the natural Elves, which can be said to be a win-win situation.
Chapter six hundred and fifty-three External contact
"I think this kind of thing is an opportunity for all ethnic groups, whether it’s aliens or the royal family. The constant war is just to be able to expand our own control of the land. But now, although we have the upper hand, if we repel the Tyrannosaurus family, it’s hard to guarantee that his race will not be ruined. Wang Ming’s proposal to expand the original foundation is the most stable for us." At this time, Mo Xueyi came out to support Wang Mingdao
After all, Mo Xueyi used to be a member of the royal family. Although she had never seen the human dynasty at that time, there was a land war, but every dynasty recorded it. Mo Xueyi still studied the history of their dynasty.
"Well ~ ~! Alas! You said it makes sense to be impatient and not eat hot tofu. Now our quantity still makes us unable to support too much land. Then it’s settled. Let the natural Eldar give us the land. "Bath thought for a while and exchanged a look with Lenghui, then Nai sighed.
"Well, since you all say so, it’s settled!" In this way, Lenghui wrote another way with pen and paper.
In this way, Wang Ming, Bath and other five hunting kings studied for a day, and finally figured out all the problems they are facing and the conditions they can make for a race. They also drew up a contract for the conditions of a race. Although Bath and Lenghui believe in Wang Ming, both sides must have some sense of ceremony. Lenghui and Bath hope to get all the chiefs of the race to sign the contract, and then they will fulfill their promise to send people out of the Far East Mountains to help the dwarves build castles.
When Shi Wang Ming came back, he had expected it. He immediately took the contract and human conditions out of the barrier forest and came to the natural Eldar place to let the natural Eldar send someone to deliver the message. At that moment, he was looking forward to Wang Ming’s information. When he got the information, he immediately worried about the heads of all ethnic groups.
The conditions for human beings are fully considered by Wang Ming and many hunting kings, and they are not unreasonable. When all ethnic chiefs read it, they felt that human beings were very sincere, and they immediately agreed to this contract.
However, if many heads of families sign, it’s too late to expect human leaders to come to the numerous heads of families to gather in the eternal night city with contracts, and then complete the signing and then go back. All heads of families can leave for the natural Elves, where they will sign contracts with human beings, so as to minimize the time for human beings to mobilize craftsmen. After all, the dwarves have already worked and are always looking forward to resources, while the Tyrannosaurus clan is not sure when they will come, but once they arrive, they will definitely not be thunderous. It is best to speed up now.
The ceremony was agreed by all the heads of families, which not only can speed up the pace, but also can make human beings feel the sincerity of the aliens. Moreover, some races want to give this face to Wang Ming and Wuyuguo, and they have agreed.
After being confirmed by everyone, Li Mi immediately handed a message to Wang Ming. Wang Ming returned to the extreme east side with this news. Now human beings are about to meet with the aliens for the first time. This news also spread rapidly in the extreme east side, and there is news that human beings are qualified for recognition.
The real East Side is also anxious that the Seven Kings have just fallen, but it doesn’t mean that there is no shortage of food for any problem. It’s still a crisis if the foreign people refuse this meeting. Now it’s all right and everyone is very happy. The East Side quickly comforted the people through this news that food will no longer be a problem in the future, and all the foreign people will block the forest and sign contracts with human beings.
"hey! I said Wang Ming, is this true? It’s all said outside that all our conditions have been agreed, and without any hesitation, they took the initiative to come outside our extreme east city and sign a conditional contract for us, which is quite respectful to us humans. Is this all true? I am a hunter. We have been trapped for so many years. Why don’t I think those aliens will respect us? " Wang Ming just finished solving things outside and came home to see her mother-in-law and Liang Er, who happened to catch Liang back at this moment. When Liang came to see Wang Ming for a while, he immediately asked the question in his heart.
Although civilians don’t know the truth, Liang hunters know that power is king. Aliens can trap human beings for so long. They can’t respect what human beings have. Liang is afraid that if this news is false, they will face a lot of possible problems.
"hey! I said that Wang Ming, who is in charge, has just entered the house. Why don’t you let him have a rest? Anyway, the aliens have agreed to our conditions. Isn’t it a good thing that our civilians won’t starve to death? " Hear beam question beam immediately dissatisfied complained.
"Do you know what rumors are sometimes lethal? Although the seven kings can’t, the pressure on the hunters will be even greater. Sure enough, the civilians are happy, so it is better to have no hope!" Liang shook his head for daughter-in-law chimed in dissatisfied way
"Okay, you know what to do! Ok, if you want to talk, you can talk! I’m going to cook for you. "Daughter-in-law Liang knows that men talk with men. She can put in two sentences appropriately, but it’s not right after a long time. She got up and ran to the kitchen.
"Uncle, you think it’s true that rumors will do harm to civilians and hunters, but most of the news coming out this time is true, so it’s not clear that they don’t really respect it, but it’s normal that they need our help now." Wang Ming poured Liang a cup of tea and smiled.
"oh! I wish all this was true! I said Wang Ming, this time, besides supporting them to build a defensive fortress, don’t we hunters take part in the defense? " Hearing Wang Ming’s exact answer, Liang finally nodded at ease, but the hunters announced that they would help the aliens build defensive fortresses, but did not realize whether they would also participate in the defense. Liang asked curiously
"Well ~ ~! I’m afraid it depends on the specific situation. At present, we have not promised the aliens to help them defend together, but I think once the defensive fortress is built and the aliens have already started to train and cooperate with the attack team, then I’m afraid we will defend the rear even if we participate.
But anyway, this war is very dangerous, so don’t take part in it. I will advise you to stay in the rear when the time comes. "Wang Ming thought for a moment and even thought about it.
Chapter six hundred and fifty-four Sign a contract
"This is not so good? How can I say that there are already some positions among the current hunters? I’m afraid it’s not good to leave me in the East Side for such an important thing? " Liang glanced at Wang Ming hesitate to say
To tell the truth, whether Liang Xin wants to go to the front of a foreign country, whether it is to contribute some strength to mankind or to see the world, these are rare opportunities, but his wife and children at home really need what he has to do, and it is really difficult to make up his mind at the moment.
"This have what good take charge of you listen to wang Ming! Our whole family is counting on you now. Not only we but also Meng Popo are waiting for you to take care of us. With you, Wang Ming and Qing Yu, we must be at ease ahead! " At this time, Liang’s daughter-in-law just came out of the kitchen with food. When she heard Liang’s words, she quickly said,
"But …" Liang seems to have some let go.
"Uncle, it’s nothing, but I’ve already discussed with the King of Bath and the King of Lenghui. Although it’s very important for hunters to go out to support the alien attack against the strong enemy, the extreme east side is our foundation, and it’s equally important here, and we must leave some people who can control the situation. You are the most suitable candidate because of your many years of experience in the extreme east side. This is also your contribution to mankind.
And according to the family, my aunt said to Meng’s mother-in-law, great aunt and big nephew, you should take good care of them, and we can handle affairs with peace of mind ahead. This is also uncle’s consideration for you. "Wang Ming saw Liang and some ideas immediately said.
"Well, since you said so, I’m not ignorant of the time, Wang Ming, or that sentence. I must be careful to have me at home. Don’t worry, I will keep a good East Side." Liang gritted his teeth and nodded his head, which is a determined way.
"Uncle, you can rest assured! I’ll be careful and I’m relieved to have you at home. I’ll accompany you for a drink while there’s nothing to do today. When we drink together again, it’s estimated that it’s time for us to return from a big victory. "Wang Ming was happy when he saw Liang’s decision.
In this way, Liang and Wang Ming chatted while drinking until very late. They both slept separately, and they all knew that this farewell was as run as the second spy, but this time Liang seemed to have more confidence in Wang Ming.
Time flies, but the aliens move very fast, too. Because of the unprecedented threat of Tyrannosaurus rex, the aliens let them hug each other and coordinate with each other to complete the defense against Tyrannosaurus rex as soon as possible, and this time they came to sign the contract, too
It would have taken a long time, and the foreign chiefs rushed to the natural Eldar territory as quickly as possible. This time, the natural Eldar was responsible for entertaining everyone and then undertaking the occasions and ceremonies for signing contracts between humans and the gens.
Although the natural Eldar is not as skilled in this industry as the eternal night city, the business of the natural Eldar is also exquisite for entertaining guests. Soon, the heads of the natural Eldar are arranged to live here and then give Wang Ming a message according to Wang Ming’s agreement.
When Wang Ming received the message, he immediately informed Bath, Lenghui and others, and then Lenghui and Bath confessed one and then three people quickly left the East Side to meet the aliens.
Why are the three of them without Yao Qingyu and Mo Xueyi? That’s because Mo Xueyi is a woman and a beautiful woman. If there is any provocation, it will inevitably destroy the signing of the contract plan. Yao Qingyu is too young and there is nothing too big, but both of them have the strength of hunting and fighting. Is it because of hidden strength or because of the overall consideration of the matter that it is most appropriate for Lenghui and Bass to contact with each other?
"Ha ha ha! Brother Wang Ming, this difference is just a few days. You really make me miss it! " As for Wang Ming, when they passed the barrier forest and came to the forest of the natural Elves, an elegant figure first appeared. Wang Ming, who could keep the forest outside early and wait for Wang Ming, was none other than Master Li Mi.
"hey! Very not easy to go home a trip to trivial things, after all, there are still many things to deal with, unlike you, the gentleman is always so leisure. "Wang Ming also laughed and then quipped.
"Ha ha, brother Wang Ming is not dealing with bad debts, is he?" Li "looked at Wang Ming badly laughed
"Go to go to Shaohu and say that I have so many debts," Wang Ming quickly denied.
"hey! You still don’t admit it! Look over there. If I didn’t have something to say to you, they would have come. "Li Mi and Wang Ming didn’t see Wang Ming poking fun at him, and he didn’t let Wang Mingdao go.
As far as Li Mi is concerned, the wives brought by Wang Ming are eagerly looking forward to it. Although they have seen Wang Ming recently, they are all in a hurry. When this meeting is completed, Wang Ming can take them back to the alien land again. Of course, they can’t wait, but they also know that Wang Ming is not coming to disturb but watching from the outside.
Wang Ming waved towards the moon and jade bees, Mei Niang and others, and then turned to Li Mi primly. "Okay, Li Mi’s brother is not joking now. Let me introduce you to him. This is our beam hunter representing Lenghui King and Bath King, and they are all human hunting kings who are equivalent to foreign decision masters." Wang Ming saw that the greeting had been played almost, and it would be bad to let Lenghui and Bath wait behind him. He immediately introduced it.
"Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, bird family." At the sight of Wang Ming, Li Mi introduced two human leaders to him. Li Mi was no longer a cynic, but a very formal and respectful way.
"Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. I’ve long heard from Wang Ming that Master Li Mi, the bird clan, has a good relationship with him. Today, I have a look at you two. We humans are also very happy to form a friendship with the bird clan." Lenghui smiled and then said politely.
"Yes! It’s true that my brother Wang Ming and I are predestined friends. If it were him, I would do my best. But this time, not only our god birds, but all the ethnic chiefs in this nearby area have come. Our purpose is to hope to live in peace after reaching a consensus with mankind. "Li Mi also quickly replied.
"Good ceremony" let’s not talk here advanced to say again, after all, also want to let the heads of the fathers and our human representatives are familiar with a good "Wang Ming looked at the two sides polite about just said.
"Yes, yes, yes, yes, I neglected a few invitations!" Ritual "hurriedly made a gesture, please
Chapter six hundred and fifty-five Signing a contract (2)
In this way, Li Mi invited Wang Ming, Lenghui and Bath into the natural Eldar city, which is just to build a residence in the forest. However, the buildings here are very strange, just like when Wang Ming first came, Lenghui and Bath were very surprised and magical when they looked at the natural Eldar capital.
As Li Mi introduced Wang Ming and them to the moon shadow in the city, they followed. When Wang Ming saw them coming, he immediately introduced Lenghui and Bath.
Hearing Wang Ming’s introduction, I saw these exotic beauties Leng Hui and Buzz looked at each other for a moment, and I was a little in distress. Wang Ming’s ability is certainly good. It is not always passive to wait for death, but to have a chance to live. But Wang Ming seems to have gained a lot on this trip!
These exotic beauties have their own characteristics and are obviously very obedient to Wang Ming. It seems that Wang Ming is really enjoying the happiness of everyone!
In this way, after introducing Wang Ming’s wife, Li Mi took Wang Ming and them to the welcoming hall of many heads of families. It was natural that the Elves thought of a welcoming ceremony and it was also a reception. Since humans and aliens were very unfamiliar with each other for many years, they negotiated and signed a contract without being stiff. Businessmen were businessmen. After the representatives of natural Elves arrived, they were given a reception. Everyone introduced each other first, then sat down to have a drink and chat, so that they could have a familiar process with each other and then talk about signing the contract after they had a certain familiarity with each other.

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Jul 16, 2024
Guan Hong is even more happy to hear that his favorite pupil Jiang Feng is here.

Lin Yi added, "Xiong Zhan took 100,000 troops to solve the detailed plan of Lucheng Wai, Liu Ba and Jiang Feng to solve Fengxiang Wai. There is also a private message from Jiang Feng in this cloth."
Lin Yi took out the cloth and handed it to Guan Hong.
Guan Hong can’t wait to beat the cloth.
He first looked at Jiang Feng and Lu Ba’s arrangement and then at Jiang Feng’s private message to him.
GuanHongLian way "good good! Great! Jiang Feng is also a general. I am not mistaken about his plan. "
Guan Hong showed Lin Yi the plan again.
Of course, Jiang Feng’s private letter can’t be easily displayed.
After reading it, Lin Yi discussed plans with Guan Hong, such as cooperating with reinforcements to defeat the enemy.
After the plan is made, the sky is bright.
Guanhong cronies sent two baked potatoes and a piece of boiled horse meat as breakfast. Lin Yi let Guanhong feed himself. He had to go back and tell Zuo Chaoyang the good news.
Lin Yi returned to his residence and met Zuo Chaoyang and Zeng Tengyun who were about to go out.
Lin Yi, who has not returned yet, is very worried.
See Lin Yi back they finally rest assured.
Zuo Chaoyang hurriedly asked, "Is Miss Du Er really here?"
Lin Yi didn’t answer. He pulled them into the house.
After entering the room, Lin Yi took the door.
He looked at the two of them and whispered, "Du Youhen really came. Not only did Du Youhen come, but also the reinforcements arrived. Now I am 60 miles away from the army."
Chapter 17 The enemy’s fright (2)
Zeng Tengyun and Zuo Chaoyang were ecstatic when they heard the news.
Finally wait until reinforcements arrive.
Zuo Chaoyang was relieved and said, "It’s finally over."
Zeng Tengyun also said, "I’ve had enough of this day and I’ve stayed in this place. Haha, then we won’t do anything. I want to have a good life with my wife and children."
Just then the yard rang with Zeng Xiaotong’s voice.
"Fifteenth uncle, you haven’t hurt well yet. How can you work again? You are quick to go back to the house to rest and let me come. "
"Children, my injury doesn’t matter. Uncle Fifteen can’t sit still …" Uncle Fifteen sounded again.
These days, Uncle Fifteen is even more cautious and treading on thin ice. He is worried that Su Jiner will suddenly come back, and he is always ready to hide away at the slightest sign of trouble. Now the news of Su Jiner has passed in the past few days. Uncle Fifteen’s experience and experience speculate that Su Jiner was in an accident.
Maybe the person who saved her was an enemy or not, and she has been killed.
After all, Lin Yi killed many enemies.
I wonder how many people want to get back at Lin Yi.
The thought of fifteen uncle is more reassuring.
Since the heroes entered the city, Uncle Fifteen has not moved to collect information from all sides. How many sects are stationed in the city, where are the defenders in the city, and how much food can be maintained for a few days …
Uncle fifteen is going to send this information out.
This is helpful for the deployment of the Li Dynasty.
He had previously seen Lin Yi come back with a package, and Uncle Fifteen knew that Lin Yi had gone out all night before returning to Lin Yi, and then he pulled Zuo Zeng into the floor, and Uncle Fifteen concluded that something was going to happen.
Uncle 15 took a broom and pretended to sweep the courtyard and eavesdrop.
But there are three masters in the house, and Uncle Fifteen doesn’t dare to eavesdrop near the window for fear of being discovered and arousing their suspicion.
Although the fifteenth uncle repaired the height, Lin Yi’s voice pressure was too low when he said the key words. He didn’t hear Zuo Chaoyang and Zeng Tengyun clearly.
Lin Yi heard the conversation between the children outside and Uncle Fifteen frowning.
Uncle fifteen outside was uneasy.
Worried that three people in the house are suspicious
Uncle 15 secretly blames himself for being careless this time. Pay attention to eavesdropping. I didn’t find the child in the hospital. Fortunately, I didn’t eavesdrop close to the house.
In order not to arouse suspicion, Uncle Fifteen talked with the children and cleaned a place again.
Then he said to the child, "Everyone should get up at this time, Mandy. They should also get up and go to the kitchen to get busy. I went to the kitchen to help prepare breakfast for everyone. This food is running out, and I don’t know when these western dogs can return …"
Uncle fifteen sighed and went to the kitchen to help.
There are children in the courtyard at the moment when Lin Yi pulls the door.
He said to the child who was about to do something, "We’ll talk about big things and you’ll stay outside."
The child will stay outside.
Lin Yimen said to Zeng Zuoer again, "This matter is very important now, except that the three of us know not to tell anyone that I and the general officer have made a plan to cooperate with each other from inside …"
Lin Yi told them the plan in detail, and when and how to drink the antidote to the heroes, he also made a plan, so that the enemy spies could not be detected. If the Western Army was leaked, they would be on guard.
Zuo Chaoyang and Zeng Tengyun are even more excited after knowing the detailed plan.
If it goes well, we can completely defeat the enemy outside Fengxiang.
After the total of three people, Lin Yi asked Zeng Tengyun to secretly arrange for him to leave Zuo Chaoyang.
There are two brothers in the room. Lin Yi grabbed his younger brother’s left palm and said, "Look into my eyes and we will exert ourselves at the same time!"
So the two brothers made instant efforts at the same time.
The two brothers’ manpower is extraordinary, and their strength rushes to the palm of their hands. Their bodies are also shaken, and their robes are also like being blown and hunting. Lin Yi keeps on exerting his strength while staring at his younger brother’s eyes.
Zuo Chaoyang also continued to exert his strength to fight against it. With Zuo Chaoyang’s strength, his body was surging, and there was also a red mark in his eyes. This red mark was like a magic shape, like a demon that was banned by several times.
Zuo Chaoyang’s body is the "prison cell" and his eyes are the "prison cell" window. Now he has seen the magic shadow through the "window" and this "magic shadow" has peeped into the world through the "window"
This made Lin Yi feel frightened.
Although Zuo Chaoyang’s strength is not weak, but now Lin Yi’s skill has recovered to nine, Zuo Chaoyang is slowly unable to compete with Lin Yili. Lin Yili invaded Zuo Chaoyang’s palm and rushed to his arm.

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Jul 13, 2024
Chu Bole, of course, can’t give up such an excellent goal, and the other party is from a big family in darling daughter, which is even more challenging and difficult. So Chu Bole showed that Yanjing people didn’t know how to pursue big plans in those years.

The sensation of Yanjing’s pursuit of travel can be regarded as unknown.
Chu Bole is very willing to pay attention to kung fu when pursuing women, and he is willing to put himself in a position to take the initiative to do things that are not in line with his status. If ordinary women touch such a fierce offensive, it is estimated that it will not last long.
However, Wen Xin Qiao and Chu Bole were inseparable, and Wen Xin Qiao kept coming up with various problems to test him. Chu Bole tried every means to satisfy her wish. During that period, Yanjing City made a lot of big moves, which lasted for half a year. Chu Bole still failed to take Wen Xin Qiao.
It’s too long for Chu Bole. It’s not that he hasn’t thought about giving up. On the one hand, the cowhide has been blown out, and there is no reason to give up. On the other hand, he feels that Wen Xin Qiao should have been impressed by him. On the other hand, his tone of voice and expression have changed a lot, so he will persist-he will succeed.
Persistence is really a cruel thing to say. After all, not all persistence can be exchanged for success.
Three months later, Chu Bole finally realized that Wen Xinqiao was willing to promise himself. When they met in the school dormitory, Wen Xinqiao asked him to put a heart-shaped candle and sing a love song again.
Chu Bole felt that he was a shoo-in. It was the longest time he spent hunting, and he believed that he could have a different experience.
It snowed heavily in Yanjing that night, but the temperature plummeted, but it was full of romance. Chu Bole called on his friends to call all the students in the whole school. The small dormitory building was packed and everyone was waiting to see the next scene.
The ostentation and extravagance have been laid out, and then it’s time to perform. Candles are set, guitars are held, and Chubole sings love songs in the snow.
One or two songs. After the third love song, Wen Xin Qiao still had no building, which made Chu Bole feel that something was wrong. Not only did people have no building, but no one even showed his head in the dormitory window.
Chubole is about to burn out, and the expression in the heart-shaped candle is very ugly. He has a feeling that he has been let go of pigeons.
Finally, Chu Bole asked someone to go upstairs and finally learned the very tragic news. In the afternoon, Wen Xin skillfully took all the students in the dormitory out for dinner.
However, when everyone thought that things were coming to an end, Wen Xinqiao suddenly squeezed in from the crowd. Chu Bole felt a little hope in his heart. Before he left, he asked softly, "Will you be my girlfriend?"
"Not good!"
The words crisp and firm were spoken, and the scene was silent. Wen Xin Qiao looked cold and some sinister said, "I don’t want to fall in love with silly. Thank you for giving me a clear understanding of silly in the past nine months. I hope that I will never see it again."
Chu Bole, who was hit by a bolt from the blue, felt that everything had been turned upside down, which had a serious impact on his psychology. At that time, he became angry from embarrassment and was ready to teach Wen Xinqiao a lesson.
Unfortunately, the end result was that he was beaten to the ground with two panda eyes and a bruised face in the snow.
That night, things flowed out through different channels and finally evolved into many kinds, but the ending was the same. Chu Bole became a laughing stock that made people play silly.
After the event, Chu Bole also thought about all kinds of revenge methods. He tried everything except not calling a killer, but he far underestimated Wen Xin’s cleverness. In the end, he let people learn a lesson and suffer losses and injuries again and again.
From then on, Wen Xin Qiao Yanjing shines brilliantly. She is intelligent, meticulous, wise and sophisticated, just like a natural schemer.
The reason why Chu Bole turned over a new leaf was that he suffered too much damage here because of his literary ingenuity. In the end, he had to admit that he was no match for literary ingenuity in many aspects, such as calculation, psychology and strength.
For so many years, Chu Bole has a deep opinion about the literati, which is why he hates and fears Wen Xin Qiao Shi.
At this time, Wen Xin Qiao’s cold eyes looked at Chu meteor in the ward and said, "I have something to ask you. I’ll give you two minutes to think about it."
Chapter 5 Horrible Women
The three people in the large ward are staggered in sight. Although they are weak women, they are straight, which gives people a feeling like a pike full of blood, strong and overbearing.
Chu Bole knows such eyes and expressions too well. He has accumulated rich experience in years of struggle. For an old fox like Wen Xinqiao, it is hard to find her heart. If she finds it, she probably deliberately induces you to recognize it.
And when she is angry, she will exude a cold breath, as if she had no feelings, just like a metal machine, just like now.
This state of literary ingenuity is very scary, which is more terrible than concrete horror. Chu Bole can’t tell where he has seen it twice, but he suffered a lot on both occasions. Once he was in hospital for three months.
If Chu Bole doesn’t want to provoke her normally, anyway, there is no real conflict of interest. It’s just a matter of losing face. If you throw this thing at a woman, it’s not lost at all.
It is Wen Xin’s clever intention to target not him but the Chu family. I hope he can’t continue to give in in the future.
"Wen Xin Qiao, don’t go too far. What you want to do is so-called to me. I’m used to it for so many years, but you don’t. I’m really afraid that you haven’t investigated this matter clearly, but you can’t get away from your writer. Now get out of here and don’t think about doing anything to change the situation."
Wen Xinqiao put his eyes slightly on Chu Bole and asked calmly, "Are you finished?"
"So what? Do you still think you can’t do it here? "
"You are still as stupid as before. Over the years, what do you think-is there anything I dare not do? Don’t say how many followers you have brought is Yanjing. Do you have the ability to stop me? So if you’re done, get out of here. I don’t want anyone to listen when I ask questions. "
Chubole’s expression suddenly became gloomy, and he really hated it. This woman was like a god sent to torture him.
Wen Xin Qiao took a few steps forward, and the sound eased a little. "Don’t you worry that I am simply asking a few words. For you Chu men, I really look at it. I won’t play some dirty tricks like you. Please."
Chu meteor also said behind, "Uncle is fine. This is a hospital, and I’m still a patient. Miss Wen won’t do anything. Please help me buy some breakfast outside. Buy more!"
The situation has become like this. Chu Bole didn’t have the means to spend a few eyes here to stare at Wen Xin Qiao before he walked out of the ward and went to the door. He didn’t feel at ease and told him, "Be careful that this woman is in a wrong situation, and she will be absolutely overwhelmed."
Chu meteor wryly nodded, and soon the ward recovered calm. Wen Xin Qiao looked at him with cold eyes before his bed.
After a long time, Wen Xinqiao still has no meaning, but Chu Meteor’s heart is already a little nervous and restless. This silent atmosphere and a pair of emotional eyes are really scary.
"I heard-you pursue Xiaowen?" The first sentence of Wen Xin Qiao Kou turned out to be this.
Chu meteor suddenly froze and couldn’t understand this woman’s thinking logic, but he wasn’t the kind of person who dared to do it. He nodded, "Well, I am pursuing Wenke, and later she won’t marry."
Wen Xinqiao continued with a facial expression, "So you have deep feelings for Xiaowen?"
"Of course"
"I don’t want to interfere too much in your affairs, but I want to tell you that you may not have a chance."
"What do you mean?" Chu meteor horse worried and asked
Wen Xin skillfully moved slowly and took out a piece of paper full of wrinkles from his pocket and gently spread it out, saying, "This is Xiaowen’s diagnosis. Although there is no danger to his life, I have decided to take her back to Yanjing for treatment because of the serious injury, especially the brain. Now I want to know from you what happened yesterday. No one can bully my niece."
As he spoke, Wen Xin’s clever body and ShaQi became rich, and his eyes were slightly red with emotional fluctuations.
Chu meteor stood there and couldn’t believe Wen Xin Qiao Hua, but the diagnosis in front of him was clearly written. Those folds were precisely Wen Xin Qiao Li’s grasping and leaving traces, and then look at Wen Xin Qiao’s expression. Chu meteor really panicked.
He doesn’t know Wen Xin Qiao very well, but he has heard a lot from Chu Bole. He can feel that this woman is extremely rational and calm, and even if she encounters sad things, she won’t stop crying, but she will fight back her sadness and take revenge as she is now.
Did something really happen to Wen Ke?
Chu meteor remembered what happened last night. Although he saw Wenke like a god, he also saw Wenke injured, especially the last storm. He was in a coma, so Wenke’s center must have suffered a lot.
"No, not as bad as her. She will be fine," said Chu Meteor trembling.
"These have nothing to do with you. You need to tell me who hurt Wenke? Didn’t you say you liked her very much? In this case, tell me the murderer and I’ll help her get revenge, "Wen Xin Qiao said maliciously."
"How is it possible that Wenke has such a strong ability that even if she is injured, she won’t be like this. I don’t believe I’m going to see her."
Said Chu meteor struggled to get up and Wen Xin skillfully pushed him up to him, pinched his face and looked sharp and asked, "What did you say just now? Wenke, she has great ability? What ability? Make it clear. "
Chu meteor wants to resist, but he finds that this seemingly delicate woman has great power to make other people act.
"You lied to me, didn’t you?"
Wen Xin Qiao reveals a bit of sneer. "You are much more than Chu Bole Cong, but you are still quite stupid. Now, what do you mean by being clear about your powerful ability? What happened yesterday? Surely you should be very clear. "

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Jul 10, 2024
The body of the Chapter 196 Farewell to Orgrimmar!

The hot airflow blew General Nazgrim, who had just got up from the ground, out with an explosion shock wave.
Big as he went deep into the underground fortress, he was blown out and hit several somersaults.
You can imagine how terrible the attack power of big bombs is.
There was a massive collapse of the underground fortress. At the beginning of the construction of the fortress, such a terrible impact was not budgeted.
The Orcs defended the Alliance Demolition Office, but they never thought that the Alliance would throw a’ fake’ tactical nuclear bomb.
Nazgoring crashed through several walls and finally hit the rock stratum before being stopped. He crashed into the face in a big font and then fell into the gap of the five-story high rock stratum.
After Y’Shaarj’s strength was greatly strengthened, his body was not immortal or injured after all. He climbed up from the ground with his forehead covered with blood.
His horse noticed that the rock was spinning strangely, as if dancing in some ridiculous way. The shock wave generated by the explosion had stopped, although a fire broke out in the center of the explosion.
But the foot came, no less than the temperature of the explosion center.
No, it’s just that there was, but no
Garush * Hellscream finally found the strange smell of sulfur, which was no stranger to him. It was like being in a dragon’s nest and being stared at by an adult ancient dragon, which was so hot that it seemed to burn everything. The dragon’s lips echoed.
His fortress has been built since he became a great chief. He took a lot of hard work from all ethnic groups, and Magasa helped him to transfer these hard work in the name of the alliance.
The huge fortress is very, very deep, but this kind of 100-ton giant bomb can blow through and collapse the whole fortress.
Perhaps the floors closest to the ground have become a mess, but if the deepest underground palace is all right, Garrush is confident that this fortress will be strangled and all alliance invaders will drain every drop of their blood.
It happened that Galveston Rush felt two lines of sight at this time.
The sight from Duke Marcus, whom he dislikes most, seems to be that there are statues of Duke standing in the middle of the virtual temple. Duke handcuffed his father’s chain with one hand and looked at him with mocking eyes and a hateful smile at the corners of his mouth.
"Duke! Duke Marcus! I know. Look! Come if you have something to do! Come and kill me! "The members of the Cucalon Guard next to me looked at their boss with a little dumbfounded as if they were crazy for no reason.
In fact, recently, everyone feels that Garrush is a little nervous.
This time, the sound of their most powerful enemy came from different virtual reality.
"Kill you? I will! But I’m not interested in getting into a mouse hole and finding you so dirty. "Duke’s stereo sounded like a misty sound from a distant building in the morning fog, full of psychedelic colors but clear words.
"what! How dare you call my majestic enemy fortress a rat hole! ?” Brain-dead roar exploded.
Duke didn’t answer him, but mocked, "You know what? When a ship is sinking, it must be a mouse that runs out first … "
"hey! What do you mean! ? Answer me, asshole Duke! " Garrush’s angry roar got no response.
No, that’s not entirely correct.
Duke responded in another way.
The whole Ogrima trembled so much that the whole mountain range to which Ogrima attached trembled.
The increasingly terrible high temperature will scorch the bottom of the bunker.
"Ah ah! It’s hot! It’s hot! "
Drinking the Kalong Guard of the Black Heart Reservoir in Y’Shaarj does not mean that the epidemic elements are damaged, and the pain is not completely cut off. They are still creatures who will be injured, afraid of pain and die.
When the ground at the bottom of the local fortress was torn apart like a fragile biscuit by a sudden underground camp, Duke’s success finally showed his grandeur.
Bang! That’s lava with a temperature of nearly 12 degrees Celsius!
Absolutely abnormal fire element. The external flame temperature of the violent flame is impressively high.
"Ah ah! Not good! "
"If you don’t run, you will be burned to death!"
If it’s the case, maybe a few deserters will be killed on the spot to make an example. Unfortunately, in the face of this unreasonable high temperature, if you don’t want to become a roast pig, the only way is to escape.
Run towards the ground as Duke just mocked.
At this time, the brain-dead roar finally knew how Duke did it. No one would have the imagination to imagine that the element of body fire dominated Duke so generously.
Duke directly dug out a mass of lava from the flame at the southern foot of Mount Hyjal through Oro Si and pumped it through less than half of Aisara to Ogrima in one breath.
If Duke is a true god, maybe he can directly adjust the deepest lava of the planet’s core to destroy Orgrimmar just like the will of Azeroth.
It’s a pity that Duke can’t settle for a second flame to destroy Ogrima by magma.
Ran Ran rises in the roar of the earth, and there are no tribal members who died in the ruins of Ogrima for the first time. Like those fleeing snakes, insects, rats and ants, they are as embarrassed as trying to escape from this city that they wanted to defend with their lives a day ago.
They screamed and cried that they could not bear the sadness, pain and fear in their hearts.
The mortal strength is so small and fertile in the face of this extinction level natural disaster.
"bang! Bang! Hey! " A new red-hot mountain has replaced Ogrima, and it grows taller and taller, spraying lava and billowing black smoke in all directions.
Lava from the volcano destroyed everything along the way, whether it was a grand hall, a solid wall or a dead body.
After dropping the bomb, Naxxramas and the Dalaran Alliance Fleet have left Orgrimmar at a high speed. The nearest flying ship is three kilometers away from Naxxramas.
At this time, almost all the league leaders gathered in Naxxramas, not a projection, but a respect.
Everyone invited Duke to witness the destruction of the tribe.
Duke’s eyes seem to go beyond the present to the future, and his voice is full of a certain sense of sacredness, a certain sense of firmness.

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Jul 7, 2024
Wooden beauty got up and followed Tristan towards the door.

She seems to remember something and waved back to the rooster. "You can help if you have something to say."
The rooster followed.
The wooden beauty looked at Gu Qingshan again. "You just stay here and wait for this thing to end and we will go back together."
Gu Qingshan should way
Wooden beauty and Tristan walked out side by side.
The rooster rushed back at Gu Qingshan behind them and winked at him to signal that things had been solved perfectly.
Gu Qingshan can’t help but smile and give a thumbs-up to the rooster.
"Thank you, Master Chicken, for your great help this time. I will treat you to dinner later," he said.
The cock held his head high and showed satisfaction.
"That’s more like it. See you later." It tracks
The cock pushed the door and went out with two ladies.
Existing homes are left with Gu Qingshan and those noble ladies.
Chapter five hundred and nineteen Chill
Gu Qingshan and several noble ladies are left in the room.
Several aristocratic ladies secretly looked at Gu Qingshan.
This boy is really good-looking.
They secretly thought
Gu Qingshan looks good, and after years of wind, rain and blood, he exudes that kind of light. Cang Sang matures and his young face forms a wonderful conflict and unity
He looks unique.
More importantly, he was brought by the distinguished lady herself.
That lady seldom comes out to talk.
The aristocratic ladies winked at each other.
A noble girl with delicate makeup quietly turned her wrist to aim her slender finger at Gu Qingshan and waved it.
Emerald makes a subtle vibration.
A message came from the gem and quickly passed to the girl’s heart.
"This life body is less than 20 years old, and its strength is roughly estimated to be about 35 professional swordsmen."
Girl surprised slightly open my mouth.
Thirty-five is the standard for dividing strength in the world of girls’ homes.
This is a watershed.
This level of swordsmen can call the elemental elves to practice advanced elemental swordsmanship.
The girl looked at Gu Qingshan and gradually bred many ideas in her heart.
So young strength has reached level 35.
Such a character is a top genius even in her world.
And she was born in a world in the hegemony area.
It’s a stronger world than that.
-look at the universal standards of the spiritual world from another angle. It is rare to see such a young and canonized strong man.
Although Gu Qingshan was born in the star world, he never stopped practicing for a moment.
His talent is good.
It took him half a year to enter the world of practice in his previous life, and his starting point was lower than that of many people.
He has a harder road than anyone else.
And in this life, he is as strong as his peers in the world.
Although the girl doesn’t know this, a 35-level swordsman under the age of 20 in her heart is worth making friends with.
This person is qualified for her to deepen.
Besides, he’s good-looking
Thinking of this, the noble lady smiled and rushed to Gu Qingshan. "Hello, take the liberty to ask where are you from?"
"Oh, hello, I come from a distant star world," Gu Qingshan said in a friendly way.
The noble lady’s face became stiff with laughter.
She can’t answer the phone.
Xing world
That is the original symbol of barbarism.
That kind of place will always bear the fate of fleeting, and it has never accumulated a lot of weight and height.

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Jul 5, 2024
Liu Hong has woken up at this time, but obviously he was hurt by the entrance. His breath was weak and he leaned half against the bed. At this moment, he saw Zhang Rang, Zhong Zhao and Jian Shuo coming to his eyes and flashed a light saying, "I want to force you to get rid of this thief?"

A few people smell speech first one leng heart can’t help but flush the waves, although the day is very hated for the potential is more and more prosperous, but never thought that Liu Hong would give birth to such a strong flank.
A few people glances Zhang Rang gently cough a line near the way, "don’t hurt the dragon body when you calm down."
Liu Hong caught a glimpse of Zhang Jean and Zhong Zhao, and finally looked at Jian Shuo and said, "Jian Shuo, let’s see if you can get rid of joining a party."
If it’s just a word to enter a person, it’s just a matter of words. If Liu Hong wants to enter, he can’t go out of the palace.
However, Jin is not a person. Over the years, quite a number of people have gathered around him, but the leader of a party, even the fifth battalion of the North Army, the most elite of the big fellow, has mastered it. If you want to deal with it, once you can’t kill it, it will inevitably lead to unpredictable consequences. Liu Hong wants to get rid of a large number of civil and military officials who are not one person but the core.
Jian Shuo looked at Zhang Jean-Zhong Zhao, but the two of them bowed their heads and didn’t hear the dark scold in their hearts. At the same time, Jian Shuo’s mind turned and his mind moved towards Liu Hongdao. "It’s very important to return to the position, especially to gather a considerable number of documents in the DPRK. I must never make a move. I suggest that we take a long-term view …"
Liu Hong suddenly felt angry and almost fainted again, patting the bed and shouting, "Take a long-term view. Take a long-term view. His ambition to enter the wolf is exposed. I’m afraid it won’t be long before he will unite with the court to force me to make an album. You want me to take a long-term view!"
Duan Gui gritted his teeth. "If you don’t move into the palace, then I’ll wait for a hug and kill …"
Chapter one thousand and ten What a big blame!
A few people listened to Duan Gui’s words and looked at Duan Gui with silly eyes. Zhong Zhao took a white look at Duan Gui. "You are stupid when you enter. Are you afraid that we will lure him into the palace here and then the henchmen will lead a great army into the palace?"
Listening to Duan Gui and Zhang Rang, several people can’t come up with an idea to rely on the bed. Liu Hong looks pale and terrible with a wave. "You all leave me alone."
Several people looked at each other at tianyi ceremony.
A carriage galloped away to the capital and went straight to Xiyuan School.
In the camp of Xiyuan School, Chu Yi was in the middle of the camp, and the processing army saw a figure rushing into the camp. Chu Yi could guess the newcomers without looking up.
In addition to Jian Shuo, few people in this camp dare to break into his camp like this.
Put the brush in your hand, Chu Yi looked up at Jian Shuo and said, "Is it urgent for Brother Jian to come in such a hurry?"
Breathe a sigh of relief slightly Jian Shuo a butt sitting opposite ChuYi saw ChuYi way "general into positions challenged"
Chu Yiwen couldn’t help but take a surprised look at Jian Shuo and realize, "Is it that the general is attacking?"
Jian Shuo shook his head. "It’s not as bad as today’s entry into the palace. It’s said that if you don’t agree, you will unite with all the civil servants and officials in the DPRK one day."
Chu Yi showed some surprise. To tell the truth, Chu Yi was really surprised by the move. After all, if he was so decisive and courageous, he could not be beheaded by Zhang Rang in the future.
But this time, if you dare to threaten the sky as Jian Shuo said, you can say that things have changed without his knowledge.
Shi Chu-yi didn’t know it was because of him that he was so crazy, and even some desperate actions were finished.
If he didn’t mess around, Xiyuan School wouldn’t be able to master it completely, and it wouldn’t be so natural that it wouldn’t dare to make a move if it didn’t trust the adjustable army in Tianjing.
However, this time, Chu Yi took control of Xiyuan School, which means that it is not difficult to say that Liu Hong wants to do something with all the powerful help of ten thousand troops at the first command.
Liu Hong, a big fellow, holds the birthright of the great sense of honor. If there are more military forces, it is not difficult to start work against one party.
And Jin is worried about this and will take the lead in attacking the sky.
Looking at Chu Yi and Jian Shuo, a face of worry said, "Pursuit has now been bedridden with gas. If you don’t want to do it again, unless it is pursuit who turns against the general, even if it is really forced to argue with the emperor."
Tapping on the console table with one hand, Chu Yi’s mind suddenly flashed a fine mans eyes and stared at Jian Shuo. "Who is waiting beside you now?"
Jian Shuo listened to Chu Yi’s question and couldn’t help but shake his head. "I’ve been waiting for a temporary retreat. Now my side should be that several close yellow doors serve …"
With that, Jian Shuo seems to be white and somewhat horrified. He gets up and exclaims, "You … you’re not worried that he wants to kill the king!"
Chu Yi’s face is full of primly sinking. "It’s not that I’m worried about regicide, but that I’m worried about action. If we talk about organic conversation, he may not go for a shot. Don’t forget that pursuit is now terminally ill, even if it dies suddenly, even if it’s full of Chao Wenwu, there won’t be many people who doubt it …"
Jian Shuo is really loyal to Liu Hong. You Jia immediately strode out of the camp after hearing what Chu Yi said. "No, I have to go back to the palace. Nothing can happen!"

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Jul 2, 2024
God bless you. Hey hey smiled. "The way is to have something to exchange. Don’t look at me like that. I know that we are in the same boat, Phantom of the Opera. It’s not much better with my repair. The real requirement is very simple. In addition to treatment, let me take three liters of the blood of No.1 Taier agate snail."

"There’s no way to take extreme measures. Payne’s goalkeeper, the colorful snail department, will take me out for a walk." Lin momo said easily that he was going to fight for his life with the boatman.
Payne used to borrow from the Zerg for this command. It is not the first time that it is worth doing to be able to take advantage of the chaos.
Phantom of the Opera Jian Yan’s seesaw pursuit continued, colorful snails appeared, and suddenly a purple light lit up in the distance.
This purple light can tell the direction with incredible speed, and Lin momo still doesn’t know that it has caused a terrible disaster.
Volume 5 Morgan! Build inflammation, Chapter 21 Flower fireflies
"I wonder why you haven’t come after all this time?" Incarnate son waiting, if anyone knew that she said zerg, I’m afraid she would be frightened to disgrace.
Sasha was also surprised and wondered that "there is something wrong with the usual release of colorful snails and zerg, just like smelling the smell of a cat, but it has been half an hour without any movement."
"What do you think, Mr. Jun?" Lin momo turned to consult.
God bless you and thought for a while and replied, "I’d say there are three possibilities: the first one, the zerg near the channel is too barren and has already moved to the other side, and the second one, because the two ships are too fast, the zerg can’t catch up with the third one after perceiving the breath of the agate snails ………………………………………………………………………… If the third situation is big trouble "
"What about the third one?" Lin momo somberly guessed the general situation with his intelligence.
"The third situation is that this place is occupied by an unusually powerful zerg, and the zerg dare not come over. This is the last scene I want to see, and it is difficult to escape even if you rely on the insect net to defend yourself from an extremely strong attack."
God bless you, with a sad face, the galactic adventure zone is full of zerg, even in barren areas, which is likely to confirm his third guess
"Don’t guess, I have observed the zerg movement." The incarnate son spread out the screen and gently set up a distant image with his fingers.
"Oh, my God, is it a firefly?"
Jun Tianyou was shocked and immediately said, "Pay attention to the arrangement of insect nets now. This flower firefly is seventy-five powerful guys on the list of exotic insects. It’s very fast. By the way, send the agate snail back quickly to prepare for a severe impact!"
Incarnate son face also changed, immediately bring up the flower fireflies phase data.
The firefly is slender and soft, usually purple and decorated with red, yellow or orange. It is about five meters long and has a pair of fleshy filaments next to its mouthparts.
What is even more difficult is that the firefly has a long-range attack method, and a hard thorn can be emitted from its mouth. Don’t underestimate this attack method. I don’t know how many star cruises have died when humans set foot outside the world.
Speaking of this hard thorn, it is called "flower firefly thorn", which is not only amazing in penetration, but also powerful in fission, which can carbonize most substances in the universe in a short time.
"The ship sounded the alarm to inform everyone that the situation was very dangerous." Lin momo decisively issued an order.
The alarm was sharp and harsh, which shocked the old man who was playing chess, Yu Tianxing and Shang. The two men learned that the fireflies had come to shake their heads and smiled bitterly. "Since the Phantom of the Opera, there has been no quiet for a bunch of little guys."
At this time, the Jianyan also noticed that a large number of insects, flowers and fireflies had arrived. At least 100,000 Captain Morgan’s face was as heavy as water, but he calmly thought about the present situation.
"Captain, it seems that there are seventy-five flower fireflies on the list of strange insects," Wuchuan said uneasily.
"Nonsense nature is captain flower hotaru eyes not blind how good carry to such a powerful zerg spoiler? Is it so difficult to catch the Phantom of the Opera? " Captain Jian Yan’s face became more ferocious.
Before Phantom of the Opera and Jianyan took action, the flower fireflies floated to the crowd faster, and the purple worms were split into two parts to cover up the two ships.
"A net for catching insects is faster". The scene of Lin momo sitting firmly on the deck in the middle clearly shows.
Monica’s crew came out to help Jun Tianyou guide the erection of a fine spider web, which looks very slim, if not heavy, or made of silk.
God bless you, and you carefully spread out the insect net. It’s strange that this net should fit the Phantom of the Opera’s energy shield closely, and it can’t be scanned.
Charming son exclaimed, "Hey, what is the insect net made of? The number of hull defenses has doubled and the evolutionary value has increased slightly. "
"well! It’s amazing that the material will ask God bless you face to face in the specific situation. "Lin momo is somewhat at ease. God bless you didn’t talk big. It seems that the insect net does have a miraculous effect
Jian Yan and Phantom of the Opera suffered the same thing. Although the two ships are separated by a distance of 100 seconds, it is difficult to prevent the two insect clouds from merging. After more than ten seconds, the purple insect clouds are intertwined and the fireflies are ready to enjoy a "delicious meal"
Connor’s deck roared rudely, "Fuck, Morgan is so close to us. It’s not worth the loss this time!"
The Jianyan has arrived near, and the two ships are like tornadoes and storm eyes, standing on both sides.
Morgan people obviously don’t want to start work at this time, and the enemy will hover outside. If we fight the Phantom of the Opera now, it will be a matter of minutes.
"Fortunately, these Morgan people are not arrogant enough to lose their minds. It depends on who insists on it longer." Lin momo nodded and then made a ring to the incarnate son. At the same time, they merged into the master control room to manipulate the magnetic field.
Sprinkle the light and crush the incarnate son very gently, and hug Lin momo behind his back. The two will overlap at this moment, and the stars are not only one person and one boat.
The firefly can’t tell which human ship has the agate snail, but it doesn’t matter if the star cruise ship tastes like a cake in front of them.
"Blare … blare …"
There was a long piercing sound on the spiritual level, and then the gathering force of the insect cloud tightened towards the central position
"I’m coming, I hope I can hold up." Jun God bless me and muttered a cold sweat in my hand.
A large number of sparks flashed outside the energy shield, and fireflies kept beating two star cruise ships with fleshy filaments beside their mouthpieces. In this way, they searched for the enemy’s weaknesses to test.
Jun God bless suddenly shouted, "Captain Lin can’t attack fireflies. He is good at uniting with others. Once they are provoked, it is difficult to quit the insect cloud."
"Well, thank you, Mr. Jun, for waking up." Lin momo echoed on the deck, and every crew member felt that the captain was around, but it was pointless to explore carefully
In order not to provoke the Zerg Harley to choose the silent battery area without firing a gun, Cui Hetang drove the Phantom of the Opera to deflect the hull a little bit and recede to the outside.
On the other hand, Morgan people want to make more publicity, and the number of guns is earth-shattering. The number of inflammation is really strong, but it is also afraid to stay in place and be motivated to kill outside the insect cloud.
"Don’t worry, let Morgan people help us attract the attention of the Zerg." Lin momo appeased Cui Hetang. Just now, the Phantom of the Opera collided with some anxiety and suddenly encountered layers of obstacles to the ranking of flower fireflies. Do you want to escape?
"Know the captain," Cui Hetang replied, forcing himself to calm down and thinking, "Isn’t it the top category in the list of strange insects? It is good to treat them as ordinary zerg, and never be in a state of disorder. "
Cui Hetang is a bit stubborn, but when it comes to doing things, it is very serious, especially when it comes to Lin momo’s command. It is as precise as a robot, otherwise Connor would not call him "Cui Mutou"
It is very difficult to be as accurate as a robot. Cui Hetang has a white hole sailing experience and has his own unique understanding of driving. Besides being stubborn, he is also very "show".
Phantom of the opera, perched precariously, squeezed out of the insect cloud, just in the opposite direction, and the progress was satisfactory.
In fact, the captains of both sides have tried to make the other side resist the disaster. The fireflies haven’t spit out their stings yet, and there will be no chance to escape at that time.
Fireflies like to play with their prey and make it tremble in the clouds. They will be very excited when they feel the mental ripples caused by fear.
"Hum cunning human" Captain Morgan stared at the screen and had a bad feeling in his heart.
Due to the first fire of Jianyan, the obstacle was times that of Phantom of the Opera. Although it rushed out a little farther than the other party, the purple insect cloud had a strong "bite" force and was turned back again and again. Unless the real knife was used to suppress the fireflies, it was possible to get through the risk by killing the insect cloud to a certain extent.
Of course, Morgan people will not join hands with human beings. Even if human beings gradually forget hostility, Morgan people are impressed. Hatred has lasted for more than 3,000 years and has grown into towering trees.
It’s impossible for Lin momo to hide the catalytic agent in Morgan’s human cells, just like Morgan people. There may be a conspiracy behind this. Even Morgan people own star cruises and are class B. It is conceivable that human culture is threatened. Although things are not up, Lin momo can still tell the enemy from me.
The purple insect cloud constantly reversed and abruptly pushed the two ships back. The "flogging" of thousands of insect shadows became more intense.
"It’s such a tricky list of 75 flowers and fireflies. I really don’t know how bad the Zerg will be if they are further ahead?" Lin momo face rain or shine, trying to think about how to go next.
"Uncle Captain, I have a way to bleed colorful snails as much as possible, and then lead the disaster to Jianyan." Incarnate son breathed like Lan Lin momo’s ear.
"Ha ha, how the Grinch stole Christmas is too dense. There is a phantom of the opera, and it’s more convenient to calculate each other when it’s gone. It’s more convenient to be extra careful not to get burned." Lin momo wanted to think and agreed to the charm’s trick
"Payne draws colorful snail blood, so Connor can help you find the small fish in the worm tower and confuse the Zerg induction." Lin momo’s eyes are cold. Since the Morgan people dare to provoke the Phantom of the Opera, let Jianyan fall.
Incarnate son and Lin momo, this combination, take up something to be the enemy. Sorrow is the Phantom of the Opera. Can it really succeed? At this time, it seems that a figure is set up in the cloud of insects …
Volume 5 Morgan! Build inflammation, Chapter 22 Insect girl

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Jul 1, 2024
"What should I do?" Pang Xun is very single. "We were once famous monks after all. Have we fallen so far?"

It’s impossible for the Huang brothers to blame them for their death, but it’s impossible for them to escape responsibility. Li Zhenqing turned pale at the thought of this magic fire burning punishment.
This magic fire burned us. I don’t know where Li Zhenqing learned magic and witchcraft. After the casting of magic, the Chinese monk gave birth to hope that he would be burned by magic fire all day and would not die for ninety-nine days.
Even if you are rescued by someone halfway, this magic fire will burn you, which means you can continue to live through life rather than death. Li Zhenqing always thinks highly of himself, and agrees with Pang Xun’s statement that "What can you do if you fight?"
"If you make a big deal out of it, it’s a dead end anyway," Pang Xun said simply. "Get Zhang Fengyuan and Liu Fu here. They accept the embellishment from others but don’t want to take a little responsibility. This is no problem at ordinary times, but not now."
"We must cover up the matter of returning Jianjing first," Li Zhenqing blurted out. "But how can we make a big deal if it can’t be covered for a few days?"
Pang Xun has figured it out that "this sword well thing can cover up for a few days. It must have something to do with Liu Qingyun. We must find more players and get the sword well back."
"Will this do?" Li Zhenqing hesitated for a moment. "There is a baby brother dzogchen over there."
"Fart really have a baby brother dzogchen you can live back? There must be some restrictions. Besides, we really want to start and we can find a lot of helpers. "
Pang Xun continued, "It’s not so convenient for them to go back to Bing. Let’s call dozens of Yuanying monks, just say that the little one has brought hundreds of millions of Lingshi goods and there are many beautiful Lingbao to destroy others."
Li Zhenqing thought of Xie Qiuyao’s earth-shattering power and had to fight for himself. "Is there any way for Jian to wait for a distracted monk to shoot Pang Laodi?"
Although he is already a monk in the later period of Yuan Ying, he is not as bold as Pang Xun and is bent on stability.
But Pang Xun thought differently. "What are you afraid of? It’s natural that even the Huang brothers have a good teacher in the later stage of Yuanying, not to mention others. "
He continued, "Let’s get the sword well back. It’s not just a matter of making amends by making meritorious deeds. If we take this Liuqingyun, you and I are definitely expected to be distracted."
His eyesight is extremely poisonous, and he can see that Liu Qingyun’s strength is between the middle and late stages of Yuan Ying, but his body is a treasure. It is natural to get Liu Qingyun’s treasure.
Even if someone asks about their crimes, Lingshi Road will be set up everywhere to ensure that there will be no future trouble. "And whether you or not, I will prepare the funeral for my grandchildren depends on their luck."
Li Zhenqing sighed, "This is a big crime of Yi Jiuzu."
Pang Xun, however, said that "a gentleman can cook five times without eating five times."
Chapter 337 luck
Liu Qingyun’s eyes are full of stars now, and Lin Yingzhen and Wu Yu butterfly are holding their shoulders and feet like kannika nimtragol who made a mistake, and they are serving Liu Qingyun in a small way.
Liu Qingyun can close his eyes. It’s the first time since he came to fix the truth that he has such a strong feeling that "you can suffer in a canoe."
Xiao canoe said with a light smile, "Master, I don’t know how many monks are eager for such a good fortune as you. Besides, isn’t it nice to have two Yuan Jian pets?"
It’s a good thing to have two more Yuan Jian pets, but before Liu Qingyun was exhausted and the whole waist could not be straightened up. He had to reiterate that "Lance didn’t go so far as you …"
And Lin Yingzhen and Wu Yu butterfly hands are more gentle. Who told them to make a mistake?
Just now, Xiao canoe has easily thought of a way to let them rise to Yuan baby. "It’s easy to find your master if you want to get promoted to Yuan baby …"
Although Liu Qingyun rose to the early stage of Yuanying, the realm was extremely unstable. You know, he jumped directly from the preconditions to the early stage of Yuanying, and it took hundreds of years for ordinary monks to repeat this process.
Now the spiritual power is constantly overflowing from Liu Qingyun’s body. Although Liu Qingyun is still advancing, everyone knows that it is a matter of time before he can consolidate his boundary increase and fall to the then period.
Xiao canoe way is LiuQingYun this overflow spirit force everywhere "wave is cheaper than the two of you can be promoted directly into yuan baby brother …"
How to absorb this amazing spiritual force from time to time from Liu Qingyun has to be close to the method of yin and yang. Xiao canoe added, "Since you are the master’s sword pet, it is natural to have a warm bed for your master. Let’s try it today."
Don’t look at her self-proclaimed Liu Qingyun’s sword pet, but a monk who has lived for thousands of years has never seen anything. Let Xie Qiuyao immediately lock Liu Qingyun’s overflowing spirit force.

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Jul 1, 2024
Of course, even if you can’t see each other’s true colors, Xu Ren can guess each other’s identity.

This guy’s spirit is so strong that his strength is certainly not worse than that of The Hunger Emperor.
In the ancient battlefield, the strength of The Hunger Emperor was almost the same. There were five strong men with six pairs of wings, namely, the ancient battlefield spirit of Terran, the ancient battlefield spirit of dwarves, the ancient battlefield spirit of fire king, the ancient battlefield spirit of demon king, and the ancient battlefield spirit of cyclops.
Five of these powerful ancient battlefield heroes have very rare features, which can be easily identified. There seems to be no feature left, but there is no feature, which means he is sure that his five are different. Therefore, Xu Ren concluded that this short guy in black is the center of the six strong men.
"You two can escape? But you can’t escape this time. "
The The Hunger emperor looked at Xu Ren and the little demon leopard Molin sullenly and wished to file Xu Ren and the little demon leopard Molin with ashes.
I don’t blame him for hating Xu Ren and the little demon leopard Molin so much. Before he was calculated by Xu Ren and the little demon leopard Molin, he was contaminated with powerful flames in many places. Those flames were eradicated by root method. Finally, this guy directly cut off all the places where he was contaminated with flames, which saved his life. He cut off his body and burned the flames, and the power loss was also very serious. Now his strength can barely reach 76% of the ancient battlefield spirits, which is already the bottom.
Well, his high-level external monty is not bad. He belongs to the external monty’s right-hand man, and that’s why the external monty let the ancient battlefield spirit of the same inferno come here to help him kill Xu Ren and the little demon leopard Molin.
"I thought you turned into a roast chicken. I didn’t expect you to be alive and kicking. It’s not right to say that roast chicken is more appropriate to roast bats."
Xu Ren looked at the ancient battlefield spirit of The Hunger Emperor and the ancient battlefield spirit of the demon emperor. Although the situation is very bad, you must not suffer.
"Just keep your mouth shut. I think you can keep your mouth shut."
The The Hunger emperor was so angry that he almost jumped up, but after all, he was also a strong man who was calm when he was in trouble.
Of course, even if you are calm, when you talk to the The Hunger Emperor, you will rush toward Xu Ren and the little demon leopard Molin.
Xu Ren felt in his heart that he could feel that the situation of eating The Hunger Emperor was not in its heyday, but even if it was not in its heyday, it was difficult for Xu Ren to avoid it.
Xu Rennai can once again wave the Xinghai sword in his hand, which eats the positive hard of The Hunger Emperor.
A loud noise earth-shattering Xu Ren body like a left arrow directly into the rear.
This blow eats the emperor The Hunger with hatred, and the attack power is particularly powerful.
Chapter one thousand two hundred and sixteen Virtual
The The Hunger Emperor swallowed a bitter blow, and the strength was very strong. Xu Ren’s figure was therefore shaken and flew backwards.
But this time, Xu Ren feels that the attack power that eats The Hunger Emperor doesn’t seem to be as strong as before. Although his insides are still swirling, they can still withstand it.
The Hunger Huang feels that this blow will definitely kill Xu Ren, and he is ready to shoot the small demon leopard Molin.
But I didn’t expect Xu Ren to adjust his body again at this time. Although his body is still retreating, it is not out of control
This side makes The Hunger Huang feel depressed. The same is true of his Xu Ren confrontation a few times ago. The other side has no counterattack, but it just can’t kill him.
Of course, the ghost of the ancient battlefield of The Hunger Wang was unwilling to let Xu Ren go so easily, so he planned to attack Xu Ren again.
"This little body is very strong. Leave it to me. You deal with that little demon."
Before The Hunger’s body moved, he heard the words of the ancient battlefield spirit wearing a black cloak around him
"That guy is tough."
Blood-eating demon king didn’t say much, although he was unwilling, because he didn’t want to provoke this demon emperor’s ancient battlefield spirit, but he didn’t forget to wake up the other side. After all, they are now indispensable.
"Don’t worry, I know."
The little man in a black cloak, the spirit of the ancient battlefield of the demon emperor, has launched an attack directly towards Xu Ren.
Xu Ren was flying backwards, but suddenly he felt dizzy, and then a childhood picture appeared in his mind. At that time, his breath was just broken and it was the most painful time
This is a memory that Xu Ren doesn’t want to recall, because at that time, except his parents, everyone seemed to be eating people.
In addition to those people’s eyes, Xu Ren felt uncomfortable, and there were many words of ridicule, belittling and bullying that made him feel very uncomfortable.
Come is the most painful time. If ordinary people experience it again, it will be difficult to produce demons. This is also the best means for the demons of the ancient battlefield. That is, when the demons breed, they confuse people into pain and finally become demons.
This is the origin of demons. Now, although the ancient battlefield spirit of demons has fallen into the ancient battlefield, his avatar is still preserved.
This time, he took a fancy to Xu Ren’s earth body and wanted to replace it. He only wanted to bewitch Xu Ren’s demons. However, when he merged with himself, he would not only become stronger in spirit but also have a body full of vitality.
It’s a pity that this time, the spirit of the demon emperor’s ancient battlefield was miscalculated because Xu Ren’s mind is far more determined than he thought.
Although Xu Ren didn’t touch after seeing those pictures, he didn’t directly breed demons as the demon emperor’s ancient battlefield spirit expected.
This result also surprised the heroes of the ancient battlefield of the demon emperor. He didn’t understand why a person could accept it so frankly after suffering so much. Knowing that people didn’t know the situation, they experienced the first pain, but their hearts were more depressed, but if they knew the situation again, the pain would produce all kinds of complicated emotions such as hatred, fear and hatred. These negative emotions are intertwined.
Xu Ren didn’t appear because of the demon emperor’s attack on the ancient battlefield. The demon emperor was naturally unwilling, so he increased his attack and wanted Xu Ren to breed demons
But this time, he saw a picture, that is, the magic statue, the demon ancestor, the fairy emperor and the human king besieged the fairy statue. In that picture, whether it was the fairy statue, the magic statue or the demon family, they all had strong spirit and powerful lethality. Even the spirit and lethality of the fairy emperor and the human king were far from the ancient battlefield spirit of the demon emperor.
This battle picture makes the spirit of the new inferno ancient battlefield so excited that even the aura of the spirit is going to riot.
However, this is not the end of the war. The demon ancestors lost their fighting power. Finally, the immortal emperor and the human king successfully attacked and killed the immortal statue. The immortal statue broke out with amazing resentment and instantly became a demon.
This should be a happy thing for the new inferno ancient battlefield hero, because Xu Ren finally appeared possessed.
It’s a pity that the demons are not devoured by the demons in the ancient battlefield. Not only are they devoured by the demons in the ancient battlefield, but they are also directly dragged into the sea of Xu Ren consciousness by the demons.
The demon emperor was terrified and tried his best to break free. Xu Ren’s demon has become a powerful spirit of the fairy statue. Where can a demon emperor bear it? You know, even the fairy statue could be seriously injured at the beginning
When Xu Ren’s demons devoured the spiritual will of the demons and emperors’ ancient battlefield, the little demon leopard Molin was also in crisis. Although the strength of the heroes in the ancient battlefield of The Hunger fell by 70% in its heyday, its lethality was still not underestimated.
Although the speed of the little demon leopard Molin is fast, it is still driven out by the spirits of the ancient battlefield of The Hunger Emperor.
In addition, the small demon leopard was also injured this time. Even the speed of the small demon leopard Molin could not escape all attacks after the heroic spirit of the ancient battlefield of The Hunger was specially targeted at him, so the small demon leopard Molin had to be forced to recklessly bite the heroic spirit of the ancient battlefield of The Hunger.
This time, Mo Lin, a small demon leopard, was also injured.
However, it’s not so good for the spirit who ate the ancient battlefield of The Hunger Emperor to feel bad at his state. When the little demon leopard Molin confronted him, Molin played tricks with him again. Every collision covered himself with black inflammation. When Strafe collided, those annihilation inflammations would always burst into him.
Although the number of annihilation phlogistic bodies that burst into the ancient battlefield of Emperor The Hunger is small, it is very difficult. A small amount of annihilation phlogistic bodies can also dissolve the annihilation phlogistic bodies of Emperor The Hunger, but it takes him a lot of strength to dissolve the annihilation phlogistic bodies. There are several big flames. He can scrape his body with a sword in his hand to eliminate future troubles.
Therefore, although the battle of The Hunger Emperor’s ancient battlefield was dominated by the wind, its loss was not small.
The little demon leopard Molin kept swallowing Dan medicine, that is, Xu Ren left him enough Dan medicine, otherwise it would be really not an easy thing to resist the attack of the ancient battlefield of The Hunger Emperor.
But anyway, the little demon leopard Molin has stabilized the situation for the time being, at least for a short time, there will be no life worries.
The situation here in Xu Ren is also very complicated. His demons have successfully swallowed up the spiritual will of the heroic spirit in the ancient battlefield of the demon emperor, but that heroic spirit Xu Ren did not move, but directly imprisoned it in the "black hole" of the flying sword of life.
Xu Ren’s reality is very painful. Although the demons swallowed up the spiritual will of the demons in the ancient battlefield, they competed with him for body control
If Xu Ren can’t suppress this demon, he will probably become a murderous demon, but it is also very difficult for Xu Ren to fight his own demon, because his demon comes from the immortal statue, and the starting point is too high, even the powerful demon emperor’s ancient battlefield spirit can’t bear it, and he has no confidence.
But Xu Ren didn’t have confidence, and there was nothing he could do. However, he didn’t suppress his demons, mainly because he felt that Xian Zun had suffered a lot in those years. Perhaps this demon was also proved by Xian Zong.
The demon looked at Xu Ren and wanted Xu Ren to fight for body control.
"I know you, and you should also know that I am you and you are me. If you die, I will die, I will die, and you will die, and when I break through the soaring territory, we may all die."
Xu Ren didn’t forcibly suppress demons. He had immortal memories. demons were something that most monks had to face.
Some people are as afraid of demons as tigers, thinking that there will be great dangers in the future practice, so they are worried and abandon their practice because of fear
But Xu Ren knew that the demons were just negative forces of his own identity.
No matter how positive a person’s thoughts are, there will be negative emotions. Those negative emotions accumulate more and more, and when they encounter some kind of stimulus, they will burst out as demons.

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