Jul 26, 2024
Of course, there are certain risks! In case there is a ghost, I may be in hot water again!

But if I don’t figure this out, I always feel like something is wrong!
People can’t be suffocated by one thing, can they?
Thinking of this, I replied to the monitor at the other end of the conversation, Oh, I know about this, and I will go now.
I just finished speaking and heard the other monitor say something. This time it was good … behave well … and let the professor down.
I gave a sneer and said to the monitor! Disappointed? Lost her sister’s hope.
After saying this, I dropped the words.
Then put on your shoes and walked towards the dormitory building.
As soon as I walked to the dormitory and left the dormitory area, I met the female ghost in red …
After seeing the ghost in red, my heart suddenly started! Because I have long forgotten about helping her find her daughter.
Should not …?
I suddenly feel that my life is in danger …
When I saw the ghost in front of me, I smiled at her awkwardly and said, you’re here.
At this time, a gust of wind blew and the hair of the woman in red was blown up instantly!
Inadvertently, I saw his blood-red eyes
Chapter 125 Professor
After seeing the red eyes of the female ghost, I still don’t feel trembling in my heart! After all, this is the first time I have seen a female ghost in red with blood-red eyes.
I saw a female ghost myself, and there was still no little girl around!
I guess I still haven’t found it.
I can’t find any topic at the moment.
I squinted at the female ghost and moved my lips inexplicably.
At this time, the female ghost said, I feel my daughter is around.
Hearing this, I looked up at the female ghost and said, this is a dormitory. How could it be here?
Wow, the female ghost said, I have sensed it nearly … but this kind of sensing is very weak and should be controlled by spells.
I feel a little ridiculous when I hear this.
But you can’t believe it! Real people also have this kind of induction
When the relatives around you encounter disasters, your heart will always swing for a while.
But the lab will be closed at nine o’clock. Now if I don’t get there quickly, I guess the professor will find fault with me again! Maybe there is something like this to threaten me.
Thought of here, I scolded me from my mouth, damn it!
However, I’m not too bold to resist her now.
I suddenly fell into a struggle and contradiction.
What should I do?
The ghost in red dress said to me, can you help me find my daughter?
Seriously, I’m afraid that’s what she said! But as expected, she actually said this sentence!
I frowned and showed a little embarrassed expression on my face!
I said to the ghost in red dress, I have something to do now!
After saying this, I told the female ghost in red about cleaning the classroom in the experimental building.
The female ghost gave me a look at her red eyes and gave me a scary look.
I am also a little embarrassed to see that the original pure face of the female ghost has become so horrible and evil for a while.
I told her not to get angry and told her that I would help her find her daughter.
After saying this sentence, I said to the female ghost, Yes, now is not the time.
Actually, I feel that there is nothing wrong with what I said! Now is really not the time, because the female ghost in red just said that she felt the breath of a child, but she didn’t say the specific location of the little female ghost.
Do you still want me to look next to the dormitory?
Besides, there is a unit in the dormitory building of our medical department, and each unit has so many rooms … I feel right when I think of it.
I said to the female ghost in red, since you said that your daughter’s breath is very weak, there is definitely no specific place. How can you find so many rooms? Island common soil technology
No sooner had I finished than the female ghost reached out and grabbed my neck! She said, do you believe I killed you?
I don’t know what I should say at the moment!
I laughed and said to the female ghost, if you feel that killing me can find your daughter, kill me, right?
I just finished talking. The female ghost in the red dress let go and squeezed my neck and hand.
I quickly took a step backwards, and then I moved my hand to my neck and Adam’s apple position! After covering my neck with my hand, I looked up at the ghost in red! I said to the ghost in red, that’s right. Why do you have to fight to the death if you have something to discuss?
The ghost in red said to me, I want my child.
After saying this, the female ghost in red dress really said that I felt a little heartache for her.
Who and who are not sad that a child is gone like this?
I told the ghost in red dress that I would help you find your child.
After saying this, I walked towards the experimental building.
However, the ghost in red turned my head and disappeared!
I don’t know who’s so idle that he caught a little female ghost to raise a ghost.
The thought of raising ghosts reminds me of the boy in red in Chongqing … Now it’s a good thing that a little girl in red was given a ghost.
When I got to the experimental building, I watched it for a while, and it wasn’t half past midnight.
I sighed at the door of the laboratory and walked towards the corridor on the first floor.
Of course, the lights in the laboratory corridor are different from those in the dormitory.’

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Jul 25, 2024
Zhang Xuansu said, "Li’s surname and ancestor are Li’s ancestors in Zhongshan, Hao Tao, and Ritchie’s ancestors need to pursue the name of Jia Di."

Ps, please ask for recommended votes in the middle of the night! to be continued
Chapter six hundred and four Luoyang began to reign
Zongzheng Temple holds skyclan’s relatives and is responsible for the royal family’s seal, the seal of the fifth-class first-class emperor, and the parents of the queen; Second-class emperors have made great contributions to the Empress Zhou, and after that, there are emperors and empresses who have made small contributions to the family, and they have been exposed to the family, and so on, all of which are under the jurisdiction of Zhengsi Temple.
In addition to being in charge of the clan seal of skyclan’s relatives, the Emperor Empress, Li Chongjiu also decided to let Zongzheng Temple manage Buddhism and Taoism.
The ministers don’t know why Li Chongjiu didn’t really believe in Buddhism, but after all, he became attached to Buddhism, the younger lay brother of Shaolin Temple, plus Yang, E Huang and Xiao Huanghou, both of whom believed in Buddhism, so Li Chongjiu was very generous to Buddhism.
Li Chongjiu once announced that people would not be prohibited from sending land to Buddhist temples, but he said that monks and peasants were generally taxed.
For Shaolin Temple, it was Li Chongjiu’s passion. At the beginning, if Shaolin Temple sheltered him, he had no hiding place. Without Jue Yuan, he couldn’t have a martial arts skill. Now Zhao Jun can attack Luoyang Shaolin Temple and attack Xuanyuan himself, which is a great contribution.
According to the tacit understanding reached by the former abbot of Shaolin Temple, Pu Sheng, Li Chongjiu honoured his promise to Pu Sheng and canonized the Shaolin Temple to protect the country.
In the 4th year of Tang Wude, the 17th year of Sui Daye, the 1st of May, the first year of Da Zhao’s innovation.
In front of the Ganyang Temple in Luoyang, the warriors of Ganyang Temple were armed with golden melons and covered with armor. The corridors of the two halls were filled with newly changed red officials. The official door of Zhao State was armed with a water board, and the officials looked awe-inspiring.
Imperial Road suddenly drummed and the five-color canopy Li Chongjiu wore a crimson gauze robe and walked slowly from the white jade stone steps Imperial Road. All the officials were bent down with water boards in their hands.
Surrounded by Yi Wei, Li Chongjiu climbed the jade steps and turned to the front of the temple, sitting in the dragon chair in the south, and then the officials turned to the north.
The ceremonial officer shouted from a distance, "Bow down!"
The official tools in the temple are a gift of kneeling and prostrating, and long live the mountain call at last
"Stand up!" Siliguan shouted
Then Wenyanbo took the steps and invited a letter from Li Chongjiu’s side to read aloud in front of civil and military officials.
"… the king who changed his surname was ordered to be cautious and easy to change his color at the beginning, pushing Tianyuan to follow the destiny of my cloth and clothes … taking the title of Zhao and reforming it …"
Wen Yanbo read that at this time, the officials’ facial expressions fluctuated, and Ji Chuan, Zhou Xu and Liu Yi looked at each other with wet eyes when they heard this moment. Wang Mahan, Chen Kegao, Chu Tanzong and others followed Li Chongjiu, a veteran in Huaihuang Town, Shaolin Temple, from 7,000 villages. These straightforward Han people actually wiped their eyes from time to time.
Zhou Zhou, the chief of the new Liaodong County, said to himself, "Is it a title to change the yuan and innovate? Does it mean to do something great for the ancients and the latecomers?"
"… chasing the ancestor Hao Tao Taiwu Emperor Li Qide’s grandfather Renxing Emperor Gaozu filial piety the other father Li Hutai …"
Li Huzheng rubbed Li Ying’s face on both sides of Ganyang Temple, but smiled lightly at this time. How old is the emperor? But seeing that Li Chongjiu’s power is becoming more and more respected, he has gone from being a mountain thief to reigning today.
What is more happy than this? After Li Chongjiu proclaimed himself emperor, it is more important that Li Chongjiu is filial to himself. It is enough for Li Hu to have this.
"… the first emperor of the Great Sui Dynasty pursued the honour of posthumous title Wu Emperor and the empress Xiao Chen Guo’s wife, Chen Jin, and sealed the county country’s wife …"
On both sides of the temple, two sisters, Xiao Huanghou and Chen Mi, quietly listened to Wen Yanbolang outside the temple.
Xiao Huanghou now has a faint smile on her face, and Mrs. Chen is worthless. It is Li Chongjiu who will chase Emperor Yang Guang and posthumous title after Wu, which makes her heart very gratified.
"First emperor day spirit you hear? This should be enough comfort, "Xiao Huanghou low track.
Chen Mi also caressed Xiao Huanghou Dao’s "sister" before his general thoughts.
Xiao Huanghou gently said, "Ai Jia thought that when the first emperor was enthroned in Xijing, Ai Jia was also accepting the worship of officials as E Huang is today. On that day, Gong Le played very well. Good people today can’t remember the name of Gong Le, but they can’t forget this scene for a generation."
Speaking of which, Xiao Huanghou got up and came to the window and looked at Ganyang Hall through the pane.
Aside, Chen Ai sighed, "Yes, in a blink of an eye, seventeen years have passed, and Zhu Yan is already white."
Temple several years old woman sighed with emotion.
At the moment, Yang E Huang is wearing the Empress Hua Li Chongjiu, and now she is a little nervous to turn to Li Chongjiu, but seeing him with a calm face, the bottom of my heart is a little bit safer.
"… Wu emperor female Yang Xianyuan calligraphy … but mother instrument day I conferring the Yang Queen handsome sixth house …"
Yang E Huang listened to every word in his ear and fought back to look at Li Chongjiu’s thoughts. His cheeks were already slightly dizzy.
It turns out that I miss your wife’s theory about whether you are an emperor or a pawn, and you are the emperor today. I have to put away my sexuality and take up the queen Yang E Huang and think quietly.
"… the other conferring the imperial concubine Li …"
Aside from the temple, Li Zhiwan frowned and made a face, but there were not many joys and sorrows. He clenched his hands and said to himself stupefied, "I once thought that when we met, we would win the number; But can I really stand everything today? "
Li Zhiwan bowed his head, but he saw that Yun-Wan’s face in the next room was full of undisguised joy, blooming like a flower. Yun-Wan in the back room of her mother should be a lady of the Xi nationality, and she was surrounded by Yun-Yun in all directions.
"… conferring room’s imperial concubine …"
The people who spoke aside were all non-success in the congratulations room. Non-success in the room smiled and smiled happily.
"… conferring the Su’s noble …"
Hearing this, Sue shook her body slightly, but the left and right ladies-in-waiting saw Sue Miao, but she was just a rare person. Even the wives were not looked down upon. Now people in Luoyang Palace either found their way to serve two imperial concubines or flattered the queen Xiao Huanghou Palace red man Yu Su seconds, but no one even really took a look.
Shi Su Miao’s maid-in-waiting swims in front of the garden and says, "Congratulations to the Empress and congratulate the Empress."
Su Miao’s face was bitter and smiled. "Look at this palace. The palace wall is deeply cut off. I can’t see my relatives again in this life."
You Bidao: "Empress will say so. Empress, you are still young and have a chance."
"opportunity? I’m afraid it doesn’t belong to me. "Sue miao shook her head.
"Empress" Su Miao looked at Youbi trance but didn’t speak.
"The long eagle sealed the king of Taiyuan County … the queen daughter sealed Princess Zhaohua … the adopted daughter sealed Princess Anping …"
Pingping Li Chongjiu’s side was smiling in public, and everyone was indifferent. This was not polite, but everyone knew that Pingping was born unable to speak and was deeply loved by Li Chongjiu, so no one tried to help her.
Order Zhouzhou looked flat and smiled slightly, but among all the officials, Zhao Xin speed skater looked flat at the bottom of his heart and said, "anping princess looks really good. If you marry a concubine, it’s a pity that she is dumb, but God will make her the queen’s first daughter as an equal. Obviously, she is very fond of her. If you marry her, my Zhao family will be as stable as Mount Tai from now on."
But Zhao Xin speed skater thought of being flat and felt a little pity that he was a young Junjie, and he was less than thirty years old. Does a county sheriff really want to be a xu from his father’s meaning?
"… sealing Dou Jiande Le Shou Wang hereditary waste for giving food field a hundred hectares of wife Cao Shi Xuanguo female Doushi county princess …"
Steps Zhang Xuansu, Su Dingfang, Cheng Mingzhen and other old ministers in Dou Jiande showed their relief when they heard this. The prince of Zhao really kept his promise, but it was just a blink of an eye to give him a hereditary replacement in Dou Jiande. In the future, people in Dou Jiande and Cao Shi will inherit his peerage, and Niang will get married sooner or later.
However, it is said that Zhao Guotian finally treated Dou Jiande well. Although he didn’t win the day, he didn’t lose his happiness in this life, so he could enjoy his old age in Huaihuang Town.
"… sealing Meng Haigong, the king of Yin, is hereditary and useless for giving food to Tian Baiqing’s wife, Mrs. Ma Zhengguo, who can shadow a county king in addition to a long attack on Jue …"
Meng Haigong’s wife Marseille flew to the side of Meng Yizheng Hall. Since she came to Luoyang, she was worried that Li Chongjiu would turn against anyone and put him under house arrest. But all this did not happen, especially after listening to the former Li Chongjiu’s contention for Dou Jiande in Hebei Province, they were even more at ease.
Li Chongjiu can even be lenient with Dou Jiande, and he Meng Haigong has always been courteous to Li Chongjiu, and he also killed the old general Fan of Liu Heita to show his loyalty, so Li Chongjiu will not be unkind to them. If you really want to hear the news that Meng Haigong was crowned king, Meng Haigong’s wife and three people are all overjoyed, but for the public, they would have clapped their hands and celebrated.
Meng Haigong’s almost dancing scene made them despise Wang Bo’s face, but he was born as a scholar when he rebelled. He had a destiny to take care of people, but he looked down on Meng Haigong from the bottom of his heart for being such an illiterate clown.
"….. Wang Bo Lin Zi Wang hereditary waste for giving food fields a hundred hectares of his wife, Mrs. Lu, in addition to a long attack on Jue, another county king can be shadowed …"
Chapter six hundred and five Give Jue raised
Everyone knows that Wang Bo, Meng Haigong, was originally a vassal, but Li Chong-jiu fell, so he was awarded the title of County Lord.
When I heard that, Wang Bo smiled and turned to look cool. He glanced at the three people with disdain. Looking at Wang Bo, he took out this arrogant gesture of honor and disgrace. Meng Haigong was so annoyed that Wang Bo came to this. What are you packing?
Meng Haigong snorted heavily in his nostrils and turned away.
"What happened to my husband?" Marseille feikou asked
Meng Hai is fair. "This thin king always remembers that I used to complain that this person was really narrow-minded."

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Jul 24, 2024
Alisabar can clearly feel the sharpness mixed with rough touch. The mouth is like slowly tearing her own flesh and blood. Her six arms and bones are abruptly chewed up, and the touch is also clearer from the resonance of the flesh and blood in her ear.

She screamed and struggled, only to find that she could resist and stare at the worm in despair and fear to tear out her intestines and swallow them section by section.
The body of the Chapter 173 Nail pulling ()
Alisabar wished that the first bite of the worm was his own head.
Unfortunately, not.
Insects eat from her six arms, fingers and toes in a very ghostly way, and eat her little by little with rhythm.
Until she left a head, she could still see the worm’s mouthparts full of blood and slurry, which would crush her face …
Then she’ revived’!
Shuang Yi once again appeared in front of the hungry swarm intact.
"Will you surrender?"
"vote! I surrender! " Demons are mostly psychopaths, and their desire to kill and destroy is one of the most striking characteristics of the Burning Legion demons.
Not many people know that the evil demon advertised by mortals is not as determined as expected.
After being eaten by an illusion for a dozen times, Alisabar collapsed.
She shouted surrender at the first moment.
"Good, you’re bent, but you’re not ready. You need a second lesson. This time it’s up to you, not me." Illusion Duke declared.
Then Alisabar was tortured by the visions of various demon bosses.
From Sargeras to Kilgardan, to Archimonde, to the legion, various demon races are famous bosses, such as Claudios, the leader of the Fear Lord.
Dead or not, it’s just taking turns.
From whip and wax triangle horse to various legions through soul torture and then to the unique torture of each legion leader
Those feelings are all real, because this is the tactile sensation obtained by Duke’s experiment from the captive demon body when he attacked Outland, among which Chivard, the captive from the Dark Temple, happened to be there.
The unified elves connect the demon nervous system from the demon neck and spine, and accurately receive the data of life and soul from all parts of the body.
Sorting and classifying, carefully evaluating the intensity and irritation, and finally reproducing the nerve signal representing the pain organism, the soul senses the illusion attack.
Then Duke also took Ereda’s double memories.
These two demons have done a lot of bad things in the past 25 thousand years, and they have been tortured by Kilgardan in the past 10 thousand years because of Du Mou’s ancient war.
When Duke copied their painful memories, Alisabar really felt that eggs were always torturing her.
Demons never scold or fight back, my dear. She is in great pain and has long forgotten that Duke cast illusions on her because the boss of the Burning Legion abused her in her memory.
Accumulation is hatred for the Burning Legion.
It is no exaggeration to say that this is Azeroth’s unique limited illusion. Duke can torture Alisabar in one million ways if he wants.
In this extreme terror of mind and body, the hate queen Alisabar has deteriorated.
In the prison, Ereda looked at Duke’s phantom and pressed her forehead. Lisa Barr first twitched like epilepsy, then her facial expression eased, and then she was extremely tense again. At the most exaggerated moment, the six-armed female demon was incontinent and bleeding from seven holes.
It’s a pity that Duke has a "shadow healing" leng, and shadow energy has repaired her body.
Duque did experiments to see if he could dominate a real virtual Lord in a more perfect way of mind control.
This is not the bad warlock’s way of forcibly dominating the devil’s spirit over his will, but more vicious brainwashing.
They dare not say anything for fear that Duke’s tactics will turn to them.
If it is simply brainwashing Duke, one second is enough, but there is a great chance that it will burn Alisabar’s brain and destroy her soul.
Soduk experimentally adjusted the output power of the unified phantom rhythmically.
Finally, ten minutes later
Alisabar’s whole body collapsed to the ground, which was quite indecent. Her face was dirty and the ground was covered with mud.
When she got up convulsively, Duke asked her, "Answer me, female demon, who do you hate most?"
The Chivard leader replied without thinking, "Kilgardan!"
That gnashing of teeth looks like Kilgardan turned her ten thousand times and killed her ten thousand times.
For a moment, she made a tingle.
Duke injected another illusion into her so that she could relive her own illusion from the third-person vision.
She felt her soul freeze for a moment because of absolute fear.
What’s terrible about the Big Three of Burning Legion is that they have the power to destroy a planet at will. I didn’t expect this native demigod to have a completely different power from the Big Three. It’s a special skill to really play with memory and torture the soul.

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Jul 23, 2024
Mo Jian Lu Jiangchuan’s sword collided with each other and made a loud noise. Then Mo Jian left his hind leg and rushed out of the encirclement with the anti-seismic force of Lu Jiangchuan’s blow

"It’s not so easy to catch me. I’ll see you later." Don’t ruin yourself and run away without looking back.
But at this time, Mo Yan felt that the figure in front of him flashed and Xu Ren had stopped him.
"You want to die!" Mo Zhen didn’t expect Xu Ren to be so difficult, but he managed to win a chance. Why would he give up so easily? So he waved his sword and launched a fierce attack on Xu Ren.
Chapter two hundred and ninety Several questions
The brothers of Xuanji Xianmen, who depend on themselves, won’t pester themselves any more. I didn’t expect Xu Ren to stop him.
This makes Mo Yan very angry and particularly anxious. He doesn’t want to continue to delay here. The longer it takes, the worse it will be for him.
Swish swish swish-
Don’t ruin his sword. This time, he no longer has the slightest reservation. He tried his best to launch waves of attacks on Xu Ren.
Xu Ren also brandished a sword to meet them. He also dared not despise Mo’s wounds.
Two people keep fighting with each other in two swords. You retreat, I enter, you enter and I retreat, and it’s hard to tell the difference for a while.
At the moment, whether it’s Xu Ren or Mo’s wounds, the in the mind is very anxious. Xu Ren fears those monsters summoned by Mo’s wounds, while Mo’s wounds don’t want to be played by both of them when there are too many waves here.
Xu Ren’s hind legs are more than ten feet away, so is Mo’s wounds.
"The ego knows that your strength is not bad, but if you spend so much time, you will lose both sides. It’s not difficult to stop." Don’t ruin your eye movements and sliver.
"Then you pick me up first. This wave of attacks" Xu Ren said, "Round the Xinghai sword in his hand and chop it down towards Mo’s wounds."
Mo Yan refused to show weakness and could not show weakness, so two people met in half of the attack.
This time, Xu Ren’s hind legs are farther away, but Mo Yan’s situation is even worse
Because he Xu Ren confrontation moment I don’t know from where a very cold directly into his body.
Which moment Mo Zhen Ji Ling shivered and his body couldn’t help falling back more than ten feet.
"What on earth did you do?" Don’t look dignified, but after carefully examining a body, he found that there was no hope.
"I didn’t do anything, but look at you shivering. Are you scared to pee your pants?" Xu Ren satisfiedly say with smile
"Looking for death!" Don’t ruin the hand bell gave a wave and then the original pounced on Li Ling and Zhang Yiyang. The monster beast directly turned around and jumped towards Xu Ren.
Xu Ren don’t the two monster beast continue to fight directly led the two monster beast from the coil.
Xu Ren led away two monster beasts, so Li Ling and Zhang Yiyang had no rivals in an instant, so two people attacked Mo Yan with swords.
Mo Yan’s eyes are red, and now his situation can be said to be a narrow escape. If he doesn’t get away and escape, I’m afraid this life will be ruined in this mysterious land of Xuanji.
However, Mo Yan wants to get out as soon as possible, but Li Ling and Zhang Yiyang don’t allow two people to carry them out. None of them can stand Mo Yan, but two people at the same time have no chance of winning.
Seeing that it was really anxious to escape from Wang Mo’s wounds, he saw that a huge shadow of two bells suddenly appeared outside his eyes, and the two bells staggered and made great fluctuations.
For a moment, the earth shook, and the dust was everywhere in the distance.
"It’s the beast tide. This guy can actually control the beast tide." Li Ling is familiar with that kind of movement, because not long ago, she Xu Renhe just experienced some peaks and peaks.
The word beast tide not only made Li Ling feel heavy, but also shocked others.
It’s a pity that they didn’t want to turn around and run for their lives at once.
Xu Ren has been chasing his two monster beast to the direction of the beast tide and then eyeing a direction and ran away without looking back.
Xu Ren is still concerned about the ferocity of the beast tide, but he is also full of curiosity, both about the beast tide body and about the two bronze bells in Mo’s hands.
Relying on two bells to drive a monster beast, even several monster beasts, can be understood by Xu Ren, but at the same time, driving so many monster beasts and causing the beast tide, Xu Ren still feels incredible, and even the celestial beast fairy gate in the wild dynasty may not be able to do it. If there is such a magical power in the celestial beast fairy gate, I am afraid there will be no three dynasties in the north, and there will be one celestial beast fairy gate left.
Of course, although Xu Ren was full of curiosity at the moment, he couldn’t go to Mo’s wounds and questioned them. Because of the outbreak of animal tide, Mo’s wounds had already disappeared.
In order to avoid the beast tide, Xu Ren ran far away, and he also saw a bloody picture, that is, Zhou Tianhai, a brother from Xuanji Xianmen, was swallowed up by the beast tide.
Xu Ren was shocked that Zhou Tianhai’s strength should not be submerged in the tide of beasts. Xu Ren felt that there must be another reason for this. Because of what the reason was, Xu Ren also couldn’t understand it, but it can be concluded that it must have disappeared.
Since it can be called beast tide, the number of monster beasts must be at least 10,000. At the same time, it is besieged by tens of thousands of monster beasts, let alone Long Bangdi, and even the three immortals can’t hold it.
Zhou Tianhai, the first in the Dragon List, is likely to have died in the tide of beasts.
It’s so-called for Xu Ren. Anyway, he doesn’t like this arrogant and jealous Longbangdi, but it’s a great loss for Xuanji Xianmen. Don’t say it’s Xuanji Longbangdi. Even Tianbangdi is the painstaking efforts of Xuanji School.
On the one hand, Xu Ren released his spirit, and on the other hand, he also wanted to see if he could find the culprit who triggered the second beast tide in the chaotic situation.
Xu Ren wants to find Mo’s wounds, not because of greed, but because this guy is so ruthless that he has provoked the tide of beasts and put everyone in crisis. Among those in crisis, there are Chen Xuanfeng and Li Ling who make him feel very good.
Xu Ren didn’t give up and really let him find some clues.
By this time, even if it is possible to find Mo Yan, Xu Ren is ready to try.
It’s hard work pays off. After many twists and turns, Xu Ren really found Mo’s wounds.
At this time, Mo’s wounds are gone. When he first saw the scenery, he wanted to move the tide of animals before, which also caused him a very serious injury.
"Xu Ren, it’s you again. You are really the ghost." After seeing Xu Ren again, Mo’s face became extremely ugly and soon changed from ugly to ferocious.
"Don’t be so excited. I don’t think you are hurt. I just don’t know if you can drive the monster beast now." Xu Ren smiled, but his eyes were full of sarcasm.
"Of course, I still have the means to drive the monster beast. Now that you come alone, the score is to die."
"I’m really afraid of smoking that, but I look at you horizontally and vertically like a semi-cripple. I don’t quite believe that you can still use the means to drive the monster beast, otherwise you can show me a show and let me take a closer look." Xu Ren is still smirked. Since he caught Mo Yi, he can’t let him go easily.
"Xu Ren, you will have Xuanji Xianmen, and I will fight for a larger foe. There are many treasures here that I want you to stop. I can give you all the treasures here." Although Mo Yan hates Xu Renke, he soon found out the status quo. It is not appropriate to show it at this time. Xu Ren said harshly.
"You’ve changed so fast that I can’t adapt. What treasures do you have?" Xu Ren also don’t try so hard, anyway, in front of the mo wounds look hurt not clear and that kind of injury is not like a fake.
"It’s all my collection over the years. I will give it to you if you promise not to be difficult for me." Mo Yi tried to keep a low profile. After all, the situation is against him.
"I’m afraid this is a bit difficult, and you know that you just churned out the beast tide and almost killed me, but my mind is small and I hold a grudge the most. If you just let it go, you always feel that I still suffer." Xu Ren didn’t listen to Zha mouth way.
"Then you must make me fight for a larger foe?" Don’t ruin sound became gloomy again.
"This fish must have died from the unbreakable network. The fish said that it doesn’t seem to count." Xu Ren already has plans for this mo Yan, and he will never let it go easily
"Are you too confident to really think that I will give in easily?" Don’t ruin his face rain or shine. He really doesn’t want to fight with Xu Ren.
"Self-confidence also needs strength. If you really want to save your life, you can answer me a few questions." Xu Ren said, taking a step forward slightly.
"What do you want to ask?" Don’t frown into a big pimple.
"Real is simple. Are you from the Wild Dynasty, the Beast Fairy Gate? Did Yunhai Xianmen arrange for you to go in and visit me? " Xu Ren asked rudely.

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Jul 22, 2024

Gu Anqi she bowed their heads and silently looked at the table copper said with a sigh
"This is the wind and fire family divination and the 37th divination in Zhouyi. It’s a divination …"
Xiao Lianshan and Yue Qianling were very sad when they heard that it was a hexagram. Yue Qianling asked carefully.
"What does this wind and fire family divination mean?"
"This divination is that different divinations overlap and leave the fire, and the wind and fire make the hot air rise into the wind, and the wind helps the fire to last forever." Gu Anqi explained.
"It’s endless … that’s not too bad?" Xiao Lianshan asked
"But what we ask is that there is no end to the aftermath, which means that what happened behind is doomed to be good." I sighed heavily and said with anxiety
Gu anqi nodded, pointing to the table copper figures and said
"Wind and fire family divination is also called looking at flowers in the mirror, saying that a flower looks wonderful in the mirror. It’s strange that you can’t get it. It’s strange to persuade you not to love the divination in the mirror."
"Looking at the flowers in the mirror … looking at the moon in the water, although I don’t know how to interpret divination, how do you feel that no matter what we do, it will be a game in the end?" The more you sigh, the more you sigh.
"This is indeed the case. The family members of this divination are also distorted, so there is a picture of looking at flowers in the mirror." Gu Anqi nodded and replied with certainty that "the so-called flower viewer in the mirror is a person who wants to take the lovely flowers in the mirror, but can’t get it."
I got up from my chair with a frown and took a few steps back to my room, mumbling thoughtfully.
"It’s really not smooth for the family members of Fenghuo to ask questions, especially after the funeral, but this divination is static, not a change of mind. You can’t interpret it from the divination image. How should this divination be interpreted?"
"I have little knowledge of divination and divination, most of which are taught by my predecessors. My father taught me at most that geomantic omen is involved in divination, so I can’t help much."
I thought of Lanqing, if only she could be here. I read the hexagrams that Gu Anqi just said carefully again. The flower watcher in the mirror is a person who wants to dress up and see the lovely flowers in the mirror.
Looking at flowers in the mirror is like looking at the moon in the water.
"What exactly is looking at flowers in the mirror?" I frowned and asked myself.
Xiao Lianshan saw me when I was sad, turned around and went back to my room, took a mirror out, took it over and over for a long time, and held the vase in the room together and put it in front of the mirror.
"This is looking at the flowers in the mirror. Angie said very thoroughly that it is invisible. If it is a question, it should mean that you can see the result but you can’t do anything."
I walked behind Xiao Lianshan and looked at the flowers in the mirror. Xiao Lianshan looked at me from the mirror. I still didn’t come up with any clue. I turned around and walked again. I just took a step and suddenly thought of something and took a step back.
I appeared in the mirror again, and then I walked again and again several times. They all looked at me blankly in the room.
I suddenly pushed Xiao Lianshan to sit in his position just now and wanted to mean to say.
"If you want to see flowers in the mirror, you have to look at them by the mirror, but the family divination is static, which means that things in the mirror are static, which just means that the moon in the water will not change. The only change is the viewer."
"Yes, that’s what Feng Huo’s family divination means. Is there any difference?" Gu Anqi puzzled to ask
"Of course not." I shook my head and pondered for a long time. I reached out and moved the flower in front of the mirror and turned to Gu Anqi and said, "I moved the flower in the mirror, but the flower in the mirror was not still. This is not consistent with the divination."
Gu Anqi listened to me and wanted to think and nodded slowly.
"Yes, I resigned from the explanation according to the hexagrams and didn’t notice the change of the hexagrams. According to what you said, it really seems that the hexagrams mean something else."
"How is it possible to move the flowers outside the mirror? Of course, the flowers inside will also move. It is never possible for the things inside the mirror to remain static." Xiao Lianshan said with certainty.
"That doesn’t necessarily …"
The sound is a long time without talking, and the more Qianling sounds, the more we all turn our heads, and the more Qianling bites her finger and thinks about something, and suddenly she is very happy to say
"I do know a way to keep the flowers outside the mirror from changing no matter how they move."
"What way?" I am eager to ask
Yue Qianling turned around and put the photos sent by the room manager on the table when we came back.
"photos, think about it. photos are the same as mirrors. You can see them but you can’t touch them. More importantly, things in photos are always static."
As soon as I heard my eyebrows, I immediately stretched out. Sure enough, everything was arranged by the room manager. When we came back, I just asked Gu Anqi to ask questions and say in the mirror that these photos should be the right ones
I quickly gave everyone some of the photos in my hand so that everyone could see if there was any special place. Most of the photos were landscapes. After we looked at them for a long time, Xiao Lianshan was disappointed and shook his head.
"So many photos, how can we know which one has a mystery?"
I estimate that not only Xiao Lianshan, but also Yue Qianling and Gu Anqi are thinking the same way as Xiao Lianshan. There are dozens of photos taken by Yue Qianling, most of which are different. If I infer that there is a mystery in these photos, even I don’t know how to find it out.
I looked through all the photos, and finally my eyes stopped looking different. Zhang Yue Qianling photographed almost all kinds of scenery. I have this picture of someone in my hand. I remember that she insisted on taking pictures of Xiao Lianshan and me.
When I came here, I unconsciously fell into an infighting with Wei Yongqiunuo when I met Gu Anqi. I never thought about taking photos as a souvenir. Xiao Lianshan and I were both absent-minded
Suddenly my eyes lit up and I held up the photo in my hand and said
"Looking at flowers in the mirror means that people are dressing up in the mirror … there are people in the mirror. This is the meaning of looking at flowers in the mirror, and there is someone in this photo. If there is a mystery, it should be hidden in this photo."
Xiao lianshan a listen to also makes sense hurriedly took the photo in my hand to see the along while frowning and said
"What’s the mystery in this photo?"
Yue Qianling and Gu Anqi also looked at it for a long time, but they didn’t find the photo returned to me. In the photo, Xiao Lianshan and I stood side by side with huge stones and golden dumplings. Half of the sunset disappeared into the distant mountains, and a child was caught playing beside us. On the other side, two middle-aged people were playing chess by the sea, and the chessboard was almost finished.

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Jul 21, 2024
But in the future, I won’t experience such a painful where will you go.

There are many steps in life, and many decisions, once put into practice, may seem to be wrong now, but they will become right in the future. Maybe they are right now, but they will become big mistakes in the future. It is often like a knife and a knife. Even if a person is proud of his life, he is likely to be frustrated. On the other hand, he has been frustrated many times, but when the opportunity comes, he will seize the metropolis and rise rapidly in Wan Li.
Shi Ping certainly won’t know about these upcoming events.
He is a man, not a god.
The rain is still fine.
There are thousands of ripples in the ground, and the ground is trying to expand the scope, trying to circle the whole water surface and rule itself, but it is calculated by others in the process of expansion, and it is also calculated by others.
Shi Ping hit the gate and walked out casually, looking relaxed and natural, just like usual. The cold rain hit him, and he didn’t feel any discomfort. It seemed to him that every string of rain beads was a little pearl.
At present, it is still a lonely and silent strip.
Like a white belt, the rain washes and pulls it into the vast distance.
Will someone wait on him in such cold weather?
Liu Tian saw his one eye next to him, and there was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, apparently mocking him for not seeing things.
Shi Ping unawares he smiles to say
"You don’t believe it? Ok! Watch my horse call them out. "
So he did "scream"
He likes facts to speak.
Liu Tian has never heard this name before.
At the same time, it is unforgettable!
Because Shi Ping first "called" himself!
He slapped his back!
There is black light hovering and flashing in the palm!
It’s a knife
Liu Tian didn’t react because he felt the new chill seeping through his clothes, and the clothes were cool and attached to his back, and then he turned from cold to hot, and suddenly he felt relieved after the solution.
Then I felt the pain slowly.
It was not until Shi Ping put his left palm flat in front of him that Liu Tiancai knew that he had cut off a piece of his own meat with a pale face.
And he never looked at himself like that and didn’t want to explain his meaning at all.
Because the eyes gave him the answer.
That’s a piece of dark meat.
How can human flesh be black?
Blood spattered on the wound, and the clothes were soaked, but Liu Tian felt a chill coming out of his back and didn’t feel pain.
Shi Ping looked at the mysterious black meat in his hand, twitching on his own, and said faintly, "Who can give you this kind of chronic toxicity that can save your body and kill people?"
Liu Tian watched Shi Ping’s palm inhale deeply for a long time before he said decisively, "How did you know I was poisoned?"
As soon as Shi Ping basked in the sun, he suddenly clenched his fist! The group wrapped in poisonous meat was crushed to a pulp, and Shi Ping threw it casually. The vague flesh and blood flew out and fell into the puddle of the long street. A black liquid slowly seeped out with the water flowing. At this time, Shi Ping looked at Liu Tiandao. "When I saw you, I found that Ge’s pupil was narrowed and the skin had tiny blood vessel rupture and bruises. The most important thing is that your hand often twitched involuntarily even when it was still. This is the sign of this strong biochemical toxicity!"
Speaking of which, Shi Ping smiled faintly.
"I can tell this kind of thing so accurately because I used to kill people with it."
As Shi Pinghua, there are three figures with mournful cries from the waterway in the middle of the street, and their faces are all festering, and the three people fight back and scratch their faces as if their hands and faces have a deep hatred!
Liu Tian looked at the group after being thrown by Shi Ping, which had been soaked in the rain and turned white. The rotten meat looked at the roll-down pain call sign. After all, the three people didn’t say it with horror.
Shi Ping light way
"Isn’t the capital stronger? How to send some losers to make a fool of themselves? "
This sentence is not said by a field person.
As soon as this sentence is finished, two changes have taken place at the same time
One is to the three people face.
At the same time, they turned into dead faces. Shi Ping knew that these three people had ended their lives without looking at them, but they looked at Shi Ping with bitter eyes as if a spell had summoned him before they died.
Second, the rain suddenly became heavy, and four figures appeared slowly in the fog, as if the four men had forced the rain to come over.
Of these four people, Shi Ping knows two.
Von burton
But it wasn’t those two who spoke.
That kind of dull and strange sound is not made by them.
Shi Pingdi paid attention to the other two tall figures.
Strange shiny armor, tall and strong body, cold without any emotion, strange eyes, triangular mask, unlike human blunt language
Shi Ping took a long breath after seeing these two men. "If I didn’t guess wrong, you two are the warriors around King Mata who also have the royal surnames of Maka and Mam!"
Then paused and listless way
"I hope I guess wrong."
Of course, he hopes to guess wrong, because these two Atlanteans are among the best fighting skills in the family, and besides, they are eyeing Feng Bulton’s unfathomable strength. Even if Vamont were changed, turtle Sanshiro would have fled.
Of course, it’s one thing to want to escape, and it’s another thing not to escape. At this time, the distance is close. Shi Ping noticed that the armor of these two men was covered with a crack as fine as a spider web. This is a symbol of their battle-hardened land.
Feng Bulton’s eyes suddenly showed a vicious color when he took off a fluoroscopy instrument. He licked his lips like a poisonous snake and vomited a letter. "Wameng is the four of us who were beaten together. If two departments had not given their lives to save each other, they would have been buried in the capital Shi Ping. It is foolish of you to walk into a trap without taking your own person and four knives."
Then Maca of Atlantis also showed compassion in his eyes and looked at Shi Ping sincerely. "I really hope you guess the identity of the two of us wrong."
Then he also paused and said, "It’s a pity that you didn’t guess wrong."
Shi Ping stopped talking and kept hanging his head and looking at his feet. Because he was surprisingly pale and bowed his head at this time, it was hard to give people a strange feeling even if he smiled elegantly.
Rain is like hair.
It’s gray
But among the four people, the longest contact stone usually follows Shi Ping, and the four of them have formed a siege and have gradually gathered.
The longest time, Von Bulton suddenly felt that it was a rainy day, a dark rainy day, a gloomy rainy day!

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Jul 20, 2024
Henry Finn asked in a surprised heart "emperor! Are you really so effective? "

Zhang Yi is sure to nod. "It’s absolutely true that these drugs will protect the soldiers’ lives and treat them specially. As you know, now tens of thousands of soldiers in our country have become wounded. We need to develop this drug as soon as possible for face treatment! Our soldiers will be the first to make this batch of medicine people! "
Henrifen replied, "In that case, General Haojian promised you that you would make great efforts to develop this medicine, and you will certainly live up to your hopes for many lives and win Sino-German friendship!"
Zhang Yi put two pieces of paper in front of several people. "You remember the formula and the production process, but we are short of enough medical talents to rely on now. Please, you will give you great wealth returns when it is done!"
Several people took this prescription in their hands and watched it carefully. They were deeply attracted by it.
For a long time, Henrifen just marveled, "Where do you come from, General? If this medicine really comes out, how much impact will it have on the world? Measure your contribution to the world! General Jian, please allow a doctor to pay you the highest respect! "
Zhang yi laughed. "No need, Mr. Henriffen. This pair of drugs still needs us to do our best to develop them! Please, once the drug comes out, we will also go down in history as a drug developer! "
Henrifen and several others even said, "General Jian will never live up to your expectations. We will do our best to develop it in the shortest time!" Zhang Yi answered, "I hope you can finish the first batch of pharmaceutical research and development in two months, and then put it into the trial. If you know this drug well enough, some people will be uncomfortable and may be in danger, so you must carry out allergic reactions at that time, so that we can solve these problems in the experiment as soon as possible." Henri Fen smiled. "General Jian, you have given us the formula and production technology, and we have sufficient funds and technical support. Of course, it will take some time for us to complete the trial in two months.
Chapter four hundred and fifty-six Tip for help
Finally, Zhang Yi and these people reached an agreement, and these people carried out a definite division of labor to carry out medical experiments.
Zhang Yi took a long breath and looked at Xu Huaijin. "After Huai Jin Huai Jin visited the pharmaceutical factory, we can have another cash flow. Haha, we don’t dream of making Qiang Bing a rich country!"
It’s incredible for Xu Huaijin to see Zhang Yi’s brain. I don’t know how the instructor’s brain is so long that he even dabbles in medical problems. Look at the performance of those doctors. It’s absolutely impossible to achieve this effect with an ordinary prescription
When two people were communicating, Tsai Shou Kee, the director of the newspaper, ran in and called "General Jian, General Jiang".
Zhang Yi saw Tsai Shou Kee’s big heart and confessed that he was afraid of success by grasping the development of a tip. This oneself can have another sword.
Zhang yi hurriedly asked "Tsai Shou Kee? The wireless telegraph machine has been successfully developed. "
Tsai Shou Kee wiped a sweat on his forehead and smiled, "Congratulations to the general. Fortunately, after more than a year of development and finalization, our informant machine can finally be mass-produced. Haha"
Zhang Yixiao "Good. How is Brother Shao Ji’s performance for Huai Jin?"
Tsai Shou Kee first picked up the teapot and poured himself a cup of tea to drink. "Brother Jian Huai Jin, there are two types of telegraph machines developed by us this time. One short-distance telegraph machine can cover a distance of 200 miles, and the other long-distance telegraph machine can cover a distance of 3,000 miles. Now the performance of these two telegraph machines has stabilized. After hundreds of tests, we can absolutely guarantee the communication security.
Zhang Yi nodded and answered, "Well, if you give two directions, you can know that there is a machine in the west that can communicate over long distances with profitable lines. It is called to give students the technology of profitable lines to realize the communication in short distances. The machine can cover a distance of 20 to 30 miles, so it can be guaranteed." The long-distance transmission distance of the second-line telegraph is not enough. The distance is too close, which requires us to realize the overseas transmission point. But it is not difficult, but Marconi. Let our technical team hurry up and the developers must master this technology in a short time. This technical war is too great. "
Tsai Shou Kee nodded yes.
Zhang Yi answered, "How many units have we produced this short-range reporting machine?"? “
Tsai Shou Kee replied, "We have produced a total of 50 sets of this newspaper machine because we are not particularly satisfied with mass production."
Zhang Yixiao: "Hehe, if you do the right thing, we should immediately transport 20 sets to Heilongjiang and 10 sets to Jilin. In addition, we should equip two places with a group of informants so that we can quickly go to the special division. Zhang Yihu’s army must ensure that each division has three informants to send information quickly, which will be our most effective magic weapon in the war. We have a better grip on this war."
Two days later, 20 wire reporters were quickly transported to Harbin together with a group of wire technicians. Zhang Yihu saw that a group of wire reporters had been sent. Some people were puzzled and asked, "What’s the matter? What do you mean by sending a bunch of these junk?"
Come here and laugh. "Brother Tiger, I don’t understand this. We call it a tip machine. We can communicate in more than one hundred miles, and the instant journey will not exceed thirty minutes! We have mastered this technology, and we can imagine that in a war, we expect enemy planes to deploy strategically first, but when the enemy reacts, they can launch it first. What a Niu Yi artifact! If it can’t take Vladivostok, an instructor will definitely skin it alive. "
Zhang Yihu scratched his head and asked, "Are brothers really so evil?"
It’s like laughing and answering, "Can Brother Tiger try it?"
As soon as Zhang Yihu did it, he immediately asked people to carry a machine to report to the reporter and run forty miles on a fast horse. The test results showed that Zhang Yihu’s mouth was too happy to close. Mom, it was too fast.
Zhang Yihule: "Mom received the translation from the order here. It’s only ten minutes. It’s not too fast. I always wanted Shi Yun’s bloody BMW to get it, but I have been afraid to recruit it. But now I’m heartbroken. The machine message is sent and no one rides it. Hahahaha, it depends on how the old hairs die."
Zhang Yihu "According to the instructor’s arrangement, each division allocates three telegraphs for the commander-in-chief to keep two for standby, and then Cang Lang must accompany Cang Lang with two telegraphs."
I’m afraid a tiger brother can’t. Cang Lang comes and goes like the wind, and the reporters can keep up with us. Besides, they have worked hard to cultivate technical experts. It’s easy to have an accident in the battle, so that we and Cang Lang are afraid that one of them will die in a few days. Isn’t it enough for Cang Lang?
Zhang Yihu smell speech criticise "roll true mama stupid old won’t let Cang Lang learn? If you want to learn, why worry about it? It’s difficult to learn the most basic military terms for the time being. You must know that if the sending mothers can’t even learn, they will be driven out of Cang Lang and Cang Lang. Don’t be such a waste! "
Nothing is more than slapping your head and laughing, "I’m confused about asking this reporter to follow Cang Lang’s actions until before the war. It’s enough for Cang Lang to master the basics. It takes only a few people to meet." In this way, Zhang Yihu, the first division, the second division, the sixth division, the cavalry division and the artillery division, a brigade department, was equipped with a telegraph technician, and at least a telegraph operator was kept. The next day, Zhang Yihu made preparations and ordered four divisions and fifty thousand people to set off for Vladivostok.
Chapter four hundred and fifty-seven Roaring Nicholas II
Tsar Nicholas II of St. Petersburg mercilessly smashed an ancient and precious vase and roared, "Kuropatkin’s mother wasted hundreds of troops, so it ruined the Far East!" Waste waste! "
People in the hall are low-headed and silently venting their dissatisfaction and anger with Nicholas II. Kuropatkin is so capable that he was beaten out of the water by tens of thousands of yellow monkeys, but also his own strength is dominant. With Slavic national warriors, he is still not weak, and the Qing opponent’s empire is shameful! Look at the situation that Linevich only led less than 40,000 cavalry heavy weapons, and almost even called Beijing. Finally, he forced the Qing emperor to sign a city alliance with the queen mother, and Russia won great benefits. Compared with Kuropatkin, it was too powerful.
But what can I do? Now Kuropatkin is shrinking in Vladivostok, with less than 20,000 people shrinking in Vladivostok, for fear that the Qing army will call again. The Russian army in Datong County, Jiamusi is even more demoralized. The heart of the war is tightly surrounded by a division of the Qing army. Now, even if you want to replace Kuropatkin, you can’t move. Vladivostok is far away from St. Petersburg and Wan Li. Now it will take three or four years to complete the blockade of the land and trans-siberian railway will be opened to traffic. Now it is possible to rely on the Far East Corps itself.
"What should I do? What should we do now? "
Nicholas II roared.
Aside from Kuznetsov, the secretary of the army, you can’t blame Kuropatkin for this matter. After all, you have just experienced the Korean Qing-Japanese War a few years ago. Besides, we also have several new weapons. Mysterious Qing Cang Lang helped Kuropatkin to lead the defeated army to defend Vladivostok. It is already very good. When we are in a hurry, we must conquer the mountains and seas to share the military pressure of Kuropat Jinhai in the shortest time.
"Conquer mountains and seas?"
Nicholas II was angry. "Simple mountains and seas are the strongest in the Great Qing Dynasty, and it is easy to defend and difficult to attack. And now the defenders there can’t clear the army. The Chinese tiger and the elite soldiers will strengthen a whole division and troops. Even if the troops are killed in the mountains and seas by Linevich’s 30,000 cavalry heavy weapons, it will be difficult to take the impregnable mountains and seas!"
Kuznetsov replied, "It is true that general Linevich lacks heavy weapons to attack, but the Qing Dynasty has a large number of heavy artillery ammunition around Gyeonggi. Now the whole Qing Dynasty has been frightened by our Cossack cavalry. It is necessary to send a brigade to plunder several important cities and transport the heavy artillery department to the mountains and seas. It is possible to capture the mountains and seas in a short time."
After hearing this sentence, Nicholas II’s rage finally calmed down.
Nicholas II nodded. "Well, it’s reasonable for Kuznetsov to have a sufficient number of heavy artillery shells. The mountains and seas may still be very large. This makes it urgent for Shanhai Linevich to grab a sufficient number of heavy artillery infantry guns and storm the mountains and seas for a month. At the same time, it must be brought to Kuropat’s blonde newspaper. If Vladivostok is lost, it will destroy the whole family!"
Kuznetsov answered, "I’m afraid this is not enough. At least we can’t guarantee that Vladivostok will stick to it. After all, the main force of Heilongjiang Province has reached 70,000 people, and the Chinese tigers have excellent weapons. It is difficult for Kuropatkin to lead a defeated army to resist the attack of the Qing army for a long time. We need strength to step in and use strength to contain the energy of the Chinese tigers."
Nicholas II flashed off his shirt. "Kuznetsov Japanese?"
Kuznetsov replied, "At the beginning, the Japanese vowed that we would jointly attack the war, but we were timid and only attacked the Beiyang Navy, and then sent two divisions to attack Jilin, so that the Chinese tigers fought head-on. We had to make an urgent appointment with the Japanese ambassador to Russia to put enough pressure on the Japanese emperor to order them to attack Jilin immediately. Now, North Korea’s troops are not 70,000, and it is difficult to resist Fengtian, which is the root of Chinese tigers. 90% of its financial income comes from Fengtian, and the Chinese tigers will never sit idly by. So the siege of Vladivostok troops will definitely return to In this way, the Vladivostok encirclement can be completely resolved. "
Nicholas II nodded. "Well, today we will make an appointment with the Japanese minister, and we will summon him to submit the official country to the Japanese emperor, forcing us to send troops immediately. Mom, these Japanese monkeys are too cunning to steal food from behind and refuse to make any effort. If we don’t send troops, we will transfer a large number of troops to the Far East, including the Black Sea Fleet, for the whole day!"
Aside from Foreign Minister Livorsky, "we should also consider another possibility."
Nicholas II Kuznetsov turned his attention to the cunning foreign minister Nicholas II and asked, "What else does Livowski need to consider?"
Livorsky answered, "The Bikuzovs need to consider what they will do if General Linevich of the Qing army captures the mountains and seas or takes Vladivostok before Japan invades Jilin."
Nicholas II Kuznetsov looked at each other. People really thought about it, but they didn’t dare to think that Vladivostok’s strategic position was too important. However, once the fulcrum of strategic interests of the entire Far East of the Russian military, the most important strategic city except St. Petersburg and Moscow, was lost, it would be a great disaster for Russia! Nicholas II looked at Kuznetsov Kuznetsov and kept silent. Nicholas II said, "Livowski, what if Vladivostok really can’t be saved?"
Chapter four hundred and fifty Russian countermeasures
Livorsky replied, "We really started this war too hastily, and now trans-siberian railway has been completed, and we can quickly transport the western front troops to the Far East. If we want to transport by land and sea and sail, Wan Li can only reach the root. It will not be feasible in a short time, nor will it be possible to transport hundreds of thousands of troops in the past. Once Vladivostok falls, we will retreat to a way to go. Then-peace!"
Vladivostok was only a small fishing town 200 years ago, when the territory of the Great Qing Dynasty was located at the easternmost point of China map.
But in 1916, China, a British-French allied force, waged the second Opium War. Russia took advantage of the Qing government’s leisure time to seize the whole northern part of the Heilongjiang River Basin. At that time, Vladivostok was just a small city, but because of its excellent seaport and the small number of ice-free ports in Northeast Asia, the strategic value of the whole Northeast Asia is self-evident.
After Russia incorporated Vladivostok into its own map, it has been continuously built for decades, making it the most important military town in Russia’s entire Siberian region and the largest naval base of Russia’s Pacific Fleet.
The army and navy stationed in Vladivostok all the year round, together with more than 120 thousand people, have formed a strong strategic deterrent in Northeast Asia
Vladivostok appealed for the interests of Russia’s Far East at the end of 19th century and the beginning of 20th century. strategic reassurance was also the strategic fulcrum of Russia’s Far East.
Now Vladivostok is completely different, and the whole Vladivostok is in a panic. In the front line, the Russian army Heilongjiang was beaten out of the water by the Qing army and will die.
Nowadays, the Chinese tiger army is everywhere in Vladivostok to besiege Vladivostok. The most serious information is that the Chinese tiger has personally commanded more than 100,000 elite troops to arrive in Vladivostok in three or four days. By then, the whole Vladivostok will be shrouded in war. Don’t let the Vladivostok army protect Vladivostok without losing the Pacific fleet. The Pacific fleet will be rushed to the sea by the Qing army!
Vladivostok is in a panic, and the whole Russian army is in a panic. After all, over the years, our three foreign provinces have done too many bad things, and the crimes are simply inexhaustible! This will make the Chinese tiger occupy Vladivostok, where will we live? Kuropatkin, the governor-general of eastern Siberia, was half-lying, and the injury was still far from being recovered. Otherwise, Zhang Yihu was too far away at that time, fearing that he would have died of desperation. Even so, it is difficult to move now.
In the bedroom, the senior military generals of the Siberian region are now gathered here to discuss the countermeasures for the future Sino-Russian war
"Ahem …" Kuropatkin kept coughing. Zhang Yihu’s last shot hit the edge of the lung and made it difficult to breathe.
Kuropatkin: "You are now in a very obvious situation. Unless Cossack cavalry, commander of Linevich, can break through the mountains and seas, it is all wrong for us to lose the battle. The casualties of elite military forces in the Far East have exceeded two-thirds since the first world war. Together, there are less than 30,000 people and more than 10,000 people in Jiamusi Chase, a branch of the Chinese tiger army. Now the Vladivostok army has less than 20,000 people, and the serious shortage of military forces has been obtained. Heilongjiang information is now black. Zhang Yihu, the commander-in-chief of Longjiang, has assembled about four divisions and 50,000 troops in an attempt to besiege Vladivostok and take Vladivostok into his pocket. If Vladivostok, the only Haimen in the Far East of the Empire, is lost in this way, it will be a great blow to the future of the Empire. What should we do? "
A Russian general stood up. "The Governor’s Cabinet now has absolutely no way to cope with the land attack from the Qing army’s Chinese Republican team. Our navy can gallop with great ambition, but the root method gives effective support. Once the landing war can’t even exert a strengthening regiment, now we have the only choice. We will recall Jiamusi Datong army to defend Vladivostok, and at the same time, we will urgently ask the czars to dispatch troops to provide military assistance to us. Foreign forces will absolutely be able to cope with the attack of 50,000 to 60,000 troops!"
Kuropatkin sighed. "Has Tosvic heard from St. Petersburg now?"
Toswich replied, "The Governor’s cabinet expressed strong anger and dissatisfaction with our defeat at the front line, and ordered us to defeat the Heilongjiang army and occupy Heilongjiang. This gave us the minimum requirements, and at the same time urged General Linevich to speed up the attack on the mountains and seas, take the mountains and seas in the shortest time, and then take the train there and go straight out to realize the situation of attacking the north and south. We must hold on for 40 days and wait for General Linevich to capture the mountains and seas!"
"Capture the mountains and seas?"
Kuropatkin gave a wry smile. Lushunkou, one of the best military fortresses in Qing Dynasty, said that it was unrealistic to take Shanhaigen in a short time just by relying on 30,000 cavalry and heavy weapons.
Let yourself stick to the dream of holding on to Vladivostok for forty days. At present, it is too difficult to hold on to Vladivostok for a month. Now, the elite troops of Chinese Tiger Zhang Yi are going to eat Vladivostok in one bite. Did you get it and give up Vladivostok like this? This can be our patron saint of Far East interests. Once we lose our control over Siberia, we will be passive!
Kuropatkin asked, "What did Toswich pay back?" Toswich "The Governor’s adult positions have also been deeply negotiated by the Japanese, urging the Japanese to send troops to Jilin or Mukden to resolve the huge military pressure that Vladivostok is facing at present." Kuropatkin’s eyes lit up, and it would be really saved if the Japanese were willing to send troops to himself!
Chapter four hundred and fifty-nine War to keep war looting
When Vladivostok was still in a panic, the Shanhai Cossack cavalry finally made a new move.
Linevich led Cossack cavalry to besiege the mountains and seas for more than half a month. Duan Yu, the sixth division, led the fifth division to fight against the permanent fortifications of the strong wall, which made it difficult for Linevich cavalry to cross the line!
At that time, Linevich suddenly received an urgent report from Nicholas II asking Linevich to attack Fengtian with mountains and seas for a month, no matter how much it costs!
Linevich was taken aback and how much he listened to the unfavorable war in Heilongjiang now. Kuropat Jin Far East Corps was beaten by Zhang Yi-hui’s elite and finally had to withdraw from China. Unexpectedly, the situation has deteriorated to such a serious extent that Zhang Yihu of Heilongjiang has led fifty thousand troops to Vladivostok, which means that Vladivostok has captured Baoding, and everything is equal to doing work! At that time, how many benefits we have got will be given by Zhang Yi, a Chinese tiger, and we will have to pay a higher price to go back!

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Jul 19, 2024
Yao Qingyu knew that Brother Wang Ming was not a particularly strict person and several sisters-in-law were reconciled, but when did Brother Wang Ming punish them?

No matter what Yao Qingyu thinks, she is puzzled. She also knows that this is not a good thing and dares not ask the jade bees. However, it still makes Yao Qingyu feel so miserable at night. The strange thing is that women are full of energy and rosy when they arrive during the day, and they can’t see what they suffered late.
Yao Qingyu is very curious about Wang Ming’s house. She really wants to know what Wang Ming does at night, but Wang Ming’s natural attribute ability is too strong. Whenever she gets too close, she can always let Wang Ming find it and get entangled in vines and throw it out. Yao Qingyu doesn’t know the secret of this house now.
"Well, not to say that find me in a hurry? What the hell is it? " Wang Ming looked at wait for a while and looked at his room. Yao Qingyu was a little guilty. Wang Ming found out several times that Yao Qingyu came to listen to the wall in the middle of the night. He didn’t know whether Yao Qingyu understood the boudoir, but he couldn’t explain it to Yao Qingyu and avoided talking about it.
"Yes, of course. Look at this letter, but it just arrived today!" Yao Qingyu was called back by Wang Ming and then handed a letter to Wang Ming.
Wang Ming is now familiar with foreign languages, and the letters he reads don’t need her help anymore. So Wang Ming immediately turned the envelope upside down to see who wrote to him.
"Yuehua!" Wang Ming saw that the envelope wax was specially designed for the goddess family and that the envelope had a big Chinese character. Wang Ming immediately turned white. This is Yue Hua who knew that he had returned here and specially wrote a letter to himself.
Wang Ming saw Yuehua’s familiar handwriting when he showed his letter. After all, most of Wang Ming’s literacy and writing were recognized by Yuehua Institute so easily.
Wang Ming read the letter carefully, finally read it, and immediately frowned as if something was difficult.
"What happened to brother Wang Ming? Did something happen? Do you want to share the rain for you? " Yao Qingyu looked at Wang Mingyao and knew that although Yao Qingyu and Wang Ming, the father soldiers of the Tiger Brothers, were related by blood, but now their feelings are more intimate than their brothers. If anyone dares to pick on Wang Ming, Yao Qingyu will certainly not stand idly by.
"ah! It’s not a big trouble. This letter is from your sister-in-law. She is relieved to know that I am all right, and she also knows that I have successfully completed my wish. Congratulations. I know your sister-in-law too well. This letter is scrawled and looks upset. Although she tries hard to integrate her feelings, she still seems unable to do it. Obviously, she is preoccupied. I’m afraid she has encountered some trouble in training according to the characteristics of Tyrannosaurus rex. "Wang Ming thought for a moment.
"oh! That’s right! Then I can’t help her! " Yao Qingyu can barely master her own strength. She really can’t help others, so she can resist it.
"All right, I know you’ve been bored recently. We don’t have anything like this here! I’ll take you to the surrounding area of Eternal Night City, and you’ll be distracted! " Wang Ming wanted to think and then said
There is really no Wang Ming here. It seems that there is some trouble in reading Yuehua’s handwriting. When Wang Ming thinks about it, he should simply help Yuehua himself. It should be no problem for the hunters to hand over and add dwarves later.
"good! Great! I’m in a panic! Then let’s hurry! " Yao Qingyu heard that Wang Ming was leaving here and immediately jumped happily.
Chapter six hundred and sixty-four Obstruction
"No, no, give it all to me. I never said that you have to cooperate with each other and have a tacit understanding. You can defeat enemies stronger than you. If you always fail to find a tacit understanding, then we can’t resist Tyrannosaurus rex, let alone Tyrannosaurus rex. Come again!" At the moment, Yuehua Square is watching thousands of attribute experts practice and cooperate with each other, but I don’t know how these attribute experts have been practicing together for so long, but there is no tacit understanding. Yuehua is a little shaken. Can they really cooperate with each other according to this practice? Yuet Wah’s vacillation made her more and more agitated, and her temper became irritable unconsciously when the whole person supervised these attribute masters, and she shouted at the attribute masters
"Slice! What! We are at least masters of attributes transferred by all ethnic groups. Although we are nominally under her command, these five jade country bitches are too serious about themselves, aren’t they? " Yuet Wah’s bad temper caused a chain reaction. Naturally, someone was secretly dissatisfied with her, but because of her status as a five-jade country and her extremely superior strength, these people also dared to complain in person.
"Hey, be small for a while and let her hear that you are thin and now all races are fighting together against Tyrannosaurus rex. It’s almost a joint effort. We’ll belong to this little bitch. Look at her temper. If you piss her off, she probably won’t have a good result." At this time, the person next to her lowered his voice.
"Hum! What can she do to me? If I am punished, I am willing to punish this little bitch and let her show off with the man! " Although the man didn’t dare to be big, he was still dissatisfied and quipped
"shh! Dude, this is even more difficult. But Wang Ming, the overseer, is now at the peak of all ethnic groups and the strength is also extremely high. I think you are not killing yourself for saying such a thing. "At this time, the people who just had to have them immediately scared out of a cold sweat and immediately warned.
"well! ! I know I’m just saying! " I just wanted to teach Yuet Hua a lesson by the bed. When I heard Wang Ming’s name, I immediately became unintelligent, and then I waved my hand to show that I was joking.
"What are you guys doing? Didn’t we say we’d stay with your partners? Why did you go to chat with your kin again? " At this time, the idea of people around Yuet Hua came to a few people who had just spoken and immediately warned
"I know, I know, we will go back!" Just now, although it was very lively, I really met the fairy clan, and these people were suddenly unintelligent. After all, they also knew that the fairy clan was fierce, which was just complaining and venting their grievances.
As the goddess warned that these people had all returned to their own positions for training, it happened again. The training in the martial arts field was messy and didn’t have much effect, which made Yuehua feel very headache.
Just as Yuet-yueh sat on the stage of martial arts and looked at the face, suddenly a pair of big hands touched Yuet-yueh’s sweet shoulder and then kneaded Yuet-yueh’s shoulder, and then a faint voice said, "How about Princess Yuet-yueh? Can you help me?" Can’t you get it in place? "
Just as the hand touched Yuet-wah, Yuet-wah’s eyebrows were about to explode at once, but when the hand was kneading, Yuet-wah immediately felt a familiar feeling and then heard that Yuet-wah missed the sound so much that he immediately turned to surprise and said, "Xianggong! Why are you here? Didn’t you supervise the construction of a defensive fortress ahead? "
Yue Hua never thought that Wang Ming appeared beside her at this time. Although things here are very important, Wang Ming’s problems there are equally important. Both sides of Yue Hua didn’t leave when they heard Wang Ming’s successful return, and wrote a letter to congratulate Wang Ming. It is also a matter of telling her thoughts. The letter is also somewhat absent-minded
"Ha ha! I, Princess Yuehua, have trouble being a "xianggong". How can I not come to share my worries? " Wang Ming smiled and laughed
"Ha ha! It’s very kind of you, Xianggong! " At this time, Yuehua jumped into Wang Ming’s arms regardless of so many attribute masters.
"yo! Sister Yuehua doesn’t want sisters if she has a "xianggong". We can’t see it at all in this eye? " Mei Niang came out at this time and quipped
"Yes! Yes! " Jade bee also nods aside
"You are all here!" Hearing Mei Niang’s sound, Yue Hua quickly came out of Wang Ming’s arms and saw that Wang Ming’s many wives, Jade Bee, Mei Niang, Moon Shadow and Yaqi, were all here, and there was a little girl beside them.
Looking at this little girl, Yuet Wah wondered, "Xianggong, this won’t be your new …" Yuet Wah looked at Wang Ming with strange eyes.
"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, let me introduce you to my sister Yao Qingyu and this is your sister-in-law!" Wang Ming knew it was not good at Yuet Wah’s eyes and explained quickly
"oh! Human sister "Yue Hua heard Wang Ming say that she suddenly realized.
"Sister-in-law Yuehua!" Yao Qingyu clever call together.
"hey! Come on, let it rain! Don’t build outside to sister-in-law site, you will be just like home. "Yuet Hua said with joy at the sight of Yao Qingyu being so clever.
Yao Qingyun had already inquired about Wang Ming’s many wives along the way, and she was the highest-ranking and oldest Yuet Hua. Even Wang Ming had to listen to Yuet Hua in a few minutes, so Yao Qingyun calmed down and left a good impression on Yuet Hua first.
"Ha ha! Come on, Yuehua, no, you took care of us. We’re not hanging out. Come on! What’s the trouble you have here that makes Princess Yuet always so upset that even writing a letter is so scrawled? "Wang Ming looked at Yao Qingyu and his wife around him and got along well. He immediately smiled and asked immediately.
"Hum! You have the heart to see that I am upset from my heart. Well, those are the sources of my upset. "Yuet Hua took a sweet look at Wang Ming. She was very heart-felt that Wang Ming could take care of her emotions, but she was really not happy when she came to her present problem."
"oh! You said it was training! Well, when I first came over, I saw that it really cooperated with the fine brushwork and there was no tacit understanding. It seems that the progress is really not great. "Wang Ming took one look along Yuehua’s hand and immediately nodded his head in white.
"Yeah! But these days, I’ve tried everything, but all ethnic groups don’t know what’s blocking how to cooperate. "Yuehua looked at it and still practiced the attribute master Naidao.
Chapter six hundred and sixty-five Solutions
"well! Maybe I know what’s going on? " Wang Ming looked at a face of sorrow yuet a slight laughed
"Really? Xianggong, you really know what’s going on. That’s great. It’s urgent now. Tell me how I can train them so that they can have a tacit understanding? " Yuet Hua immediately got excited when he heard it and asked in a winning streak
"Without training, there is no such situation. Even if you train a generation, they may not be able to cooperate with each other!" Wang Ming saw Yuehua’s eagerness for success and immediately shook his head.

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Jul 18, 2024
Maybe the potion was too cold. Du Zhenyu was so scared that he shivered and twitched.

As a result, the skin bug actually accelerated its crawling speed and got into Du Zhenyu pants.
Oh, that’s too bad this time. Scratched uncle and Zhou Xiaolong immediately sweated.
"What’s the matter? What’s the matter?" Du Zhenyu shouted and shivered.
"I said boss Du, you’d better close your eyes!" Scratch uncle faint ground to say
"Ah, what’s the matter? ? ?” Du Zhenyu was scared to death and struggled.
"Du boss you don’t be nervous don’t touch! ! !” Scratched his uncle said that, but he was very nervous. He had crushed all the forces in Du Zhenyu’s body. "It’s no use crying over spilt milk. You should take off his pants quickly!" ! !”
"Ah what want to take off pants? !”
Zhou Xiaolong pulled Du Zhenyu’s belt and pulled his pants. You can see that the red bug actually hid Du Zhenyu’s second egg.
At this time, Zhou Xiaolong no longer hesitated to shoot out a little red light from the sword and brush.
Hand disease Zhou Xiaolong raised his hand and grasped that little red light in his hand.
Xiao-long Zhou told uncle scratch to say, "Let’s get it done and bind up the wound for Boss Du!"! ! !”
Uncle scratch is an artist, but he is definitely not a good nurse
Although Du Zhenyu’s second egg was cut with a small mouth and didn’t shed much blood, the uncle’s disinfectant was scratched and poured all over the surface.
This disinfectant is high-concentration alcohol, which is definitely more exciting than essential balm. As a result, Du Zhenyu screamed and fainted.
Du Zhenyu is in a coma. It’s convenient to scratch uncle and wrap it up.
Zhou Xiaolong saw Uncle Scratch put a big roll of gauze and frowned and said, "Oh, I said Uncle Scratch, you’re exaggerating. Let’s castrate him when Boss Du wakes up later."
Chapter 17 Layer People’s Party
"Yes, yes, this gauze is a little too much for me." Scratched uncle said apologetically.
Then scratch uncle tore off some gauze, put some more Yunnan Baiyao, beautified it, and tied a beautiful bow on Du Zhenyu noodles.
After getting these things done, Du Zhenyu took a deep breath and woke up.
"How did the master catch the worm? ! ! !” Du Zhenyu asked very weakly.
"Uncle, you can rest assured that the worm is in my hand."
With that, Zhou Xiaolong picked up the disinfectant bottle, dumped all the residual liquid inside, and then pointed his palm at the bottle mouth as if he had thrown something in.
Scratching uncle’s eyelids just wiped Zhou Xiaolong’s saliva. He can see it, but Du Zhenyu still can’t see it.
Zhou Xiaolong also daubed some magical saliva on Du Zhenyu’s eyelids. Du Zhenyu saw that there was an oval thing with red light in the bottle and kept hitting the glass bottle wall.
It doesn’t look like a bug, just like a small red light. I can’t tell what it is, otherwise the doctor can’t check the medical equipment.
But what that hell is this if it’s not a parasite? !
What is that red light? Zhou Xiaolong decided to take it home and ask uncle Bai Mo, the unknown fat bird.
Du Zhenyu is not interested in that thing. Zhou Xiaolong wants to take it away. He immediately nodded and said, "Take it away! Take it away as soon as possible! ! !”
At this time, Xia Xue knocked at the door outside again because Xia Xue wondered what three men were doing in such a small room. !
Scratched uncle Du Zhenyu body rope solution after Zhou Xiaolong hit the door.
It’s not too early when it’s delayed for so long. Qian Duoduo children are already sleepy. Zhou Xiaolong and they are ready to leave the hotel.
Du Zhenyu sat on the bed and said to Zhou Xiaolong and Uncle Scratched, "Thank you very much, but I’m a little weak now, so I won’t send you two. When I get back to my glory, I must thank you two again in Du Zhenyu! ! !”
Du Zhenyu was injured in the face and couldn’t get up to send Zhou Xiaolong away. They took the ladder and went straight downstairs to go home.
When I got home, Zhou Xiaolong consulted with Uncle Fat Bird again.
Bai Mo said that it was really a trace of resentment. It was no big deal. It usually came from spiritual plants or animals.
Because everything in the world is spiritual, we can’t say that human beings are higher animals, so we can hurt and kill lower animals at will. If the damage is excessive, even lower animals will resist human beings.
It’s like a plague many years ago. Some people thought it was because they ate too many raccoons that they changed the virus.
Whether this is really the case is also controversial in the Xuanmen and medical circles.
In this way, three days later, Du Zhenyu called and said that he would like to invite Zhou Xiaolong and Uncle Scratch to come to his restaurant for dinner to express his gratitude.
But this day, I happened to scratch my uncle’s home. Zhou Xiaolong went alone and felt very chatting, so he called his two wonderful roommates Ouyang Lei and Qi Dongjiang to have a big meal together.
In an ultra-luxury bag at the Du Zhenyu Hotel.
Forty minutes later, Zhou Xiaolong, Ouyang Lei and Qi Dongjiang were all full, and the table was left with leftovers.
Zhou Xiaolong patted his belly and said to Du Zhenyu, "Uncle, your food here is really delicious. No wonder your business is so good?"
Du Zhenyu said politely, "Master Zhou, if you like it, come here for dinner every day!"
Ouyang Lei said excitedly, "If we really come to eat every day, won’t we eat your restaurant poor?"
Du Zhenyu said, "Where can Master Zhou come to honor my shop?"
Jidongjiang said, "Oh, I see. It turned out that Zhou Xiaolong was welcome. The two of us in suspension spring have no chance? !”
The three men talked and laughed for a while, and Du Zhenyu suddenly got serious and said, "By the way, Master Zhou has a party in my hotel this evening, and many people are also prominent people in Tianjin and Hainan. I want to invite Master Zhou to sit there, and maybe I can get you some business?"
Zhou Xiaolong came or didn’t want to go, but Ouyang Lei rolled his eyes and encouraged him to say, "Master, let’s go and sit down and find a job. Rich people are very generous!"
Qi Dongqiang also nodded. "It is also good for our development to have more contact with rich people in our line of work!"
Ouyang Lei and Qi Dongjiang, who have business opportunities, naturally won’t miss these two money-obsessed roommates. They have to pull Zhou Xiaolong over to have a look at the so-called gathering of people at different levels.
Immediately Du Zhenyu respectfully led Zhou Xiaolong and they took the ladder to the roof of the hotel.
This bag is the largest and most luxurious bag in the hotel. It is kept by Du Zhenyu privately all year round, and others can’t book it and don’t let it out.
The so-called high-end party in Du Zhenyu is actually that big bosses from all walks of life in shopping malls get together to have tea and chat. High-end tea parties are generally worth hundreds of millions of dollars and can’t enter this circle.
Party and chat bases are all about the future development and policy direction of major industries, which may determine tens of millions of billion-dollar business.
"Master Zhou, please come in"
Du Zhenyu personally will be guaranteed to play Zhou Xiaolong to meet in.
This bag is very spacious, with antique decoration, glass ceiling, high stars, luxurious Chinese style and Hunan embroidery screen. The bag is full of people.
Zhou Xiaolong and two roommates came in and all eyes were curious and swept towards the door.
These people all want to see if it is sacred to let Du Zhenyu meet them in person.
However, when they saw clearly Zhou Xiaolong’s dress and age, they were startled, and their eyes were full of incredible expressions.
You are kidding! Just three poor students? This is a high-end private place?
These people in the bag are suspected to be leaders in many industries. They stare at Ouyang Lei and Qi Dongjiang and immediately feel a little depressed, and their scalp is numb and they feel breathless.
Zhou Xiaolong is very calm as if he were a child.
"Ladies and gentlemen, this is one of my distinguished guests, Master Zhou," Du Zhenyu introduced grandly, and then said to Zhou Xiaolong, "Master Zhou, there are many people here, so I won’t introduce them one by one. Everyone will be familiar with it when you chat later."
The voice did not fall, and all kinds of sarcasm and ridicule rooms came one after another.
At once, Du Zhenyu felt a little embarrassed. He looked around and almost all the seats in his bag were full.
Du Zhenyu also embarrassed to let who get up first and give Zhou Xiaolong a seat.
Chapter 1 Salivary disease
At this time, Qi Dongjiang and Ouyang Lei came to a mahogany sofa with just two seats left.
Ouyang Lei waved to Zhou Xiaolong and said, "Master, let’s sit here!"
Said the ouyanglei a butt will sit suddenly mahogany sofa a cold voice ear rang.
"What’s the matter? !” Ouyang Lei froze. He looked up and asked.

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Jul 17, 2024
"This ….. I don’t think so. First of all, I want to say that although we humans are now in the East Side, there are some difficulties every year, but after all, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack with our backs against the East Side Mountains, and our number has not grown to the point where the East Side cannot bear it. This is our own condition and external! Now all the aliens have fixed sites. If we ask for land, they may agree against their will at this time, but there will be no problems in the future. Besides, the land outside can be connected to many aliens in Otawa. Once there is a problem, we are also caught between Scylla and Charybdis, and we will talk about the site as soon as we come, which makes those aliens feel that we are too greedy. I think it is better to let the aliens give us a better place than to appear in this discussion. "Wang Ming knows all human wishes, but Wang Ming shook his head and explained.

Wang Ming’s coming to the East City is now said to be the most suitable for human development, otherwise it will be difficult to have such friction with the alien life after going out, and the alien must be in the same breath. At that time, it will be more difficult for human beings to gain a foothold in the alien life.
"Wang Ming that we will give up this opportunity in vain? You know, although we can live in the East Side, our position is really embarrassing. "Bath is still unwilling to talk, but Lenghui obviously doesn’t mean to stop Bath from talking. It seems that they all want to expand the land in this discussion.
"Well ~ ~! Tell you what! I really don’t suggest that we move to other countries, but we can expand our natural Elves. As far as I know, our conflicts between humans and other countries have also made great efforts to maintain the barrier forest. It is precisely because they hold the barrier forest that our judgment on fierce beasts and tides has also compressed our life.
Why don’t we do this? Now that we have merged with the alien race, there is no need to protect the natural elves, so we can dismantle the barrier forest so that the height of the extreme east mountain can be overlooked for a long time, so that we can judge the fierce beast tide a lot earlier. Another thing is to let the natural elves give us an area in the extreme east, and then we can build several diversion castles, so that the fierce beast tide will greatly reduce its power and we will have more profitable land for the natural elves! They can also save a lot of human resources.
It’s easier to get along with the natural Eldar. If we are closer to them, there should still be no problem. How can you be satisfied with this? "Wang Ming looked at bath and others asked.
Wang Ming, it seems that the natural Elves are good, and they are all businessmen, and they are too slick to be deceived by human cunning, and they can further solve the problem of insufficient hands of the natural Elves, which can be said to be a win-win situation.
Chapter six hundred and fifty-three External contact
"I think this kind of thing is an opportunity for all ethnic groups, whether it’s aliens or the royal family. The constant war is just to be able to expand our own control of the land. But now, although we have the upper hand, if we repel the Tyrannosaurus family, it’s hard to guarantee that his race will not be ruined. Wang Ming’s proposal to expand the original foundation is the most stable for us." At this time, Mo Xueyi came out to support Wang Mingdao
After all, Mo Xueyi used to be a member of the royal family. Although she had never seen the human dynasty at that time, there was a land war, but every dynasty recorded it. Mo Xueyi still studied the history of their dynasty.
"Well ~ ~! Alas! You said it makes sense to be impatient and not eat hot tofu. Now our quantity still makes us unable to support too much land. Then it’s settled. Let the natural Eldar give us the land. "Bath thought for a while and exchanged a look with Lenghui, then Nai sighed.
"Well, since you all say so, it’s settled!" In this way, Lenghui wrote another way with pen and paper.
In this way, Wang Ming, Bath and other five hunting kings studied for a day, and finally figured out all the problems they are facing and the conditions they can make for a race. They also drew up a contract for the conditions of a race. Although Bath and Lenghui believe in Wang Ming, both sides must have some sense of ceremony. Lenghui and Bath hope to get all the chiefs of the race to sign the contract, and then they will fulfill their promise to send people out of the Far East Mountains to help the dwarves build castles.
When Shi Wang Ming came back, he had expected it. He immediately took the contract and human conditions out of the barrier forest and came to the natural Eldar place to let the natural Eldar send someone to deliver the message. At that moment, he was looking forward to Wang Ming’s information. When he got the information, he immediately worried about the heads of all ethnic groups.
The conditions for human beings are fully considered by Wang Ming and many hunting kings, and they are not unreasonable. When all ethnic chiefs read it, they felt that human beings were very sincere, and they immediately agreed to this contract.
However, if many heads of families sign, it’s too late to expect human leaders to come to the numerous heads of families to gather in the eternal night city with contracts, and then complete the signing and then go back. All heads of families can leave for the natural Elves, where they will sign contracts with human beings, so as to minimize the time for human beings to mobilize craftsmen. After all, the dwarves have already worked and are always looking forward to resources, while the Tyrannosaurus clan is not sure when they will come, but once they arrive, they will definitely not be thunderous. It is best to speed up now.
The ceremony was agreed by all the heads of families, which not only can speed up the pace, but also can make human beings feel the sincerity of the aliens. Moreover, some races want to give this face to Wang Ming and Wuyuguo, and they have agreed.
After being confirmed by everyone, Li Mi immediately handed a message to Wang Ming. Wang Ming returned to the extreme east side with this news. Now human beings are about to meet with the aliens for the first time. This news also spread rapidly in the extreme east side, and there is news that human beings are qualified for recognition.
The real East Side is also anxious that the Seven Kings have just fallen, but it doesn’t mean that there is no shortage of food for any problem. It’s still a crisis if the foreign people refuse this meeting. Now it’s all right and everyone is very happy. The East Side quickly comforted the people through this news that food will no longer be a problem in the future, and all the foreign people will block the forest and sign contracts with human beings.
"hey! I said Wang Ming, is this true? It’s all said outside that all our conditions have been agreed, and without any hesitation, they took the initiative to come outside our extreme east city and sign a conditional contract for us, which is quite respectful to us humans. Is this all true? I am a hunter. We have been trapped for so many years. Why don’t I think those aliens will respect us? " Wang Ming just finished solving things outside and came home to see her mother-in-law and Liang Er, who happened to catch Liang back at this moment. When Liang came to see Wang Ming for a while, he immediately asked the question in his heart.
Although civilians don’t know the truth, Liang hunters know that power is king. Aliens can trap human beings for so long. They can’t respect what human beings have. Liang is afraid that if this news is false, they will face a lot of possible problems.
"hey! I said that Wang Ming, who is in charge, has just entered the house. Why don’t you let him have a rest? Anyway, the aliens have agreed to our conditions. Isn’t it a good thing that our civilians won’t starve to death? " Hear beam question beam immediately dissatisfied complained.
"Do you know what rumors are sometimes lethal? Although the seven kings can’t, the pressure on the hunters will be even greater. Sure enough, the civilians are happy, so it is better to have no hope!" Liang shook his head for daughter-in-law chimed in dissatisfied way
"Okay, you know what to do! Ok, if you want to talk, you can talk! I’m going to cook for you. "Daughter-in-law Liang knows that men talk with men. She can put in two sentences appropriately, but it’s not right after a long time. She got up and ran to the kitchen.
"Uncle, you think it’s true that rumors will do harm to civilians and hunters, but most of the news coming out this time is true, so it’s not clear that they don’t really respect it, but it’s normal that they need our help now." Wang Ming poured Liang a cup of tea and smiled.
"oh! I wish all this was true! I said Wang Ming, this time, besides supporting them to build a defensive fortress, don’t we hunters take part in the defense? " Hearing Wang Ming’s exact answer, Liang finally nodded at ease, but the hunters announced that they would help the aliens build defensive fortresses, but did not realize whether they would also participate in the defense. Liang asked curiously
"Well ~ ~! I’m afraid it depends on the specific situation. At present, we have not promised the aliens to help them defend together, but I think once the defensive fortress is built and the aliens have already started to train and cooperate with the attack team, then I’m afraid we will defend the rear even if we participate.
But anyway, this war is very dangerous, so don’t take part in it. I will advise you to stay in the rear when the time comes. "Wang Ming thought for a moment and even thought about it.
Chapter six hundred and fifty-four Sign a contract
"This is not so good? How can I say that there are already some positions among the current hunters? I’m afraid it’s not good to leave me in the East Side for such an important thing? " Liang glanced at Wang Ming hesitate to say
To tell the truth, whether Liang Xin wants to go to the front of a foreign country, whether it is to contribute some strength to mankind or to see the world, these are rare opportunities, but his wife and children at home really need what he has to do, and it is really difficult to make up his mind at the moment.
"This have what good take charge of you listen to wang Ming! Our whole family is counting on you now. Not only we but also Meng Popo are waiting for you to take care of us. With you, Wang Ming and Qing Yu, we must be at ease ahead! " At this time, Liang’s daughter-in-law just came out of the kitchen with food. When she heard Liang’s words, she quickly said,
"But …" Liang seems to have some let go.
"Uncle, it’s nothing, but I’ve already discussed with the King of Bath and the King of Lenghui. Although it’s very important for hunters to go out to support the alien attack against the strong enemy, the extreme east side is our foundation, and it’s equally important here, and we must leave some people who can control the situation. You are the most suitable candidate because of your many years of experience in the extreme east side. This is also your contribution to mankind.
And according to the family, my aunt said to Meng’s mother-in-law, great aunt and big nephew, you should take good care of them, and we can handle affairs with peace of mind ahead. This is also uncle’s consideration for you. "Wang Ming saw Liang and some ideas immediately said.
"Well, since you said so, I’m not ignorant of the time, Wang Ming, or that sentence. I must be careful to have me at home. Don’t worry, I will keep a good East Side." Liang gritted his teeth and nodded his head, which is a determined way.
"Uncle, you can rest assured! I’ll be careful and I’m relieved to have you at home. I’ll accompany you for a drink while there’s nothing to do today. When we drink together again, it’s estimated that it’s time for us to return from a big victory. "Wang Ming was happy when he saw Liang’s decision.
In this way, Liang and Wang Ming chatted while drinking until very late. They both slept separately, and they all knew that this farewell was as run as the second spy, but this time Liang seemed to have more confidence in Wang Ming.
Time flies, but the aliens move very fast, too. Because of the unprecedented threat of Tyrannosaurus rex, the aliens let them hug each other and coordinate with each other to complete the defense against Tyrannosaurus rex as soon as possible, and this time they came to sign the contract, too
It would have taken a long time, and the foreign chiefs rushed to the natural Eldar territory as quickly as possible. This time, the natural Eldar was responsible for entertaining everyone and then undertaking the occasions and ceremonies for signing contracts between humans and the gens.
Although the natural Eldar is not as skilled in this industry as the eternal night city, the business of the natural Eldar is also exquisite for entertaining guests. Soon, the heads of the natural Eldar are arranged to live here and then give Wang Ming a message according to Wang Ming’s agreement.
When Wang Ming received the message, he immediately informed Bath, Lenghui and others, and then Lenghui and Bath confessed one and then three people quickly left the East Side to meet the aliens.
Why are the three of them without Yao Qingyu and Mo Xueyi? That’s because Mo Xueyi is a woman and a beautiful woman. If there is any provocation, it will inevitably destroy the signing of the contract plan. Yao Qingyu is too young and there is nothing too big, but both of them have the strength of hunting and fighting. Is it because of hidden strength or because of the overall consideration of the matter that it is most appropriate for Lenghui and Bass to contact with each other?
"Ha ha ha! Brother Wang Ming, this difference is just a few days. You really make me miss it! " As for Wang Ming, when they passed the barrier forest and came to the forest of the natural Elves, an elegant figure first appeared. Wang Ming, who could keep the forest outside early and wait for Wang Ming, was none other than Master Li Mi.
"hey! Very not easy to go home a trip to trivial things, after all, there are still many things to deal with, unlike you, the gentleman is always so leisure. "Wang Ming also laughed and then quipped.
"Ha ha, brother Wang Ming is not dealing with bad debts, is he?" Li "looked at Wang Ming badly laughed
"Go to go to Shaohu and say that I have so many debts," Wang Ming quickly denied.
"hey! You still don’t admit it! Look over there. If I didn’t have something to say to you, they would have come. "Li Mi and Wang Ming didn’t see Wang Ming poking fun at him, and he didn’t let Wang Mingdao go.
As far as Li Mi is concerned, the wives brought by Wang Ming are eagerly looking forward to it. Although they have seen Wang Ming recently, they are all in a hurry. When this meeting is completed, Wang Ming can take them back to the alien land again. Of course, they can’t wait, but they also know that Wang Ming is not coming to disturb but watching from the outside.
Wang Ming waved towards the moon and jade bees, Mei Niang and others, and then turned to Li Mi primly. "Okay, Li Mi’s brother is not joking now. Let me introduce you to him. This is our beam hunter representing Lenghui King and Bath King, and they are all human hunting kings who are equivalent to foreign decision masters." Wang Ming saw that the greeting had been played almost, and it would be bad to let Lenghui and Bath wait behind him. He immediately introduced it.
"Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, bird family." At the sight of Wang Ming, Li Mi introduced two human leaders to him. Li Mi was no longer a cynic, but a very formal and respectful way.
"Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. I’ve long heard from Wang Ming that Master Li Mi, the bird clan, has a good relationship with him. Today, I have a look at you two. We humans are also very happy to form a friendship with the bird clan." Lenghui smiled and then said politely.
"Yes! It’s true that my brother Wang Ming and I are predestined friends. If it were him, I would do my best. But this time, not only our god birds, but all the ethnic chiefs in this nearby area have come. Our purpose is to hope to live in peace after reaching a consensus with mankind. "Li Mi also quickly replied.
"Good ceremony" let’s not talk here advanced to say again, after all, also want to let the heads of the fathers and our human representatives are familiar with a good "Wang Ming looked at the two sides polite about just said.
"Yes, yes, yes, yes, I neglected a few invitations!" Ritual "hurriedly made a gesture, please
Chapter six hundred and fifty-five Signing a contract (2)
In this way, Li Mi invited Wang Ming, Lenghui and Bath into the natural Eldar city, which is just to build a residence in the forest. However, the buildings here are very strange, just like when Wang Ming first came, Lenghui and Bath were very surprised and magical when they looked at the natural Eldar capital.
As Li Mi introduced Wang Ming and them to the moon shadow in the city, they followed. When Wang Ming saw them coming, he immediately introduced Lenghui and Bath.
Hearing Wang Ming’s introduction, I saw these exotic beauties Leng Hui and Buzz looked at each other for a moment, and I was a little in distress. Wang Ming’s ability is certainly good. It is not always passive to wait for death, but to have a chance to live. But Wang Ming seems to have gained a lot on this trip!
These exotic beauties have their own characteristics and are obviously very obedient to Wang Ming. It seems that Wang Ming is really enjoying the happiness of everyone!
In this way, after introducing Wang Ming’s wife, Li Mi took Wang Ming and them to the welcoming hall of many heads of families. It was natural that the Elves thought of a welcoming ceremony and it was also a reception. Since humans and aliens were very unfamiliar with each other for many years, they negotiated and signed a contract without being stiff. Businessmen were businessmen. After the representatives of natural Elves arrived, they were given a reception. Everyone introduced each other first, then sat down to have a drink and chat, so that they could have a familiar process with each other and then talk about signing the contract after they had a certain familiarity with each other.

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